
Discipline inspection and supervision team of the provincial federation of trade unions: "special inspection + stationed office" makes the stationed supervision more accurate

author:Governor of the Nine Factions

Recently, the discipline inspection and supervision group of the provincial discipline inspection and supervision commission stationed in the provincial federation of trade unions at the special meeting on the work of comprehensively and strictly administering the party in the provincial federation of trade unions gave feedback to the party group of the provincial federation of trade unions on the special supervision and inspection of goods, services, and engineering procurement projects.

Not long ago, the discipline inspection and supervision team of the provincial federation of trade unions, together with the provincial federation of trade unions, conducted special supervision and inspection of the goods, services and project procurement projects since 2018 for six units, including the provincial federation of trade union organs, cadre schools, career development centers, ash soup sanatoriums, Wulingyuan recuperation center and Nanyue recuperation center. The inspection team found that there were problems or integrity risks in 16 projects, mainly in eight aspects, such as no budget and over-budget procurement, illegal bidding, and lack of procurement process. In response to the problems found, the discipline inspection and supervision group put forward rectification opinions and held the relevant departments and responsible persons accountable. The party group of the provincial federation of trade unions accepted all the problems feedback from the discipline inspection and supervision group, and said that it would deeply reflect on the root causes of the problems, earnestly straighten out the thinking, quickly rectify and put in place, and ensure the actual results of rectification and reform.

It is reported that in order to give full play to the role of the "probe" stationed, improve the effectiveness of supervision, and make the stationed supervision more accurate, the discipline inspection and supervision team of the organs stationed in the provincial federation of trade unions has recently completed the stationing office in the other two supervised units, the Provincial Committee of the Youth League and the Provincial Women's Federation. During the period of stationed supervision, the discipline inspection and supervision group has, through methods such as talking to understand, consulting materials, and inspecting on the spot, closely focusing on the political construction of the leading body of the supervised unit, the deliberative decision-making mechanism, the implementation of the spirit of the eight central regulations, and the cadres' work style and discipline, and comprehensively searching for the main problems and risk points in the work of the supervised units. The discipline inspection and supervision group also gave feedback to the leading group of the provincial party committee of the Youth League and the party group of the provincial women's federation for the first time, and urged rectification and reform to consolidate the main responsibility of the leading body of the supervised unit.

Zhong Xin, head of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the organs stationed in the provincial federation of trade unions, said that through the supervision method of "special inspection + stationed office," the advantages of "stationing" have been strengthened, and the main responsibility of the party group stationed in the department and the supervision responsibility of the discipline inspection and supervision group have developed in the direction of deep integration. (Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions)

【Source: Sanxiang Fengji Network】

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