
The child's sitting posture is always wrong, and parents should be vigilant about this matter

Recently, a 13-year-old girl in Hengshui, Hebei Province, was sent to the hospital for severe scoliosis. After diagnosis, the doctor said that this is caused by a long-term poor sitting posture, and if it is not intervened in time, it will cause serious consequences such as high and low shoulders, long and short legs, and body deformities.

At present, the number of primary and secondary school students suffering from scoliosis in China has exceeded 5 million, and it is still increasing at a rate of about 300,000 per year. Scoliosis has become the third major disease that endangers the health of children and adolescents in China after obesity and myopia.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a deformity produced by the spine deviating from the normal midline, accompanied by rotation of the spine and lateral posterior protrusions. Scoliosis has many causes, and the common ones are congenital scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, and neuromuscular scoliosis.

Scoliosis in adolescent women is 1.5 times higher than in men

According to experts, scoliosis is a three-dimensional structural deformity that is more likely to occur during puberty. Epidemiological surveys have shown that women at the peak of growth and development are more likely to develop the disease, with a 1.5-fold incidence of men.

Scoliosis screening has been incorporated into the routine physical examination of students

It is understood that at present, China has included the scoliosis screening program into the routine physical examination of each academic year or the admission of new students. Experts also remind that to prevent scoliosis, physical exercise is also very important, especially the exercise of low back muscles, such as hanging horizontal bars, playing basketball, swimming, etc. are good choices.

What poor posture can easily lead to scoliosis?

Poor sitting posture, used to pouting and waist forward when sitting; often bending down to carry heavy things; the back of the bag is not appropriate; the height of the table and chair is not appropriate... These poor posture and factors can all contribute to scoliosis.

What are the serious consequences of scoliosis?

Scoliosis not only affects the patient's physical appearance, but also causes muscle tension, resulting in back pain. When scoliosis is severe to a certain extent, it can also cause nerve damage, compress the lungs, and even affect breathing.

How to check at home for scoliosis

For scoliosis, there are two ways to conduct self-examination at home.

At present, the internationally common, simple and easy forward flexion test and inspection method requires the tested person to have his heels together, his legs straight, and his torso flexed forward by 90 °.

The child's sitting posture is always wrong, and parents should be vigilant about this matter

By the "4 horizontal and 1 vertical" 5 lines to determine whether scoliosis, any 1 of the 5 lines is abnormal, is a torso asymmetry.

Experts remind that through the above two methods of self-testing, if you think that there is a possibility of scoliosis in the body, it is recommended to go to the hospital for further examination.

Source: CCTV News

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