
"Health Decoding , The "Hui Flavor" on the Tip of the Tongue" Huizhou Kudzu Round full of hometown flavor

author:Xinhuanet client

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"Health Decoding , The "Hui Flavor" on the Tip of the Tongue" Huizhou Kudzu Round full of hometown flavor

Huizhou Ge FanYuan is a typical steamed dish in Huizhou cuisine, which is a traditional snack with local characteristics and a local tradition that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. Kudzu root grown in the mountains has a high nutritional value, its skin is bitter, and it needs to be washed repeatedly to make kudzu powder. Huizhou farmers always chop up various fillings during the New Year and put them into kudzu powder to make festive rounds, which means joy and joy and reunion.

Nutritional Benefits:

Huizhou kudzu noodles are special traditional snacks made of local kudzu as raw materials, and the stir-fried kudzu powder is wrapped in a rich filling, kneaded into a round, steamed and fragrant, soft and delicious to eat. Wild kudzu has a lot of starch content, no residue, fresh quality, tender meat, rich in protein, amino acids and a variety of trace elements. Although it is delicious and delicious, it should not be eaten much. The elderly, children and people with poor appetite should eat less.

【Column Introduction】

"Health Decoding" is a large-scale original health science popularization video column of Xinhua Net. Pay attention to public health awareness and advocate a healthy and intelligent life. The column invites experts from major tertiary hospitals and authoritative institutions to record, and systematically interprets from multiple angles such as healthy lifestyle, early diagnosis and early treatment of diseases, interpretation of health misunderstandings, and scientific health care knowledge, with ease and humor, and in-depth and simple. Each episode of the program is presented in the form of a combination of three-dimensional animation and studio recording, all-round and three-dimensional decoding of the mystery of health, the program is short and concise, so that people can obtain practical and scientific health knowledge in fragmented time, beneficial to the body and mind.