
Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

author:Fun Ride APP

Beijing is rich in history and culture – UNESCO is a great place to be everywhere, full of sights and regions from the emperor's lifetime! Make the most of your 3 days here.

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Forbidden city

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Full tour points:

Day 1: Tiananmen Square - > Palace Museum - > Jingshan Park - > Nanluoguxiang

Day 2: Mutianyu Great Wall - > Bird's Nest Water Cube - > 798 Art District - > Xiushui Street - > Sanlitun Bar Street

Day 3: Summer Palace - > Drum Tower - > Backstage - > Beihai Park - > Temple of Heaven - > Da Dong Roast Duck

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Play Summary and Tips:

1, unless you think the service is great, you don't need to tip the restaurant or waiter. High-end restaurants may automatically increase spending, so check your bill.

2. When shopping in tourist areas, please beware of random price increases and do not be afraid to bargain. The starting price is usually 2-4 times the market price of the commodity.

3. Before ordering, please make sure you have checked the menu price of the dish!

4, give more time to visit attractions other than the Great Wall and the Summer Palace, these attractions are a bit far away.

5. The subway system is a cheap and convenient way to get to the city. For the convenience of public transportation, please purchase a prepaid IC card.

6. If you're adventurous, cycling is a great way to explore the neighborhoods and alleys (courtyards) that are spread across the city.

7. If you speak Mandarin, please add a local "er" sound when you speak to impress the locals!

8. Buy masks to suit the needs of locals and protect your lungs!

Day 1:

Tiananmen square

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing and is a famous attraction in Beijing. While there's not much to do here, it's one of Beijing's iconic places and has a lot of historical significance.


1. Every morning at sunrise, a flag-raising ceremony will be held in the middle of the square. Despite the early days, the ceremony still attracts tourists and sightseeing buses.

2. Ideal for taking "classic Beijing photos" at the entrance to the Forbidden City and under the portrait of Mao Zedong.

Play time: One hour is recommended

Palace museum

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

The Palace Museum or Forbidden City is the hometown of the Chinese emperor, which has a history of more than 500 years and is the seat of the Chinese government. Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is one of the largest and best-preserved palace complexes in the world, and your visit to Beijing would not be complete without a stop here.

1. Wear comfortable shoes as there is a lot of walking to do.

2. There are some areas and exhibits in the building, which require additional tickets to enter.

3. The complex is sometimes repaired and closed, but it is large enough to avoid crowds. Going early in the morning avoids queuing.

Play time: 3 hours

Jingshan Park

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Once the emperor's private royal garden, Jingshan Park is one of the best places to see and take photos of the Forbidden City. A quiet park, frequented by locals, is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, in addition, it has an important historical background - the last Ming emperor committed suicide here, ending the Ming Dynasty.

1. Perfect for observing local life – you'll see people practicing tai chi, calligraphy, dancing and other hobbies.

2. At sunset, you can hike to the highest point of the park (10-15 minutes walk) and enjoy the beauty of the Forbidden Palace.

3. The tickets are very reasonable!

Duration: 1 to 2 hours

South LuoguXiang

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Once off the beaten track, in recent years this trendy area has gradually become an increasingly popular attraction, full of shops, restaurants, bars and cafes. Although it can be busy at times, it is still a great place to walk and explore. The shops here offer a wider variety of goods than traditional markets (although prices can be higher), while trendy bars and cafes dotted through the alleys are always lively at night.

1. Leave the main Nanluoguxiang area, explore the alleys, and find some hidden cultural corners.

2, many bars have roof terraces, perfect for watching the city view from above.

3. Many popular hotels are located in the area.

Play time: 1-2 hours

Day 2:

Mutianyu Great Wall

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

One of the Seven Wonders of the World. The question is where are you going to go to the Great Wall? There are a variety of options around Beijing that are closest (and busiest) to Badaling, while the more remote sections include Jiankou and Simatai, two places that are less populated but take more time to get there. If you have a hard time choosing, Mutianyu is a good middle ground. Although this section has been fully restored, it is still attractive (there is a cable car that takes you to the Great Wall), and you will have your own view of the Great Wall just about 30 minutes on foot from the main area.

1. Mutianyu's Schoolhouse is a well-known Western restaurant. Although a bit expensive, it has a nice setting to relax.

2. There is a bus to Mutianyu Great Wall.

3. The easiest way to get here is to rent a car or take a taxi and ask the driver to wait for you when you visit. It's best to pay 50% first and then 50% on the return trip.

Suggested play time: 3 hours

Bird's Nest Water Cube:

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

The 2008 Summer Olympics were a source of national pride for China, and China has invested significant resources in building beautiful facilities such as the Bird's Nest Stadium, the Water Cube, and the surrounding Olympic green spaces. The lights of these buildings are more beautiful at night.

1. To visit the Water Cube or Bird's Nest Stadium, you need to pay an additional ticket.

2. Convenient subway station nearby.

Recommended play time: 1-2 hours

798 Art District

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Originally a series of 50-year-old decommissioned military factories and buildings, the area has been transformed into a thriving community of contemporary artists, museums, and exhibitions. Most art galleries are small in size, so the best thing to do is to explore the area on foot and get lost while exploring the alleys full of trendy restaurants and cafes. The atmosphere is very different from the rest of Beijing!

1. Most galleries are closed on Mondays.

2) Do some research to see if there is a specific exhibition or gallery you want to visit.

Silk Street

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

There are many markets around Beijing, but Silk Street is one of the most famous. A place for all typical souvenirs, clothes, cottage goods and trinkets - this multi-storey modern market is a hotspot for tourists. Buyers should beware – stall owners have raised prices accordingly due to the concentration of tourists here. Bargain, but be patient and try to have some fun!

1. The subway can be easily reached, and the market is located above the Yong'anli subway station.

2, it is easier to trade during off-peak hours,

3. There are usually many stalls selling the same items, so please check the price before buying.

Sanlitun Bar Street

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

If you need a great place to have a drink in a bar, if you're looking for a raucous nightlife scene, this is the place to be. The whole street is full of all kinds of bars and nightclubs, and there is always an atmosphere of drinking everywhere.

1. Although it is usually a safe area, please use common sense and stay smart.

2) Please note that some of the bars here use fake spirits - if the price is too cheap, it may be too good, and you may have a terrible hangover the next morning!

Day 3:

Summer palace

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

The Summer Palace is one of Beijing's many UNESCO World Heritage Sites and the largest and best-preserved imperial garden in China. The entire palace sits around the picturesque Kunming Lake and covers an area of over 700 acres. With its stunning scenery, beautiful architecture and rich history, the Summer Palace is a must-see attraction in Beijing.

1. Taking a boat across the lake to the other side is a fun way to cover more faces.

2, buy a map is worth it, because the palace site is very large.

Bell and Drum Tower

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

The bell and drum towers used to be the city's official timekeepers, often used to announce the time. Now, they are located in the middle of a trendy area of well-preserved traditional hutongs (typical Beijing courtyards), which is a great place to explore and get lost on foot or by bike. Hidden gems on every corner, rooftop cafes and terraces are everywhere to enjoy, and although it has become a popular tourist attraction, the neighborhood still retains its historical charm and local roots.

1. The cafes around the Drum Tower Courtyard have excellent roof terraces.

2. The steps to reach the tower are very steep and narrow. If traveling with children or the elderly, please take the necessary precautions.

3. The drum tower regularly performs drums through the internal drummer team.

4. You can pay the entrance fee to climb the Bell Tower and Drum Tower (separate admission); each interior has a different historical relic.

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

These man-made lakes – once part of the Emperor's Gardens in ancient Chinese times – are now picturesque tourist destinations surrounded by many bars, cafes and restaurants. The surrounding neighborhoods also contain some of the city's most famous alleys, making them great places to explore for a walk or bike ride.

1. These lakes are actually composed of three lakes: Houhai, Qianhai and Xihai. Houhai is the largest of the three lakes.

2. The former residence of Song Qingling and the palace of Prince Gong are nearby and open to tourists. Entrance fees apply.

3. Rickshaw drivers provide rickshaw tours in lakes and surrounding communities.

4) Unfortunately, some parts of the lake have turned into noisy nightclub areas - if you are looking for peace and quiet, stay away from it!

Recommended play time: 2-3 hours

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Another Emperor's Garden has been turned into a public park; Beihai Park is one of the largest Chinese gardens in Beijing. At the heart of the park is emerald flower is the Emerald Flower Island and its famous White Targopa Temple, and the rest of the land is dotted with various other pagodas and pavilions.

Temple of Heaven:

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

The Temple of Heaven, another UNESCO Site in Beijing, is an ancient royal altar where the emperor visited to pray for a good harvest. The main temples and altars are one of Beijing's most iconic attractions, located in a large park (even larger than the Forbidden City), where the architecture and landscape are masterpieces in themselves.

1. Different admission packages allow you to enter different altars in the park.

Da Dong roast duck:

Foreigners play Chinese attractions, three-day tour of Beijing

Without eating Peking Duck, the trip to Beijing is not yet complete! Where to buy this popular dish in Beijing, there are many options here, but my personal favorite is the Da Dong chain, especially its newest branch in Nanxincang. The South New Warehouse itself was once a royal granary and warehouse, which has recently been transformed into a fine dining area. By incorporating many of the original buildings into the new design, you can enjoy the authentic historical atmosphere while enjoying delicious cuisine.

1, for dessert, candied bananas are absolutely delicious.

2. Eating during off-peak hours can help you avoid crowds. There are multiple other locations around the city.

3. Because this restaurant is very popular and always queued, please make a reservation before you travel. (However, they serve wine and refreshments in the waiting area)