
The "Hal Division Commander" killed 2 Japanese generals in 2 days and dared to shoot the Red Guards with guns

China's modern history is very chaotic for various reasons, the Communist Party, warlords, the Kuomintang and local forces fight each other to the death, and later the local forces were eliminated by the warlords, the three forces of the Kuomintang are the most powerful, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China cooperated to eliminate the Beiyang warlords who retained feudal ideas, leaving the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China to fight endlessly.

The "Hal Division Commander" killed 2 Japanese generals in 2 days and dared to shoot the Red Guards with guns

Today's introduction is Fan Shaozeng, an officer who was born as a warlord and was later recruited by the Kuomintang. The legend about him can be described as a complete variety and many versions, some people say that he has a large number of wives and concubines, and he is only good at fighting for pleasure; others say that he has a wide range of friends and is a friend of the gangster Du Yuesheng for many years. In fact, these rumors about him are boiling, but they can't confirm the accuracy, and Fan Shaozeng's life does not stop at his gossip and personal relationships.

The brightest and most glorious period of his life was his performance in the War of Resistance Against Japan. In many modern anti-war TV dramas, the protagonists are based on Fan Shaozeng as the prototype of historical figures, and the continuous killing of senior Japanese generals in two days made Fan Shaozeng a myth during that period and boosted the morale of the anti-war soldiers.

The "Hal Division Commander" killed 2 Japanese generals in 2 days and dared to shoot the Red Guards with guns

Fan Shaozeng was born in Sichuan and has been a naughty child who has caused headaches for parents since he was a child. The parents originally wanted to send their son to study and read and be a reader, but Fan Shaozeng was not a piece of reading material at all, in order not to read and even injured his grandfather away from home. Young and crazy, he resolutely joined the army and soon became a general with outstanding military achievements in the Beiyang warlords. However, the good times did not last long, after the fall of the Beiyang warlords, he was assigned to the Kuomintang Liu Xiang as a division commander, and Fan Shaozeng, who became an adult, still did not change his stubbornness, and was jokingly called "Hal Division Commander" by the whole army. He was not only good at fighting but also had a flexible mind, and was very favored by superiors, and soon after coming to Liu Xiang's hands, he was promoted to an official.

The "Hal Division Commander" killed 2 Japanese generals in 2 days and dared to shoot the Red Guards with guns

Liu Xiang was definitely a nobleman in Fan Shaozeng's life, and Liu Xiang knew that people were making good use of them, and Fan Shaozeng eliminated the hostile forces xie dekan for Liu Xiang, successfully took the two counties of Dazhu and Linshui in Sichuan as his own, and expanded the area of jurisdiction.

The outstanding military achievements were soon noticed by Chiang Kai-shek, Liu Xiang was promoted to chairman of Sichuan Province, and Fan Shaozeng was successfully appointed commander of the Fourth Division, which is the origin of the "Hal Division Commander".

These are only the first appearances of Fan Shaozeng, and what is really moving is his performance in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Faced with the situation in which his homeland was invaded and the people were bullied and humiliated, Fan Shaozeng was determined to clear the Japanese and retreat, so he took the initiative to ask Chiang Kai-shek to go to a frontal war.

The "Hal Division Commander" killed 2 Japanese generals in 2 days and dared to shoot the Red Guards with guns

However, the warlike Chiang Kai-shek was not at ease with the warlord general, and although he was allowed to go to battle, the grain, grass and ammunition needed in the war were not handed over to him at all. There was no way, and Fan Shaozeng, who was eager to resist the war, could only throw his family into ruin and use his own money to gather the soldiers and the food and weapons they needed.

A contingent of 10,000 people was barely assembled, and no one thought that this 10,000-strong contingent would be victorious in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

The famous battle that killed two Japanese generals was a battle in the Taihu Lake area commanded by Fan Shaozeng. At first, the first battle was successful, and then the Japanese side sent support to fight again, and this time the huge disparity between the enemy and the enemy made Fan Shaozeng's team suffer a big loss. However, what the Japanese soldiers did not expect was the Chinese army and Fan Shaozeng's own spirit of seeing death as a homecoming and not wanting to die, and in the end they lost miserably to the agitated Fan Shaozeng troops.

The "Hal Division Commander" killed 2 Japanese generals in 2 days and dared to shoot the Red Guards with guns

Regarding the rumor that Fan Shaozeng married forty wives, we also need to make an explanation, Fan Shaozeng was already a warlord who dominated Sichuan before the War of Resistance, and Fan Shaozeng, who had distinguished himself in battle and countless property rewards, naturally won the favor of many women. Although he married many wives, because he was not biased and treated equally, he never had a time when there was civil strife in the house.

Fan Shaozeng also built Fan Zhuang for the ladies to play, if you only think that he is wrong to make the ladies happy, this is not only a place of leisure and entertainment, but also a place for his ladies to chat and party with other warlord women in high society. Through "lady diplomacy", Fan Shaozeng can quickly accumulate contacts and make friends.

The "Hal Division Commander" killed 2 Japanese generals in 2 days and dared to shoot the Red Guards with guns

Continuing to talk about Fan Shaozeng's life in the Kuomintang after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, although Fan Shaozeng made great merits, Chiang Kai-shek turned a blind eye and carried out routine operations of bright ascension and dark descent. With only an empty title and no actual army under his hands, no matter how confused he was, he could understand Chiang Kai-shek's defensiveness against himself.

Fan Shaozeng was bitter and had nowhere to appeal until the civil war broke out, the Kuomintang was defeated by the Communists and retreated to Taiwan, and Fan Shaozeng, who saw the situation clearly, threw himself into the arms of the Communists with an army of more than 10,000 people.

Sure enough, this choice did not disappoint Fan Shaozeng, and he was not only treated with courtesy by the supreme leader of the Communist Party, but also received an important non-commissioned position, the deputy commander of the Hubei Military Region, a position that held the army in a down-to-earth manner, which was in stark contrast to the work under Chiang Kai-shek.

The "Hal Division Commander" killed 2 Japanese generals in 2 days and dared to shoot the Red Guards with guns

The elderly Fan Shaozeng also maintained a strong and stubborn momentum. The political movement of the 1960s poisoned many important political figures in our country, but fan Shaozeng, who had always been impulsive, did not allow himself to be bullied by the Red Guards, and the elderly Fan Shaozeng did not lose his prestige and took a shotgun to scare away the Red Guards who went to his home for inspection.

Fan Shaozeng's life is full of legends, and he played an important role in the war. In his lifetime, he experienced three political teams with different positions, warlords, the Kuomintang, and ultimately the Chinese Communist Party, and no one who was naughty as a child could have imagined becoming one of the warriors who saved China.

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