
Great Wall Motors is deeply involved in the Euler good cat "core change" incident

Great Wall Motors is deeply involved in the Euler good cat "core change" incident

The "chip gate" incident that broke out at the end of 2021 by Great Wall Motors' Euler Good Cat will continue to ferment until the beginning of 2022.

On December 29 last year, the owner of a good cat said that he received a notice from the 4S store that The 10,000 yuan of charging equity provided by Euler Good Cat on this matter was converted into compensation cash, while the other compensation rights and interests previously proposed were still retained. This is the third time that Euler Good Cat has officially responded to consumer demands. Whether this scheme will be accepted by consumers is not known at present. Recently, a team of lawyers said that they have received more than 30 consumers to sue Great Wall Motors and its sales companies, and the number of commissions is increasing every day. The demand made by many consumers is that Great Wall Motors and its affiliates refund the purchase price and compensate them according to three times the purchase price.

Starting in November 2021, consumers found that the chip used by Great Wall Motors' Euler Good Cat was not the Qualcomm octa-core chip it had always claimed, but a very old Intel quad-core chip launched in 2016, and the computing power of the two was very different. At the same time, the Intel chip is not compatible with the Android system application software, resulting in the software running stuttering and the backward image starting slowly. "This is a consumer fraud." Relevant lawyers also pointed out that the chip model used in euler good cat exports to the UK is Qualcomm 8155, which is suspected of discriminating against domestic consumers.

Euler is an electric vehicle brand founded by Great Wall Motor in 2018 and positioned as a "feminine car brand". The Euler brand sold 135,000 units in 2021, up 140% year-on-year.

Media commented

There are really not many opportunities left for Euler to continue to make a fuss

The Paper: On the surface, this may just be a crisis public relations for Euler. But in fact, this is also the upward pain of some independent brand brands. "The operation is long-term, and brand building is not achieved overnight." Yao Fei, director of the Euler brand marketing department, said in an interview with the media that Euler has the confidence to make a blockbuster car like Wuling Hongguang in the C-end market. But the trust of users is not easy to come by, and once the brand trust collapses, they will naturally vote with their feet. With the fermentation of the Euler good cat "chip" incident, as the sales of New Energy models of Great Wall Motors, can the Euler good cat gain the favor of users in the longer term? It became an even bigger unknown.

Radar Finance: Industry insiders believe that compared with the new forces of car manufacturing, although the Great Wall, as a traditional car company, occupies a certain advantage in the supply chain supporting system, there is still a gap between its Euler Automobile and the fist products of other car companies in terms of comprehensive product strength and market share. If the public opinion event cannot be resolved in time, whether it is Euler or the Great Wall, it will face a passive situation in the increasingly competitive market.

36Kr: Lack of core is a common problem faced by the entire automotive industry, but so far, other car companies are overcoming the difficulties through their own methods. The lack of chip supply should not be a reason for Euler to deceive consumers. After repeatedly chilling consumers, there are really not many opportunities left for Euler to continue to make trouble.

Sina Finance: In terms of word of mouth, the chip problem of Euler Good Cat and the delayed delivery of cyber tank 300 are enough to make Great Wall Motors upset. These two events have greatly reduced consumers' impression of the Great Wall brand.

"Transparent car configuration" has once again become the topic

NetEase: In essence, this is a "publicity rollover" incident. From the "chip door" incident of Euler Automobile, it can be seen that the current automobile consumers' ability to supervise automobile brands and products has been significantly improved compared with the past decade. Nowadays, more and more car companies in the name of "user-centric" to promote new products and corporate brands, then in the process of each new product configuration elaboration, how to achieve consumers to understand the "transparent publicity", may become the future of consumers in the car purchase process focus.

Red Dot of the automobile market: This chip storm is undoubtedly a test of its brand determination and crisis response ability as a user-oriented brand, and it has also sounded an alarm bell for the Euler brand: the brand cannot be too fluttering, and the publicity and communication level should also be cautious and respect the facts.

From Euler Good Cat to Cyber tank 300, the Great Wall's steps are a bit big

Sina: Since the second half of 2021, Great Wall Motors' life has not been good. Great Wall Motors is facing internal worries and external troubles, and there are even jokes before, Geely and Changan PK, and as a result, they accidentally left Great Wall Motors behind. Although there is an element of joke, it is undeniable that the current progress made by Changan Automobile and Geely Automobile is obvious. Internal concern refers to the fault behind Great Wall Motors' rapid expansion. The development of most of the world's large brands is gradual, but unlike independent brands, most of them have developed rapidly in the past ten years. In terms of operation and service concept, Great Wall Motors or most of its own brands need time to precipitate.

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