
Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

author:Shanghai hotline nong good Shanghai

Do not use dried tofu with a hundred pages, solve the knife work can turn the page, cabbage meat shredded with boiled, dish delicious delicious saliva swallowing. The reporter of Shanghai Hotline Food Channel and the food master Lao Wang Fu together to introduce how the braised three silk is burned

Boiling dried silk is also one of the favorite dishes of Shanghainese, in order to solve the problem of poor knife skills and not thin slices, I took a shortcut, replaced by a thick hundred pages, the same is a soy product, although there is a difference, but it will not be too far away, the slice may not be thin and uneven, shredding everyone will not have a problem. Hundred pages can be when it is a thin and large piece of dried tofu, nutritional value and dried tofu, it is rich in protein is complete protein, contains eight kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body, the proportion is also close to the needs of the human body.

It contains lecithin can remove the cholesterol on the blood vessel wall, can prevent hardening of the arteries, prevent the production of cardiac tube diseases, it contains a variety of minerals and calcium, can prevent calcium deficiency osteoporosis, promote bone development, the bones of children and the elderly are beneficial. Winter is the best season to eat cabbage, nutritious, delicious, winter, hundreds of vegetables are not as good as cabbage, this is not a waste of time, plus pork also contains all the amino acids needed by the human body, meat and vegetarian collocation, complement each other, now the operation process of this dish is offered to share with you, I hope to like.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

Ingredients: black pork, thick hundred pages, cabbage, salt, sugar, chicken essence, starch, sesame oil.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!
Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!
Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

After peeling and washing the pork, the fat and lean are separated and shredded and set aside.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

Sizing the lean meat, seasoning with salt, freshening sugar, lubricating with a little cooking oil, kneading well and then sizing with corn starch.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

Remove the roots of the cabbage and wash and set aside.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

Cut the washed cabbage into strips and set aside.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

Cut the 100 pages into strips and set aside.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

Bring water to a boiling pot, boil the water into 100 pages, roll out and rinse and squeeze the water dry and set aside.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

Sit in the pot, put in the oil, first sauté the fat meat into the oil into the meat silk until the color changes into a hundred pages of silk, add salt to taste, sugar to freshen, mix well, eat the hundred pages of meat oil will be softer and sticky.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

After washing the pot, re-add the oil, put salt in the oil, stir-fry the cabbage on high heat, boil the vegetables into the shredded meat with a hundred pages of silk, salt seasoning, at this time there is no need to put sugar, a little chicken essence to increase the flavor, pour sesame oil to increase the flavor and brighten it.

Braised three silk light and refreshing can be eaten as a home-cooked dish is quite suitable for beautiful women who are losing weight!

This dish, light color, delicious soup, crispy dish, tender meat, dry silk soft sticky, very delicious, is one of the delicious dishes to choose at home.

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