
How to record how many days of love time with a mobile note?

author:Peace and security

When in love, recording how many days you have been with each other is a way of respecting the relationship. If the other person knows that you count carefully every day together, it will be very moving. In fact, people have to do a lot of things in a day, if your relationship is stable and you have been together for a long time, you will forget about counting the days. So is there a software that can record how many days together to help you only record the number of days you are in love?

Of course, such software has, and a multi-functional sticky note installed on the mobile phone can help you automatically record the number of days in love! The sticky note I am talking about is a dedication sign, which is a commonly used note-me-not, memorandum, and reminder software in the workplace.

How to record how many days of love time with a mobile note?

Open the mobile phone cloud note, click + at the bottom, and add a new note. After making a simple text description in the main text part, click the small alarm clock in the lower left corner of the edit box to add a reminder time. This time is the time you spend together, if you are together on a day two years ago, set the reminder time to a certain day two years ago, and then save the content.

How to record how many days of love time with a mobile note?

Once the reminder is set, it's a timeout. At this time, we click on our avatar in turn> my > common settings> show the entry time> the remaining expiration time, you can make all timeout events show the timeout timeout. The longer you're in love, the longer the timeout period will be shown for the timeout event. In this way, you don't have to calculate how many days you have been together, and you want to know the number of days you have been in love, you can directly look at the mobile phone cloud sticky notes.

How to record how many days of love time with a mobile note?

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