
Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

author:Uncle Meat Movie

Tell the truth.

A female patient complained to the nurse this way:

Touching me still won't allow me to pestering him

Don't laugh, there's nothing ridiculous about it

It's not that I can't get married

Don't look at me as 34 years old, I can't kiss

He kissed me

My mouth was full of words that day

"He" refers to the attending physician of the female patient.

Did the doctor really do these things to her?

One day, she said to the nurse:

Our family has a bit of methamphetamine, the police station did not look for my mother, right?

My uncle was a drug dealer, my third uncle

Don't your family also sell it?

Drug trafficking? It's true?

In fact, these are the words spoken by mentally ill people when they were ill in the documentary "Life Edge".

Her chaotic thinking made everyone feel helpless.

Even annoyed herself

When she was awake, she couldn't control herself when she was chaotic.

After a few minutes, the female patient seemed to realize something and began to cry:

I'm crazy

I'm crazy as if I had ruined myself...

Feeling powerless, so that the survival of this group of people must rely on external interference.

But for those who really care about them (mostly the families of psychopaths), they are equally powerless to help.

How hard is it to "interfere" #这份? #

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Let's talk about a recent film defined as a "thriller," Netlam.

There are no high-energy graphics throughout the process.

A ghost does not have, a drop of blood is missing, but it can make you feel cold in the same place.

How did you do it?

Documentary + reversal.

Based on the true events of a mentally ill patient, the language of the camera is plain, but the waves are not shocking

When I watched it, I didn't feel anything, and when I reacted, I dropped goosebumps.

Up is an old interview with its own snowflake special effect more than ten years ago, the reporter asked the burned child:

Didn't you learn your lesson?

The naïve romantic child said:


But I'll keep playing.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

naughty? It's not just naughty.

More than a decade later, the rooftops were smoking, and the harsh sound of gunfire was interspersed with the dirty words of neighbors.

Yes, he is already young and playing the dangerous game of childhood, which is the male protagonist Natlam.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Strappy pants, messy hair, and a strange correspondence with his muscular figure:

Netlam has a mental illness.

His mother leaned against the door, her expression sharp and disgusted.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Called him to dinner, but the tone was surprisingly calm:

For her son's uncontrollable, she was not surprised.

At the dinner table, Dad asked Netlam to change out of his dirt-stained clothes.

Mom wanted to eat impatiently, but Dad gently reassured, "Wait for him." ”

Waited for Netlam, but still "not normal"

He took off only a pair of underwear and went to the dinner table.

Apparently, he didn't know what "changing clothes" was.

Even if there is only dead silence, we can read our mother's anger from the air.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

At this point, you will have a strong feeling:

The "sick" Netlam is at best ignorant and seems to be non-threatening;

The real emotional and dangerous person who can erupt at any time is the "not sick" mother.

Let's talk about a scene where Mom took Natram to a follow-up clinic.

To be precise, the follow-up consultation is not for "diagnosis", but for "medicine".

The doctor asked about the effect of the medication, and she replied "very good." The doctor asked: To him or to you?

Mom's eyes dodged: to everyone.

The doctor turned to Natram himself: Are you talking to your mother or me?

But he was immediately interjected by his mother: Fool (telling Netlam to shut up).

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Mom still hates this son.

The doctor also sensed her mother's violence and gently suggested that she should "see a doctor" together.

Watch this show in perspective:

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

After a fake motion of a leather-laughing flesh-free lifting of the corners of her mouth, she refused.

She was on the verge of collapse, how could she possibly take care of Netlam?

Normal mothers appear "sick", and "sick" Netlam looks pure.

Even if he is disgusted with his hair, he will always take the initiative to go to the kitchen to hug his busy mother.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

When his mother didn't buy him a surfboard, he took a lawn mower and went door to door to help people weed and become self-reliant.

The weeding work also allowed him to meet a friend

A gentle and successful businesswoman.

The businesswoman thought he was reckless, but very sweet and cute.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

But Mom showed the same harshness on this rare friend:

What friend are you of his?

Do you think of him as a boyfriend or a son?

In front of Netlam, does Mom still habitually act as a hedgehog, repeatedly stimulating Netlam's illness?

No, the reversal is coming.

Why did Mom become so bitter and mean?

She told the businesswoman about an incident in Netlam's childhood.

In addition to playing cannonballs, Netlam had other hobbies as a child: peek-a-boo.

He liked to hide behind the curtains of paradise, but once, his mother couldn't find him at all.

The child is lost, and the mother must be crazy.

She cried and searched, and strangers felt her breakdown and helped find it together.

But when the desperate mother returned to the car and cried, there was someone in the back seat


The laughter was crisp and eerie.

It was Netlam who was laughing.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Since then, the mother has truly realized the difference between her son and ordinary people:

It is not about character and INTELLIGENCE, but about abnormal thinking.

Even a stranger could sense his mother's pain, but he couldn't understand his mother, and even planned the farce himself and sprinkled salt on the wound

All this, he did not know himself.

The rich woman's expression was a little stiff after listening, and it was obvious that she had not thought about the evil consequences of Netlam's "unconsciousness and self-control".

And all the sharpness and "meanness" in front of the mother are also dissolved by this story:

Unlike the blind gentleness of the wealthy female businessman, the mother's approach, although not right, is extremely real.

She knew Netlam's illness too well.

So she also became powerless.

The fear of powerlessness was desperate, so she was hysterical.

Netlam's mother's weakness is the epitome of many families of mentally ill people.

There is an episode of "Caged Bird" in "Human Life 2", and a female college student suddenly has bipolar disorder.

Her dad left the hospital and had just gotten on the elevator when he had an emotional breakdown:

It's all my fault

My mother and I quarreled and could affect her

But you're false when you say you're not sad

But I fell down and the child was gone

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Can you relieve weakness by holding on strongly?

Last week, Uncle Meat wrote a social news: Xiaohui, a 23-year-old mentally disabled girl, was artificially controlled to do vulgar live broadcasts and tossed into the ICU.

Many netizens have criticized parents for poor supervision in comments.

In fact, Xiaohui also has a sister who also has mental illness.

Dad was too old to work, and the whole family relied on mom alone to do cleaning.

As soon as Xiaohui fell ill, he ran outside, and his family was unable to take care of it.

The weakness of the patient's family cannot be solved by a few words of "keyboard literature" by the onlookers.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Continuing from the beginning, in "Life Edge", the fantasy attending doctor likes his patient Babe.

One day, she asked the attending doctor, Fu Bingbing:

Am I having "love delusions"?

Fu Bingbing was a little surprised:

- How do you know?

Did they (the nurses) tell you?

"Delusional Love" is a professional name...

- I learned

And schizophrenia inside

Hallucinations can never be cured

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Is Babe hallucinating nonsense again?

No, this time she said it was true.

Like Fu Bingbing, she was an outstanding student at Peking University School of Medicine.

But halfway through college, she got sick and had been sick for more than a decade.

As soon as Babe fell ill, he "slandered" Fu Bingbing as he did at the beginning.

The audience of the barrage is sympathetic to the doctor, but Fu Bingbing has no time for self-pity, but regrets that the patient cannot get better:

A young talented student should have worked hard to contribute to society, lived a good life, and should have fallen in love.

But he was tortured by hallucinations for more than ten years, and could only stay in the hospital.

What made Dr. Fu Bingbing even more distressed was that he tried all the medicines he should try


Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Notice a small detail in Fu Bingbing's expression:

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Sip your lips.

This small action was his habit. As he put it:


This is also the common feeling of many psychiatric medical staff.

At present, many mental illnesses cannot find the exact cause and cannot be drugged.

They want to help their patients, but sometimes they can't.

More often, for hospitalized patients, medical staff can only provide meticulous care.


When a patient was fooling around because of distrust, the nurse took out a pen and paper and wrote him a letter of guarantee.

Soft-ground hard foam:

Some patients think that they are not sick and refuse to take medicine, and every time the medicine is distributed, the nurse must coax the mouth to check.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

A head nurse who has been practicing for many years said:

Just after working, the teacher who took her said, "The drier you are, the less timid you are."

She didn't understand it before, now she does.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Even if carefully cared for, the patient is still afraid of sudden self-harm.

But what makes doctors most helpless is that the patient is cured and still cannot return to society.

There was an elderly grandfather who recovered.

But the daughter, under the pretext of being "mentally ill", swallowed the old man's property and disappeared.

In fact, the grandfather and children are both complete, but they do not have filial piety. The hospital can visit 12 times a year, only 12 times, but he can't use it

Children come only once a year.

Not a day or two, ten years

There were tears in the corners of the eyes.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

It didn't come, the money was gone, and the old man was thrown to the hospital.

You will find that the mentally ill need both home and hospital supervision.

But at the same time, the weakness of the family and the helplessness of the doctor do exist.

Mental illness groups also need the attention of the whole society.

Just like Xiaohui in the news report, she belongs to the second degree of mental disability.

According to the relevant instructions of the China Disabled Persons' Federation [1995] Disabled Persons' Federation Group No. 61 and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Scale II (WHO-DASII)::

Patients with grade II mental disabilities with severe impairment who are able to express their basic needs and can perform simple work under supervision, but require extensive support from the environment.

And this "broad support", at present, is far from extensive enough.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

Netlam's thriller isn't just a reversal of the character's first impression.

Instead, Netlam, who was not originally dangerous, was constantly stimulated by all sides of society.

In the end, it was a tragic consequence:

On 28 April 1996, Netlam shot and killed several people in what became known as the "Shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia".

A total of 35 people were killed and 23 injured.

No matter how many times the indefinite sentence, 35 lives could not be saved.

How did Netlam get to the big crash?

He seemed odd to others

Social relations are blank, or even only bad relations:

Insult him, fear him, hate him...

The only closest people are the gentle father and the only good friend, the rich female businessman.

But something went wrong with Dad.

He used his life savings to buy a house with a ranch.

Dad was obsessed with it because he felt it was both his dream life and a place for Netlam to live.


Some people pay a high price to get there.

Dad was depressed and committed suicide.

While Netlam's only friend, the businesswoman, took him to buy a car, and the car sales looked silly and began to bully him:

You'd better not come with me

You fucking idiot

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

As a feedback, Netlam began to prank the steering wheel during the test drive.

This is an extremely dangerous thing, and it has been scolded by the sales.

Netlam's thinking is not normal, and intimidation will not make him change, it will only fuel his mistakes.

Once, when a rich female merchant took him for a ride, he began to pull the steering wheel again in a prank.

There was a car accident.

The only friend, dead.

Successive blows made him start to go to extremes.

With a bag of money left behind by a wealthy woman, he began to illegally stockpile guns everywhere.

Finally, he drove the car of a wealthy female merchant to the house of his father's dream

Stop, pull out your gun, and enter the house.

The camera pulls far away, just outside the house.

After a few "bangs", everything returned to calm.

The most thrilling thing about this film is not that Netlam is crazy.

It was that Netlam should not have been so crazy.

Even crazy to the point of going from victim to perpetrator.

But this "shouldn't have happened" all the time.

For the mentally ill, some people are afraid of them; some people despise them; some people dislike them...

Society does not accept it, so that their hard-won "normal" has become "abnormal" again.

The female college student with the aforementioned bipolar affective disorder improved significantly after being hospitalized.

The school teacher came to visit her, she was very happy, as soon as she saw the teacher, she hugged her kindly and thanked the teacher for coming.

But what she didn't know was

The teacher had come to persuade her father to let her transfer school.

You can take any specialty from high school

Read it locally

Find a job behind the kids

I think it's a matter of three or five thousand to deal with it

It's good to be able to make it up

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes
Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

"Casually", "Deal with it", "Make it up"...

These words, how to hear how to reveal the contempt for the value of the little girl's life.

The doctors at the side heard the concerns of the school, but did not agree with them:

She was a person first and foremost

Being a person she needs a well-rounded development

Now she's recovering well

I think it should be her

It would be better to be treated as a normal person

But the little girl eventually returned to her hometown in Guizhou, where she wrote a poem:

To control the giant fish of life

You have to have that ability to go back

Go back to the deep pool where you should have stayed


Go face those who are dark

Unknown, difficult stones

In fact, who among us is not like this little girl, facing the giant fish of life all the time?

Being an ordinary person is small.

From this point of view, we are not much different from them who are sick.

At the same time, people who are mentally ill are not necessarily weak, and illness is sometimes undesirable.

But what is certain is that those who for this reason have excluded them from the "ordinary people" must be weak.

Because they may have less courage to accept kindness.

People who are mentally ill, due to the particularity of the disease itself, the family and the hospital cannot completely solve their guardianship problems, and the tolerance from the social atmosphere is also extremely important.

The title of the episode about the mentally ill, "The Caged Bird," comes from a poem by a mentally ill person.

He said:

Each of us is a little bird

Or in the sky, or in a cage

Birds that can fly in the sky for a while are lucky.

There wasn't a single bird that wanted to be trapped in a cage.

Mentally ill people cannot fly out of this inner cage.

But people outside.

Perhaps, you can go a little closer.

Let the "caged bird" temporarily forget the existence of the cage.

Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes
Once a high-achieving student at Peking University, he became a madman? Stop looking at her with colored eyes

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