
Cultural relics of Qinzhou, Guangxi

author:Explore Guibei

Ancient ruins

   Basho Mound Ruins

   The site is on a mound in the Jingu River about 2 kilometers west of Danliao Village in Rhino foot Township in the southern part of the city (county), 20 kilometers from the urban area of Qinzhou. At high tide, the pier is an isolated island, and at low tide, the pier is surrounded by tidal flats, and the southeast, southwest, and west sides can be connected to the land. The piers are slightly oval in shape, about 100 meters long from north to south, and about 80 meters wide from east to west. There are thick cemented hard oysters and mussel shells piled up on the piers. Most of the physical specimens collected from the surface are pointed stone tools, which are mainly shaped by sharp oyster chisels, as well as choppers, scrapers, stone axes, stone balls, and so on. There are only a few polished stone axes. The craftsmanship is relatively rough, and it has been identified by cultural relics experts in the autonomous region as a shell mound site in the early Neolithic period dating back about 8000 to 9000 years with fishing and hunting as the main source of life.

   In 1984, the Qinzhou Municipal People's Government announced it as a county-level key cultural relics protection unit.

     Ma Jingpo Ruins

   The site is 2 kilometers north of Naga Village in Dasi Town, northwest of the city, and 26 kilometers away from The urban area of Qinzhou. Covers an area of 26,640 square meters, the slope is mountainous, water-facing, leeward, sunny, the ground is open and relatively flat. In the past, local people have found ancient kiln sites, clay pots and net pendants in this place, but no one has picked them up. In 1988, when the Municipal Museum conducted a census of cultural relics, stone axes, stone chisels, stone stones and some sand-filled pottery pieces with higher fire temperature were found on the surface of the site, which should be neolithic cultural relics after preliminary identification.

Ruins of the ancient city

   The site of the ancient city of Anzhou

   The site is 200 meters north of Shangdongba Village in Jiulong Township, in the middle of the city, and 18 kilometers away from Qinzhou City. The city runs in a north-south direction, slightly square, with a length of about 170 meters on each side and a total area of 28,900 square meters. The inside and outside of the city site have long been converted into slope fields, but the entire city wall is relatively well preserved, of which 5 have collapsed, with a total length of 20 meters. In 1990, the remnant wall was 3-6 meters high, 6-20 meters wide at the bottom, and 2-4 meters wide at the top. The city walls are built in layers by the slab method, each layer is 10-12 cm thick, and the cross-section is trapezoidal. The ground in the city is about 2-3 meters above the table outside the city, there are two gates in the north and south, and there are the remains of the towers in the four corners of the city wall. There are moats on the south and northwest sides of the foot of the city, about 10 meters wide and about 3 meters deep. There are no moats in the east of the city, but the terrain is low and close to the Qin River, which has become a natural moat. There is an ancient temple outside the south gate of the city, there is a yellow sand well in the northeast corner of the city, and there is a waterway mouth in the southwest corner of the city, and the water flows out of the moat west of the city. In June 1977, during the field investigation of the Cultural Relics Task Force of the Autonomous Region, gilded small Buddha statues, lotus petal tiles, mat pattern pottery pieces, Jomon bricks, etc., most of which belonged to the cultural relics of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In 1981, the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region announced it as a key cultural relics protection unit at the autonomous region level.

   According to historical records, in the fourth year of the Southern Dynasty (523), Emperor Wu of Liang placed Anzhou in the south of Songshou County, with jurisdiction over Songshou County, Songshou County, Anjing County, Anjing County (above in the present-day city), Songguang County, Songguang County (in present-day Lingshan County) and other 3 counties and 3 counties (3 counties at that time, each county only had 1 county). In the eighteenth year of the Sui Kai Emperor (598), Anzhou was changed to Qin Prefecture. This was the beginning of Qinzhou's name, so some historical books also called it "the site of Qinzhou's ancient city." Since then, there have been 113 years of state (county) administration here, and a governor's office and a governor's office (corresponding to the current regional administration) for a total of 5 years.

   P.S. Tang's "Records of Yuanhe Counties" says: "Xi Zero Shu, in the south of Qinjiang County. The Jiaqing Reconstruction of the Qing "Unification Chronicle" has the same record as the Qing Daoguang "Guangdong Tongzhi" and other monuments and Guan Pass. Probably after the Qin Prefecture Administration was moved to the old prefecture of Lingshan County in the tenth year of Tang Zhenguan (636), the city was used as a garrison for the army.

   The site of the ancient city of Qinzhou

   The site is in the middle of the present-day city (Qinzhou Town), running in a north-south direction, in a vertical oval shape, made of large green bricks. The old zhi said that the circumference of the city was 600 zhang, the height was 2.8 zhang, and the base thickness was 2.5 zhang. The circumference of the city is about 2,000 meters, with a total area of about 250,000 square meters, a height of 9.3 meters, and a base thickness of 8.3 meters. The castle is more special, in the shape of fangs, commonly known as "Dogtooth City". City Gate Three (there is a building without a door in the north direction), and there are urns outside the doors. The outer perimeter is surrounded by moats, about 90 meters wide and 2-3 meters deep. In the eighth year of Song Jiayou, Zhizhou Tao Bi built an embankment in the trench to store water, divided the city trench into five large pieces, called the five lakes in the southeast, northwest, and northwest, and wrote a poem Seven surround the four corners of the city, and the smoke waves are limited to make the five lakes. Since the Qing Dynasty, the five lakes have gradually silted up and houses and streets have been built. The water conservancy ditch in the west of the present-day city, the swimming pool in the city, and the two ponds in Zhongshan Park in the south are the remnants of the West Lake and the South Lake in that year. In the autumn of the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), on the eve of the Japanese occupation of Qinzhou, the county magistrate Wang Gongxian was ordered to demolish the city (on the grounds that once the Japanese bombing was easy to evacuate the people and conducive to the counterattack of the National Revolutionary Army). Buildings and streets have been built inside and outside the city today, and they have been connected into one, and it is not easy to distinguish. The approximate scope is: the houses on the north side of the present-day Yima Road are backed by the south city wall, the houses on the west side of Baisha and Zhulan Second Street are backed by the east city wall (there are still traces of the remnant wall in some places), the city swimming pool and the water conservancy ditch face the west city wall on the east, and the north end of Renmin South Road (in front of the regional supply, marketing, storage and transportation trading company) is the north city wall in an east-west direction. The east end of the inner street is the east gate of the city, the right side of the city department store is the south gate of the city, and the east side of the wall of the city people's hospital is the west gate of the city.

   Site of the Ancient City of Songshou County (i.e. the ruins of the Ancient City Corner)

   The site is located in the ancient city corner village of Pingji Town in the middle of the city, about 3 kilometers south of the ancient city of Anzhou and 20 kilometers southwest of the city. There are people surnamed You, Guo and Yan living in the city site, which are arranged in the shape of a character, collectively known as the ancient city corner village. There is no trace of the north and south city walls, the outline of the east and west city walls still exists, the city site is slightly rectangular, the north and south are about 120 meters wide, the east and west are about 160 meters long, and the total area is 19,200 square meters. The city wall is a rammed earth wall, with a residual height of 1.5-2 meters, a residual width of 5-8 meters, and a residual width of 8 meters for some moats. In October 1983, during the field investigation of the cultural relics work team of the autonomous region, thick green tiles and thin brick fragments were collected from the surface, and the smelting temperature was very low. In 1984, the Qinzhou Municipal People's Government named it the Ancient City Corner Ruins and announced it as a county-level key cultural relics protection unit.

   According to historical records, between the fourth year (460-464) of the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty of the Southern Dynasty, Song Shou County was established in the eastern part of the present-day city. It belongs to Songshou County (the administrative office is located in Songshou County). Since then, a prefectural government office has been set up here for more than 500 years.

   The site of the ancient city of Anjing (Anyuan) County

   According to historical records, in the fourth year (523) of the Southern Dynasty Liang Dynasty, Anjing County was established in the northwest of Songshou County, and in the second year of Tang Zhide (757), it was changed to Baojing County, and in the fifth year of Song Kaibao (972), it was renamed Anjing County, and in the third year of Jingde (1006), it was renamed Anyuan County. In the seventh year of Ming Hongwu (1374), the province was incorporated into QinZhou, with a total history of 851 years.

   In the previous section (around 523-972), the seat of anjing county was 5 kilometers south of Anjing Mountain (also known as Luofu Mountain), 65 kilometers northeast of present-day Qinzhou City, about north of the present-day Xiaodong Town, between Bancheng or Long Beach, and the site of the city has not been seen so far. Later section (972-1374) Anyuan County was located 1.5 kilometers north of present-day Qinzhou City, that is, north of the regional bus terminal, in the area of the place name Chicken Breast. According to Ming Jiajing's "Qinzhou Chronicle" volume "Qinzhou Map", there is an "Anyuan site" in the north of the prefecture city 3, and in the seventh volume of the "Monuments", there is an abandoned Anyuan County: "Ben Tang Baojing County, Song Jingde changed to Anyuan County in three years." According to legend, the Zhoubei Xuantan Temple (built in the eighth year of Ming Hongwu) is its former site, and although its land is shallow and narrow, the east and west gates are facing each other, similar to the county ruler, and the words of people may be credible. According to the "Guangdong Tongzhi" Daoguang second year revision, Qinzhou City Article has: "According to the "Minutes of Fang Public Opinion" (Qing Jiaqing sixteen years into the book)" Qinzhou City Ben Anjing County Governance. "The Great Qing Dynasty Unified Chronicle" Jiaqing rebuilt the book, "Monuments" Anyuan Ancient City Article: "In the second year of Jingde, it was changed to Anyuan County, which belonged to Qinzhou and was Yijiao County. In the seventh year of Ming Hongwu, the province entered the state. The so-called "Yiguo County", that is, relying on the county administration outside the city of the prefecture, confirms that the "Anyuan Site" marked in Ming Jiajing's "Qinzhou Chronicle" and the "Monuments" article on the abolition of Anyuan County are correct. However, during the seventeenth year of Ming Chenghua (1481), the Xuantan Temple was demolished when Liu Xuan of Lianzhou Zhizhou destroyed the obscene temple, and the ruins of Anyuan County were also unable to be found due to the long-term relocation. This is a special account so that people know where they are.

   The site of the ancient city of Yushan and Ulei County

   The site of the ancient city of Yushan County (later named Huaqing, the seat of the government office remains unchanged), according to the Tang "Yuanhe County Chronicle" and so on: "In the north of Ulei County, 40 miles north, south of the sea, Guanjing Mountain is about 50 miles east of the county." The Dictionary of Chinese Historical Geographical Names, published in 1986, reads: "The seat of governance is now the southeast of Qinzhou County, Guangxi." According to the above analysis, his old city should be in the territory of present-day Dafanpo Township, but unfortunately it has not been seen.

   The site of the ancient city of Ulay County, Tang's "Yuanhe County Chronicle" said: "In the island, because of the name of Ulay Island. The Qing "Unification Chronicle" quotes the "Old Zhi" as saying: "The Ulei Ridge in the southeast of the present-day prefecture is still named after the old county. In the 35th year of the Republic of China (1946), the "Chronicle of Qin County" quoted from the Southern Song Dynasty "Youdi Jisheng" said: "The ancient city of Ulay, half a mile away from the present-day Ulay Temple. The Dictionary of Chinese Historical Geographical Names, published in 1986, reads: "The seat of governance is present-day Ulei, southeast of Qinzhou County, Guangxi." "On the whole, the site of the ancient city of Ulay County should be near the Ulay Temple in present-day Rhino foot township, but unfortunately it has not been seen so far. The sites of the above two ancient cities need to be further investigated.

Fort Beacon Ruins

   Ruins of Ouray Fort

   The site is on an isolated island 2 km south of the site of the Urey Village Committee of Rhino Foot Township and 38 km north of the city of Qinzhou. To the north of the isolated island, across the sea from Urey Ridge (now the pearl farm), a distance of about 150 meters, can be waded at low tide. In the southwest corner, the original Ulay Temple is opposite to the fort, the temple has been destroyed, and the ruins still exist. About 300 meters to the northwest, there is still a beacon ruins, which are cared for each other. Predecessors believed that Qinzhou is "a border bordering the ocean, bordering each other, consolidating the barriers between the two Guangdong provinces, and strangling the barbarians." In the fifty-sixth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1717), the governor Yang Lin built a coastal pier. Admiral Wang Wenxiong went to Chin to survey DaguanGang, Asan, Incense Burner Pier, Stone Dingtou and various forts including Ulay. After the Kangxi Dynasty, during the Opium War and the Sino-French War, reinforcement was carried out.

   The fort was built according to the island's situation, made of stone, green bricks, and lime paste, and the original fort was "four feet high and forty-four feet around it." There is 1 gatehouse, 3 official offices, 14 barracks, and 14 gunpowder bureaus. 2 2000 kg gun position, 2 1000 kg gun position, 4 500 kg gun position, in charge of 7 villages, the gun position is in charge of the general manager. Due to historical reasons, most of the walls around the fort have been demolished, and the remnants are up to 3 meters high, and most of them are 1-2 meters.

   Eagle Ridge Fort Ruins

   The site is on Yingling Ridge, about 1 km south of Shuijingkeng Old Yingpan Village in Dafanpo Township, and about 23 km from The urban area of Qinzhou. Eagle Ridge is a small island facing the sea on all sides. The fort was built in the 56th year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1717), and was repaired and reinforced during the Opium War and the Sino-French War. Located in the south of Eagle Ridge, the platform foundation is surrounded by stones in a circle, filled with earth, the terrace is more than 10 meters above the beach, mainly controlling the southeast and west seas (north to land). Today, the table has been severely damaged, and only a few cornerstones remain. The diameter of the remnant gun platform is about 7 meters long, the diameter of the base is about 12 meters, and there is a remnant of an ancient well on the east side. There is a cannon in existence, 260 cm long.

   In May 1983, the Qinzhou Municipal People's Government announced it as a county-level key cultural relics protection unit.

   Ruins of the Green Dragon Beacon Tower

   The site is on the chimney ridge behind the Qinglong Village Committee of Dafanpo Township, 10 kilometers away from the urban area of Qinzhou. At the foot of Lingxi is the Qinzhou to Rhino Foot Highway, and in the north of Lingxi is the Chimney Reservoir. The ridge runs east-west, about 500 meters above the ground, and stands majestically above the mountains, and the distant mountains and near the ridges are clear at a glance. It is indeed a good place to observe and transmit information. The beacon tower is located at the peak of the ridge, and the date of its construction can no longer be traced, and it was repaired during the Sino-French War, and then seriously damaged. Only a circular rammed earth platform remains. The height of the remnants is 3 meters, the diameter of the surface is 3 meters, and the diameter of the bottom is about 6 meters. It is built in layers of sand and gravel triad soil.

   Ruins of the old Yingpan Beacon Tower

   The site is located on the chimney hill north of Shuijingkeng Old Yingpan Village in Dafanpo Township, about 20 kilometers from The city of Qinzhou. The mountain is about 40 meters above the sea, running southeast, facing the sea in the southeast and west, and connected to the undulating hilly terrain in the north, which is the highest point of the hills, which can overlook the vast sea on three sides and facilitate the transmission of information to the interior.

   The date of construction is unknown, but it was restored during the Sino-French War, and is located on the top of the mountain, in the shape of a circular platform, made of bricks, stones, and mud. The existing remnants are 2 meters high, 4 meters in diameter and 6 meters in bottom diameter.

   In 1984, the Qinzhou Municipal People's Government announced it as a county-level key cultural relics protection unit.

   Tangchiling Ruins

   The site is located on the Tangchi Ridge, about 5 kilometers west of Dongchang Township, and about 20 kilometers from the urban area of Qinzhou. The ridge is oval in shape, running east-west, with an area of about 30 acres, close to the gale river with wide water depth. Tracing up the river, through Pingyin and Napeng, you can enter the boundary of Lingshan County, go down the river, and go straight into Qinzhou Bay through Shajiao Village in Rhino's Foot Town, and the waterway traffic is very convenient. In 1988, when the municipal museum conducted a census of cultural relics, a large number of pottery pieces and a number of ancient kiln sites were found. Pottery pieces are shaped like bowls, pots, bowls, cylinders, cups, pots, etc., and most of the utensils are white glaze, and there are also string pattern black pottery. The pattern is decorated with wavy patterns, geometric patterns, curly leaf patterns, lotus petal patterns and so on. Piles of finished pots, cans and bowls that have not yet left the kiln have been found at the kiln site. According to the appraisal of experts, they are all cultural relics of the Sui and Tang dynasties. Tang Chi Ling may have been a mistake in the "Tang Porcelain" Ridge.

   The ruins of the Stone Chamber of Yiziling

   It is located on the Yizi Ridge next to Zhongren Village in Bancheng Township, about 50 kilometers away from Qinzhou City. Legend has it that it is the place where Tang Zhifu Ning Yuanti studied when he was a teenager, which is a small natural cave, located on the top of the mountain at an altitude of more than 300 meters, facing south, the cave is 1.8 meters high, 2.8 meters deep, 4.2 meters wide, and there are stone platforms and stone benches inside. The stone is as lustrous as jade, the stone surface is smooth as a mirror, although it has experienced more than a thousand years, it is still smooth and clean, spotless, as if someone often sits and wipes. In front of the cave is an abyss, the cliff is like a cut, and it is necessary to detour from behind to cross the "overpass", the bridge is 8 meters high and 8 meters long, and if you are not careful, you will be crushed to pieces, and it will be extremely difficult to get in and out.

   The "Yiziling" Ming and Qing "Qinzhou Zhi" are called WolfJi Mountain, and there is indeed Langji Village near the present mountain. The stone chamber, now known to the masses as the Stone Cave of the Consultative Building.

   Ruins of Zhushan Oil City

   The city is located on a small plain about 500 meters south of Zhushan Village in Namong Township, about 25 kilometers from the city of Qinzhou, and is the site of a workshop that pressed peanut oil and tea oil. The total length of the city is 86 meters, the width is 54 meters, and the area is 4401 square meters, which is rectangular. In 1989, when the Municipal Museum conducted a census of cultural relics, the remnants of the city wall in the southeast corner were 76.2 meters, and the height was 4-5 meters, and the remnants of the city wall in the northeast corner were 18.7 meters and 5 meters high, and only the remaining walls were left at the foot of the wall. The wall is 0.5 meters thick and is made of triad earth. Surrounded by original turrets, there are still remnants of walls more than 5 meters high. The city is flat on three sides, east, west and north, suitable for drying raw materials, the south is close to the Namong River, can be xitong dasi, east to Xiaodong, but also south through Huangwutun to Maowei Sea, water traffic is more convenient, is a good place for production and transportation.

   The oil bank was established in 1882 by Four people, including Chen Jundi and Chen Dizuo of Zhushan Village. Because the nearby countryside is rich in peanuts and camellia oleifera seeds, the raw materials are abundant. At most, there were more than 100 oil workers, and the products were sold to Hepu, Weizhou, Dazhi, Fangcheng, Datang, Nachen and other places. The annual net profit is about 70,000-120,000 yuan, making the village rich. At present, a number of large-scale and exquisitely skilled ancient buildings (see Chapter 2) that have survived in Zhushan Village are good evidence. Unfortunately, in a major flood in the spring of the nineteenth year of Qing Guangxu (1895), the oil city was washed away and the property was lost. Since then, the oil bank has closed down and will no longer resume business.

Ancient Modern architecture

Famous anti-French generals live in residence

   Former residence of Liu Yongfu

   The SanxuanTang, the former residence of Liu Yongfu, the leader of the Black Flag Army and the national hero of the Anti-French Resistance Against France, is located at No. 10, Wrengui Street, Qinzhou Town, and is a key cultural relics protection unit in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Area.

   Liu Yongfu aided the Vietnamese resistance to the French, and his military achievements were outstanding, and the Yue King awarded the Three Xuan Viceroys. After the end of the Sino-French War and Liu Yongfu's return to China, he built a mansion in Qinzhou in the seventeenth year of the Qing Dynasty (1891) and named it Sanxuantang to commemorate his glorious history of aiding Vietnam and resisting the Law. Sanxuantang is one of the largest and most complete late Qing Dynasty buildings in Qinzhou City, covering an area of more than 22,700 square meters, with a construction area of more than 5,600 square meters, 119 large and small halls, surrounded by a solid wall of up to 4 meters, the head gate faces the river to the east, and on the top is the gray batch of "Three Xuantang" 3 black characters on a red background, and the couplets on both sides are "Zhiqi Guyue, PaiYan Pengcheng". The entrance door through a corridor of more than 30 meters is the second gate, the second gate is a 2-story building, the depth is 4 meters, the width of the three rooms, the middle is the door, the two sides are the rooms. On the top of the door hangs the "Jianwei Di" forehead with gold characters on a red background. The couplet is "Encheng North Que, Spring Full of Southern Heaven". Behind the second gate on the right side is a barn covering an area of more than 1,000 square meters, the main building and the barn are connected side by side, sitting north to south, in front of the door is a square more than 80 meters wide, behind the square is a 4 meters high and 24 meters wide Zhaobi, on the book "Qingyun Liri" 4 large characters, the handwriting is dignified and elegant. Behind the wall is more than 8,000 square meters of vegetable fields. There are several tall longan trees on the vegetable ground, and legend has it that it was the place where Liu Yongfu tied his horse. The main building has three entrances, more than 60 meters deep, more than 50 meters wide, 14 meters high, hard mountain top, Chinese-style cylindrical tile eaves. The left, right, and back sides are surrounded by boxes, and each box communicates with each other, forming a whole centered on the main seat. The walls around the main building are densely packed with gun holes, echoing the gun holes of the turrets in the four corners of the wall, forming a tight defense system, and it is said that there are secret tunnels in the house that can be directly connected to the suburbs in case of unexpected incidents. The door top of the front seat of the main building has a gold plaque with the words "Qin Zhi Hua Ling", and the couplet is "Deep rain and dew of the heavenly steps, and the court is long Andi Lan". The middle seat has one hall and two bedrooms, and the Ming room on the vertical axis is a single-storey hall, the left and right are symmetrical 2-story buildings, and the right side is Liu Yongfu's bedroom. On the left and right sides of the roof of the screen in the nave, there is a poem of seven laws, which reads:

   Dongdu Palace Que Yu Saga, endure to listen to hu er's song;

   Clouds across the river HuaiXiang cui phoenix, dew stained thorns without copper camels.

   Dan's heart is still smiling, and the white hair will be as old as it gets old;

   Ander rode thirty thousand horses in iron, and took the old mountains and rivers for the king. There is a long joint pair in the ancestral hall of the back seat: "My ancestors often have silent blessings to maintain, start to build this foundation, remember the past wind and rain, wear the moon and wear the stars, after a hundred battles and the rest of their lives, with hard work, they still think of the front and still inspire; then the people who come after them think hard about the difficult creation, it is appropriate to abide by the family training, especially the noble brothers, friends and brothers, husbands and wives, cut the precepts of a thousand kinds of elegance, strive for progress, and the old age is also happy." "Inside and outside the hall of the main building, the wall paintings are carved in wood, and they are full of dazzling. Among them are the famous mountains and rivers, pavilions, strange flowers, and colorful phoenix cranes; there are also shepherd boy woodcutters, immortal goddesses, sages and sages, and martial generals. All painted in gold, magnificent.

   Sanxuantang is the former residence of national heroes, an ancient building with excellent craftsmanship, and a good place to conduct education in patriotism and internationalism and to study ancient architectural art. Since the "Exhibition of Historical Relics of the Sino-French War" was set up in the hall in 1983, a large number of CPC leaders, such as Li Desheng, Wang Heshou, Liu Lantao, Zhao Cangbi, Wang Renzhi, Wang Xinting, and Gao Tianzheng, have also received a number of experts and scholars in the cultural, artistic, and cultural relics and archaeology circles, such as Tian Han, He Luting, Gao Zhuang, Shi Shuqing, Luo Zhewen, Geng Baochang, and Du Qisong. In 1987, when commemorating the 150th anniversary of Liu Yongfu's birth, Huang Wenhuan, a revolutionary of the older generation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, sent from Beijing autographed inscriptions such as "The internationalist spirit of Mr. Liu Yongfu's aid to Vietnam and resisting the Law is eternal" and "The Yellow River is like Mount Tai, and the eternal righteousness of Vietnam and China will never change."

   The Qinzhou Municipal Museum is located in the former residence of Liu Yongfu. (Liu Yongfu, "Character History" has a biography)

   Feng Zicai's former residence is Feng Gong Baodi

   The former residence of Feng Zicai, a famous anti-French general, is located in the east of Baishuitang Village, 3 kilometers north of Qinzhou City, and is a key cultural relics protection unit at the district (provincial) level. According to the Feng family genealogy, the house was completed in the first year of the Qing Dynasty (1875). Covering an area of more than 70,000 square meters, it includes three small hills shaped like Fuhu, which is called "Crouching Tiger Land" by local people. Feng Zicai likes this "tiger" land very much. However, because of the harmony between "Crouching Tiger" and "Hungry Tiger", he wanted to use both tiger power and prevent tigers from hurting people, so he built a tower on both the east and west sides of the house, and at sunrise, the east tower shadow hit the tiger like a whip, and at sunset, the west tower shadow also hit the tiger like a whip, so that in the twilight of the morning, sunrise and sunset, there are tower whips to suppress the "hungry tiger" so that it cannot hurt people, and this tower is rumored to be the "tiger whip tower". The original pagoda was demolished after liberation, and the ruins are still faintly visible today. The fourth ring of the palace is surrounded by a high wall, and within the wall there are three main buildings, each of which is divided into three large rooms, and each large room is divided into 3 small rooms, a total of 9 large rooms and 27 small rooms. The materials used in the construction are exquisite, and the interior beams, columns, doors and windows, . The plaques are mostly made of precious lattice wood. The relief workmanship is exquisite, the murals are colorful, the shape is dignified, simple and rigorous. Feng Zicai lived here in the eighth year of Guangxu (1882) after returning to the field after being relieved of his illness, and on the eve of the Sino-French War, he re-recruited the old troops here and went to the front line of the anti-French resistance at Zhennanguan. Inside and outside this official residence, there are still some remnants of Feng Zicai's activities in those years, such as "Please Put the Slope", "Get on the Horse Stone", "Altar of the Flag", "Tie the Horse Tree", "Xi Wuchang" and so on. (Feng Zicai, "Character History" has a biography)

   Feng Zicai's birthplace

   The former residence of Feng Zicai was built around the time of Qing Yongzheng, located in Shawei Street, Qinzhou Town, an ordinary bungalow with brick and wood structure, sitting east to west, divided into two front and back, the front seat is now No. 133 Shawei Street, and the back seat is No. 144, which is now used by Qinzhou Welfare Factory.

   Feng Zicai's ancestor Feng Suiyun, Shiye Hongdan, moved here from the South China Sea in the early Qianlong period. Feng Zicai was born in the 23rd year of Qing Jiaqing (1818) and spent his adolescence here.

   The People's Government of Qinzhou County was announced as a county-level key cultural relics protection unit in 1983.

   Feng Shaozhu's former residence

   Feng Shaozhu (1831-1912), a native of Tungong Village, Dasi Town, Qinzhou City. In the famous Zhennanguan Anti-French Campaign, he was promoted from dusi to staff general after the armistice. Its former residence flower hall, located in the old Wei of Dasi Town, is said to have been built when the 11th year of Guangxu (1885) after the Sino-French War was disarmed and returned to the field, a hard hilltop brick and wood structure bungalow, a row of 5 rooms, in front of the house is a drying field, in front of the drying field is a fish pond, the total area of about 800 square meters, the construction area of about 250 square meters. The interior decoration is more elaborate, and there are many paintings, sculptures and drawings on the mountain surface, bottom beams, roof roof and cornice panels. In particular, the more than 20 murals at the top of the gable are full of composition, colorful and rich in the characteristics of late Qing Dynasty architecture. (Feng Shaozhu, "Character History" has a biography)

   Zhushan ancient building complex

   It is located in Zhushan Village, Namong Township, 23 kilometers north of Qinzhou. Built for the Chen family, it is a group of independent enclosed courtyard buildings. The scale is magnificent, the layout is regular, the decoration is exquisite, and the defense is tight, which is a group building with Han style in the Zhuang rural areas in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. There were 15 original and 10 existing ones, most of which cover a wide area and are magnificent in scale. For example, Maolin Hall, which includes the main buildings such as Sima Di, the Chinese Army, dafu Di and Wuguan, as well as ancillary buildings such as gardens, water pavilions, artillery towers, and basements, with a total area of 4,050 square meters.

   The exterior of the ancient building complex is generally more simple, but its interior (especially the main building) decoration is extremely exquisite and exquisite. Interior walls, eaves, finches, door leaves, panes, screen roofs, mountain faces, pointed beams, beam covers, etc., can be clearly distinguished from their architectural styles and artistic characteristics of different periods. For example, in Zanfudi, which was built in the Qianlong period, only pointed beams were used for elephant trunk shape, shallow flat carving and slightly monochrome, the top of the screen was a simple geometric arrangement, and the panes were repetitive lines; while the Maolin Hall, built in the Jiaqing period, decorative arts began to be used in the eaves and made tangled branches and flowers, and the subsequent Sande Hall (built in the Tongzhi period) and the Jiuru Hall (built in the Guangxu period) were more perfect in artistic modeling and color use. Among them, more than 40 meters of banner flowers and more than 70 relief murals on the inner wall of Jiuru Hall are selected from historical allusions or folklore. Such as Yanshan godson, Wen Wang's visiting master, Dingshan shooting geese, Jiang Gong fishing, Guo Fu Zhushou, Long Feng grabbing balls, etc. They have a strong national flavor and local colors in style; they are vivid in art, full in composition, smooth in knife technique, and colorful; and they are also unique in defense facilities. Each hall has a solid rammed earth wall, with dense gun holes on the wall, and a turret in the four corners, and the turret is mostly a double-sided wall of outer green bricks and inner mud bricks, and the bullets cannot be shot through. Some also have basements. Each hall can become a separate bunker, but also can echo and support each other. These buildings are now inhabited by descendants of the original families.

   Crescent Hall ancient building complex

   Located at the foot of Gudou Ridge in the east of Tunxiang Village, Changtan Township, Qinzhou, about 42 kilometers north of the county seat, it was built by the Huang brothers in the thirteenth year of Tongzhi (1873). The main house has 4 blocks, each with 3 rows and 7 rooms in each row, 3 rooms in the center are slightly higher, and the left and right 2 rooms are slightly lower, which is a "three high and two low" building mode with rich local characteristics. The gables of each row of houses are hard and overhanging, brick and wood structures, with a small number of relief murals. There is a wall around it, the wall is 9 meters high, 80 centimeters thick, and the area inside the wall is more than 60,000 square meters, with flower and fruit gardens, vegetable gardens, wells and so on. There are 6 turrets around, all 3 floors and 11 meters high. At present, except for the turret, the rest are well preserved.

   Former residence of Shen Baofan

   The former residence of Shen Baofan (deputy commander of the Eight Subordinate Army in 1924), known as the General Building. It is located 25 kilometers south of Qinzhou, on a small hillside southeast of Longmen Town. Built in the 8th year of the Republic of China (1919), it covers an area of more than 2,000 square meters and a construction area of more than 10,000 square meters. Reinforced concrete structure, the plane is slightly square, three stories high, each floor has a half-moon shaped balcony, and the four corners of the roof are equipped with turrets. Climbing to the top of the building, you can not only see the tide rising and falling tide, sunrise and sunset wonders, but more importantly, you can fully control the surface of the 100-mile sea. Formerly the Naval Headquarters stationed in Longmen, it was converted into a naval guest house in 1987. This building is one of a number of new buildings in the city in the early 20th century, which was called "Western-style Building" at that time and is basically well preserved today. (Shen Baofan, "Character History" has a biography.) )

   Former residence of Zhang Ruigui

   Zhang Ruigui is a lieutenant general of the Kuomintang army, and his former residence is located in Natong Village, Guitai Township, 38 kilometers northwest of Qinzhou, built in the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), covering an area of more than 3,100 square meters, with a construction area of more than 200 square meters, a green brick reinforced concrete structure, which is a unique chinese and Western structural building with luxurious decoration. In 1969, it was converted into Natun Elementary School, and since then it has been rebuilt year by year, and only the first gate and 4 turrets are still well preserved. (Zhang Ruigui, "Character History" has a biography.) )

   Huang Zhisheng's former residence

   It is located on the east bank of the river in Huangwutunwei, 10 kilometers west of Qinzhou. Huang Zhisheng, also known as Zhihuan, served as an envoy to Qiongya Town during the Beijing government, and later lived in seclusion in Hong Kong. In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), Hui Qin built this building and opened Yumin Company. Covers an area of 450 square meters, construction area of 618 square meters, reinforced concrete structure, 3 floors, each floor has a corridor, flower railing, ceiling. The blue, red, black, white and other color tiles on the ground, composing trapezoidal, prismatic, square, circular and other artistic patterns, were one of the first batch of new buildings in the city in the early 20th century, which was called "Western-style Building" at that time. It is now the seat of the Huangwutun Town Government and is well preserved.

   Former residence of Guo Wenhui

   On a hill on the edge of Longmen Wei, about 25 kilometers north of Qinzhou, it was built in the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), a reinforced concrete structure, the main seat is 12 meters wide, the depth is 17 meters, the height is 8 meters, there are balconies, railings, and the ground is paved with tiles. It was one of a number of new buildings in the city in the early 20th century, which was called "Western-style Building" at that time, and is now the seat of the Longmen Township Government. (Guo served as a naval captain of Chen Jitang's department in the early Republic of China)

Ancestral temple

   Feng Yongyi Gong ancestral hall

   Feng Yongyi's ancestral hall, in the southeast corner of the small competition field in the city, is now the compound of the Municipal Grain Bureau of Renmin North Road in Qinzhou Town, which is his former site, and was built to commemorate Feng Zicai, a patriotic general who resisted France. Feng died in July of the 29th year of the Qing Dynasty (1903), and the Qing Dynasty was allowed to establish a special shrine in his original hometown and Ligong Province. This shrine was completed in the winter of the 32nd year of Guangxu, with a royal monument erected, a statue erected, and the magistrates held two festivals every spring and autumn. In the 15th year of the Republic of China (1926), the National Revolutionary Army and students destroyed the statue of the whole city, and the statue of Du Yongyi was unharmed, and it was not destroyed until the Japanese invading army fell the city in the 28th year of the Republic of China. After liberation, it was demolished and built as a warehouse of the county grain bureau in the 1960s.

   Temple of Ouray

   Also known as Fubo Temple, it was built in honor of General Han Ma Fubo. According to historical records: "In the sixteenth year (40 years) of the Eastern Han Dynasty Jianwu, emperor Guangwu sent Hu Benzhonglang to assist Ma, and at that time the reinforcements passed through Qinzhou Bay, where they were stationed on the ground in Ulei, and used as a storage and transfer dock for military supplies. In the first month of the eighteenth year, he was beheaded and enlisted, passed on the head of Luoyang, and was given the title of Marquis of Xinxing. In the autumn of the twentieth year, Zhen Brigade returned to the Beijing Division. After his death, he was falsely accused and framed, and in the third year of the founding (78 years), Emperor Zhang discovered that he was posthumously honored as the Marquis of Zhongcheng, and granted him permission to build a temple in his former location, while in The Ulei Mountain, he was on the road of aiding the Yuanhai march of that year. According to this, the temple was built three years or later in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and is one of the oldest temples in Qinzhou. At first, the temple was built on the ridge, the incense was very popular, and the tang and Song dynasties were lined with inscriptions. Later, it was moved to Lingxia (3 km from the present-day Wulei Village), and was built through the 14th year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1675), the Jiaqing period, the 8th year of Daoguang (1828), the 8th year of Guangxu (1882), and the 12th year of the Republic of China (1923), all with the purpose of restoring the old view. It is said that the scale of its temple is very magnificent, and the front of the temple (archway) is written on the front of the mountain gate (archway) with the horizontal book "Ulay Ancient Temple", the left and right horizontal books are "Gonggao Eastern Han" and "Depi Nantian", and the couplet is "The Eastern Han Dynasty is heroic, worshiping as a general, calling Yue Weng, Gu Pan Zixiong, and the spirit of twilight is still shining; the ancient temple of Ulei, the back leaning mountain, the front coastal sea, feng shui concentration, and the thousand autumn smoke has a sweet fragrance." "All are gold on a blue background. The temple has a total of two entrances, each of which is divided into 3 main halls, the middle is a large patio, and there are 4 corridors and flower halls on both sides of the patio, all of which are red walls and green tiles, carved beams and paintings. The main hall of the back seat is dedicated to General Ma Fubo, with 4 generals on each side. The remaining five halls are dedicated to the Second Emperor Wenwu, Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Fourth Prince (said to be the youngest son of General Ma Fubo), the Nine Officials and the Three Mothers-in-Law. Among them, the statue of Ma Yuan is the largest, 2.3 meters high, with a red face and long beard, and a high spirit, while the rest of the gods are tall and powerful. His Highness Ma Yuan is equipped with a large brass drum and a large iron bell, and the bell rings the drum during the sacrifice, and the sound is heard for miles. All the merchants and fishermen who passed by were all looking at the offerings from afar, or berthing their boats to shore to pay respects, and the plaques and curtains they sent were dazzling. The temple collapsed in the early days of liberation and is still in place today.

   Guanyue Temple

   Guanyue Temple, originally the Guandi Temple, is customarily called the Red West Building, in the southwest corner of the city, that is, the auditorium of the Qinzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. It was built in the second year of Ming Hongwu (1369), rebuilt in the ninth year of Chenghua (1473), and continuously repaired and expanded by successive dynasties. In the 15th year of the Republic of China (1926), the idols were destroyed in the student movement. In the 20th year of the Republic of China, Feng Zicai's son Feng Xiangzhao and others submitted to the approval of the county government to hand over the old Yue Temple in front of the Wanshou Palace to the Wu Temple, renamed the Guanyue Temple, and enshrined the statue. There are 4 great generals such as Guan Yunchang and Yue Fei in the main hall, 4 great generals such as Guan Ping, Zhou Cang, Yue Yun, and Wang Heng in front of the hall, and 24 famous generals of the past, such as Zhang Fei, Li Jing, Guo Ziyi, Di Qing, Zhao Yun, and Qi Jiguang. After liberation, the temple was destroyed, and later demolished and rebuilt into the auditorium of the QINZHOU (city) county party committee of the COMMUNIST Party of China.

   Jinggong Temple

   Jinggong Temple (formerly known as "Zhongxian Bo Temple") is on a small island on the east side of Longmen Port in the south of Qinzhou, the island name is Yaowudun, commonly known as Jinggongdun. In the first year of Qianlong (1736), it was built to commemorate the sacrifice of Jing Huigong, the deputy general of the Longmen Association. Temple Gate Horizontal Criticism: "Zhongxian Bo Temple", the couplet used to be "Loyal Zhao Feng Que, Prominent Town Dragon Gate", and now the union is "Loyalty to the Sun and Moon, Prominent Dragon Gate". Every year on the fourth day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, nearby villagers go to the temple to worship and worship, which has been followed to this day.

   Jing Hui, a native of Tingzhou, Fujian. In the second year of Qing Yongzheng (1724), he served as the deputy general of the Longmen Association, and was loyal and upright, and his wisdom and courage were outstanding. In the fifth year of Yongzheng, due to the wind on the patrol, it floated on the surface of the Nanshawei Ocean, and afterwards the Qing government gave shade according to the example of death. The temple was rebuilt in the 58th year of Qianlong (1793), rebuilt in the 18th year of Jiaqing (1813), collapsed in the early liberation period, rebuilt in recent years, and is now one of the main attractions in the 72 Jing Tourist Area of Qinzhou.

Pavilion Tower

   Tianya Pavilion

   It is located in Zhongshan Park in Qinzhou District. Legend has it that it was founded by Zhizhou Tao Bi during the Song Zhiping period (1064-1067). Because "Qindi borders the ocean in the south and the toe in the west, and goes to the Capital Division Wanli, it is named after Tianya, and he is called Cape Yiye with Hepu." (Qingzhi Prefecture Dong Shaomei", "Reconstruction of the Tianya Pavilion") The pavilion was originally built in the east of the city, Pingnan Gudutou. Due to the destruction, it was relocated to the East Gate Moon City in the fourth year (1177) of the Southern Song Dynasty during the third year of the Baoqing Dynasty (1227). During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Successive Zhizhou was constantly rebuilt. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, Zhizhou Yu Sanweifu was built in Pingnan Gudutou. In the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934), due to the opening of streets and the construction of roads, it was relocated to the "Dragon Pier" between the West Lake and the South Lake in Zhongshan Park, which is the current site. Lin Yizhong, director of the Civil Affairs Department of Guangdong Province at that time, once presented a plaque with the inscription: "Song Traces Three Moves", but it has long been lost.

   Tianya Pavilion is sandwiched between green mountains and green water. It is one of the most concerned places for the literati and scholars who have come to Qinzhou in the past. They either wrote poems to express their aspirations, or filled in words to send their hearts, leaving many good works. In the first year of the Qing Dynasty (1909), the master of art Qi Baishi went to Qinzhou and traveled to Tianyating with his friends Li Qisheng and Luo Xingwu. He also improvised a painting of Tianya Pavilion and carved a self-engraved "Tianya Pavilion Passerby" to commemorate the trip to Qinzhou. In April 1962, when the famous playwright and poet Tian Han arrived in Qinzhou, he also wrote seven poems for the Tianya Pavilion, which read:

   The canal rolled into the lake, and the grass was full of words.

   The writers are clearly nostalgic for their hometown, why should Qinzhou be the end of the world.

   The existing Tianya Pavilion is hexagonal, 4 meters wide and more than 5 meters high, with stone pillars and wooden beams glazed tiles. Although it has been relocated three times and repaired and remodeled countless times, it still preserves the original ancient pavilion flavor. In 1982, the Qinzhou County People's Government announced it as a county-level key cultural relics protection unit.

   Monument Pavilion

   Beiting (commonly known as Guiting) is located on the south side of Xiaoqiao Village in Shabu Township, 13 kilometers away from Qinzhou City. It is one of the 4 components of Feng Zicai's tomb, originally built in the 33rd year of Qing Guangxu (1907). Inside the pavilion, a Feng Zicai Shinto stele was erected, the height of the stele was more than 2 meters, and the inscription was: "The Great Qing Dynasty awarded Ronglu Dafu Jianwei General Prince Shaobao Shangshu Title Guizhou Admiral Hereditary Light Vehicle Du Wei Jia Yiyun Riding Lieutenant Feng Yongyi Gong Shinto", the inscription is engraved around the Nine Dragons Play Bead Clip with the Dark Eight Immortals pattern, and the stele is made of stone "Cockroach Head Turtle". According to the "Six Classics of Tang", "The Tang funeral order, more than five pins of the head of the turtle, the demotion of five pins to the head of the JieFangza Garden." It can be seen that the use of the ancient mantis head turtle is distinguished by official rank, Feng Zicai belongs to a military attaché, so the use of this seat, the pavilion collapsed in the early years, in 1981, the Autonomous Region Cultural Relics Department allocated funds to rebuild.

   Five Lakes Pavilion

   The Five Lakes Pavilion, one of the famous pavilions of the Song Dynasty in Qinzhou, was built on the bank of the Chengdong River in Zhizhou and collapsed due to long-term disrepair. It was rebuilt in 1925 at the foot of the southeast side of Ximen Ridge and on the south bank of Nanhu Lake. The pavilion is square, about 3 meters high and has an area of about 10 square meters. There is a couplet on the front of the two pillars, which is said to be written by the squire Wu Ruolin, and the joint text is: "Busy for the name, busy for profit, busy and idle, and borrow (one says "in") to sit in the pavilion; labor is bitter, hard work, seeking (one says "seeking") pleasure, talking about the past." There is also a link on the side of the pavilion: "Tea light tea is strong, chat about a cup, rest in the heart of fame and fortune; the right side of the pavilion, pause for a moment, talk about the ancient and modern winds in the world." "Because of the profound meaning of the language, it is still talked about today. The pavilion was demolished in the 1980s and is located on the north side of the office building of the imaging city film company.

   Wild Incense Pavilion

   One of the song dynasty pavilions in Qinzhou, Zhizhou Tao Bi was founded, and Tao Bi has a poetry cloud: "The new calyx under the wild incense pavilion is half peach and half plum." The old saying that Wuling originated and now suspected that dayu Ridge came from the edge. The human pavilion woke up and was still drunk, and the wind and warm walls fell and opened. The guests laughed and talked about the folk drum dance, and they didn't know what it was. "Long abandoned, the original site is unknown. In the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), it was rebuilt in Zhongshan Park. It was rebuilt again in the 1980s and is now a six-poster flat-roofed pavilion.

   Three Mountain Pavilion

   Sanshan Pavilion is one of the famous pavilions of the Song Dynasty in Qinzhou. Located on the Three Mountains Ridge 3 kilometers south of Qinzhou City, adjacent to Wenbi Peak and at the foot of the ridge in the north, there is a thunder temple, and the rioters who have climbed the inscription "Wenfeng Zhuo Pen" for generations have also chanted here. The pavilion was built for Tao Bi of Qinzhou Zhizhou during the Song Qing calendar, and there is also a poem of seven words and a law, the poem Yun: "The peaks are not as good as these three peaks, and the road was not passed by Cuiying in that year." Wild old people come without landlords, and gods and immortals stay with mountain owls. This pavilion was repaired over the centuries and rebuilt during the Republic of China, named "Guanchao Pavilion". The pavilion is octagonal, 4 meters wide and 3 meters high, with arches in four directions, and the pavilion and the roof are all white ash, and the water is on the ground, which still exists today. After liberation, an unnamed monument to revolutionary martyrs was built next to the pavilion, and whenever the Qingming and Chongyang festivals were held, more people hoisted in front of the monument and went to the pavilion to rest.

   Centenarian Pavilion

   Baisui Pavilion is about 4 kilometers west of The City of Qinzhou, on the Pinggang Road next to the Modao Waterway, facing the Qinfang Highway. In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Gongxincheng, his people donated funds to build it in the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942). The front and back of the pavilion open the gate, the left and right large windows, the pavilion inside and outside the couplet. At that time, Chen Gongpei, the county magistrate of Qin County, Zhang Ruigui, commander of the National Revolutionary Army, and Peng Zhifang, the commander of the division, each wrote a book as a gift. At that time, the former Governors of Qin County, Pang Yuanyi, Lu Kaimei, and Huang Xiaosong, governor of Hepu County, all wrote joint poems, and calligrapher Wang Dingyi wrote them as souvenirs. After liberation, it gradually collapsed due to disrepair.

Courtyard building

   Copper Fish Academy

   Located east of Xiaodongwei, 26 kilometers north of Qinzhou City, Tongyu Academy was built with the funds of Fang Fengyuan, who was once the Xiangli Wenmu of Feng Zi's Ministry, and was completed in the nineteenth year of Qing Guangxu (1893). It is named because it was built next to Tongyu Mountain (i.e., Ancient Dou Ridge). Until 1990, it was the only surviving college building in Qinzhou City, which was the building of Xiaodong Middle School.

   The college imitates the style building of Guangzhou Guangya College, with the main seat area of five rooms wide and three deep, covering an area of more than 10,000 square meters. On the top of the main hall gate of the front seat, a large plaque of "Copper Fish Academy" carved in granite stone is inlaid, and the two sides of the gate are accompanied by the couplet of "Copper Pillar Meritorious Place; When the Fish and Dragon Change" written by Wang Shizong, a man of the late Qing Dynasty. About 20 meters in front of the gate is the wall, and the book "Tiankai Wenyun" is written. On the middle door screen there is an inscription written by Feng Zicai, "Er wei junzi Confucian" (destroyed). Between the front and middle seats, on the left and right are the compartments. On the left is the "Listening Room", which houses the soldiers in the nursing home; on the right is the "Office of the Servants", which houses the financial staff. The middle seat is called "Kong Sheng Lou", with Confucius tablets on the upper floor and a faculty dormitory downstairs. The back seat has 2 bedrooms and 3 living rooms. The main hall is equipped with a shrine and the longevity tablets of the donors of the construction institute are placed, and the plaques on the front door of the hall are "Aspiring to Compete for Success"; the plaques in the left and right halls are "Weiqi Humanities" and "Article Huaguo" respectively. The left and right sides of the flying head are symmetrical buildings, the left side is called the "Hidden Instrument Building", which is used to store teaching supplies; the right side is called the "One Roll Building", which is used to store various books.

   There are 2 student dormitories on both sides of the main building in the back seat, called "East Sai" and "West Sai". There are 1 hall and 2 rooms in each of the east and west two zhais, which are called "Dongzi Zhai", "Wall Zi Zhai", "Tu Zi Zhai", "Shu Zi Zhai", "Fu Zi Zhai", "Xi Zi Zhai", "Garden Zi Zhai", "Han Zi Zhai", "Mo Zi Zhai", and "Lin Zi Zhai", and the first word of the 10 shu zhai is connected together, that is, a couplet of "East Wall Library, West Garden Han Mo Lin". The study hall is a place for students to live, self-study and learn literature. Outside the study, there are flower beds around the courtyard, and flowers and plants are planted everywhere. Behind the college there is a flower and fruit garden with lychees, longan and camphor trees. The environment is elegant and comfortable. It is a more typical ancient academy building.

   Dongpo College

   Originally located in Pingnan Gudutou outside Qinzhou City, it was founded by Cheng Ding of Zhizhou in the thirty-fourth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1695). The statue of Su Wenzhonggong (Dongpo) of the Inner Ancestor, after the renovation of Zhizhou, to Jiaqing twenty-four years (1819), Zhizhou Zhukui demolished and rebuilt, a series of 4, 3 rooms each, plus a total of 22 left and right schoolhouses, surrounded by brick walls, covering a total area of about 1060 square meters, the scale is quite majestic. During the Guangxu period, Zhizhou Li Shoutong moved the academy to The Dragon Tower and renamed it Suifeng Academy. In the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942), the old Dongpo Academy was converted into the Tianya Theater, and after liberation, it was rebuilt into the Tianya Hotel (now the Zhongshan Road Jiangbin Hotel).

   Shulan College

   Located on AoyuZhou, 1 mile southeast of Qinzhou City, it is also known as Aoyu Academy. During the Ming Dynasty, Li Wumei of Zhizhou was equal to Aoyu Zhou to build wenchang pavilion, enshrined in the statue of Wenchang, and later destroyed by Kou. In the sixteenth year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1751), a two-fold pavilion was built on the old site, the statue of Wenchang was enshrined, and the lecture hall Sanyao and the two corridors of the Academy were built, in front of which was the Kuixing Building, surrounded by brick walls, named Yilan Academy. Qianlong was rebuilt in 27 years and destroyed by heavy waters in 36 years. In the ninth year of Jiaqing (1804), it was rebuilt, and the Qianlong Jinshi and calligrapher Feng Minchang wrote and wrote the book "Re-repairing the Introduction of the Yanlan Academy" and carved stone standing next to it (the stele is now in the Guangdong Provincial Museum). Later, when the College was moved to merge with Dongpo College, the site was repeatedly reverted to other uses, and the original appearance was completely lost, and it is now the site of the first primary school in Qinzhou Town.

   Guangzhou Guild Hall

   Guangzhou Guild Hall is located outside the East Gate of Qinzhou (no. 29 Shengli Road, present-day Chengli Road). It was built in the 48th year of Qianlong (1783), the 14th year of Daoguang (1834) and the 18th year of Guangxu (1892) and rebuilt twice, which belongs to the Ming and Qing dynasty courtyard style.

   The four-character large stone plaque of "Guangzhou Guild Hall", embedded in the top of the main entrance of the central axis of the main seat, was written by Zhuang Yougong of Guangdong Zhuang in the Qing Dynasty. The hall is 3 rooms wide and 2 deep, covering an area of 1180 square meters. It is a bungalow with a single eaves of masonry and wood construction. Hard hilltop, clear water grinding brick walls. The main seat is divided into two halls, front and back, each hall is symmetrical left and right, with a 2-meter-wide east-west passage, and the front desk of the hall is based on the Sumire Seat. Railings, pillars, hanging belt steps, etc., are all refined from granite, carved with tangled peonies, rare birds and beasts, smooth lines, vivid shapes. Every relief, every group of murals, is a beautiful work of art. Both front and rear halls are six-bay front cornices with hard summits. The two sides of the hall are box rooms, between the two halls is a balcony patio, the patio is lined with a small living room, the panes of each hall are porcelain windows with different patterns, the indoor floor is paved with square bricks, and the corridors and patios are all paved with stone slabs. Indoor and outdoor more than ten pairs of wood and stone load-bearing pillar heads are of different shapes, and each pair of pillar heads is cushioned with different styles of lotus-shaped drum-shaped piers. The frames of the doors and windows are all carved from granite, elegant, solid, solemn and magnificent. Today, it is the first guest house in Qinzhou City.

   In 1982, the People's Government of Qinzhou County was announced as a county-level key cultural relics protection unit.

   Yaoyuan Library

   In the winter of the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Zhang Zhengshu (Zi Yaoyuan), the principal of the 12th Middle School of Guangdong Province, died of illness on the job due to overwork. In order to commemorate Zhang's dedication to local education and the cultivation of local talents for more than ten years, the school colleagues and local people raised more than 12,000 yuan in silver to establish a commemorative school library, Yaoyuan Library, at clam shell port (now in xinxing Road City No. 2 Middle School in the urban area) opposite the school. Completed in the spring of the 21st year of the Republic of China, the museum is an ancient Terrace Pavilion-style building with 10 steps, surrounded by a cloister, with a total area of 252 square meters and a collection of more than 20,000 books. In the 24th year of the Republic of China, the school was changed to Guangdong Provincial Qinzhou Normal School, and the library was transferred accordingly. In the winter of the 28th year of the Republic of China, the Japanese army invaded Qinzhou, all the books were lost, and the library building was taken over by the schools that used the place successively. In 1981, the county (city) No. 2 Middle School that built the school here demolished the roof of the original library and added a second floor to serve as the library of the school. In the winter of 1986, the municipal government accepted the proposals of all parties and confirmed the "Yaoyuan Library" as a commemorative building, and on September 10, 1987, on Chinese Teachers' Day, the name "Yaoyuan Library" was restored and protected as a memorial building for respecting teachers and re-teaching.

   Zhenlong Building

   ZhenlongLou is located in Beigang, outside Qinzhou (present-day Renmin South Road in the urban area, in the city's No. 1 Middle School). In the eleventh year of Qing Guangxu (1885), Feng Zicai, a native of the prefecture, donated money to the founder after returning to China. The upper and lower 3 floors, like a high mountain, is the town in the north of the state city, hoping that the mountains and rivers will be beautiful and talented. In the sixteenth year of qing guangxu, Suifeng Academy was set up with two or three buildings in front of the building, three of which were each built, as well as wing houses and corridor houses. In the 32nd year of Guangxu, a church building was added to the vacant land around the building and changed to Qinzhou Middle School (later renamed Qinzhou Middle School and Guangdong Provincial Qinzhou Middle School). In the 16th year of the Republic of China (1927), Qinzhou Middle School was moved to Beifu Temple, and the original site was the garrison of the Border Guard Army. In the autumn of the 27th year of the Republic of China, saying that it was "in order to reduce the targets of Japanese bombing", the garrison was ordered to remove the upper company cover of the Zhenlong Tower. In the 26th year of the Republic of China, the army stationed in Zhenlonglou withdrew, and the county middle school was moved back to Zhenlonglou. In the 28th year of the Republic of China, the Japanese army occupied Qinzhou, and the buildings and school buildings were damaged to varying degrees. In the 30th year of the Republic of China, the houses outside the building were slightly repaired and classes resumed. It was renamed "QinXian County No. 1 Middle School", but the building is still damaged. Until December 1990, during the celebration of Qinzhou No. 1 Middle School, alumni associations at home and abroad gathered together to propose to carry out fundraising and rebuild the Zhenlong Building.


Tomb of Feng Zicai, commander of the Cui Army

   Feng Zicai's tomb is located 13 kilometers east of Qinzhou City, on a small hill northeast of Xiaoqiao Village in Shabu Township, and on the south side is the Qinzhou-Beihai Highway.

   The whole tomb is composed of four parts: one is the stele pavilion (see the second section of the second chapter of the second chapter); the second is the "Shu Jian" archway 300 meters in front of the tomb, the archway is 3 rooms and 4 pillars, 5 meters high and 6.5 meters wide, all built of granite; the third is the hexagonal pavilion on the west side of the archway, which is said to have a stele of "Feng Yongyi Gong Shinto" written by Lin Chengwu, detailing the life of Feng Zicai and the great victory of Zhennanguan, which was destroyed in the "Cultural Revolution"; the fourth is the main tomb, and the main tomb sits north to south, covering an area of about 1200 square meters. The top of the tomb is a granite column eaves with a length of 2 meters and a width of 50 centimeters, and a tombstone in the middle of the eaves, and a pair of exquisite panlong stone columns on both sides of the stele. In front of the tomb is a three-level worship platform with a length of 5 meters and a width of 6 meters, and there are a pair of stone carvings on the left and right, such as Wenshi, Military Generals, and Lions, Tigers, and Horses. There are 8 lion's head stone pillars in front of the worship platform, 4 long and 4 short, all of which are engraved with couplets. For example, "Bingzuo ★ Zhongxing, giving the temple to the emperor, and the merit is comparable to the history of the yanguang country; holding the pearl mian houfu, dwarfing Bu Zhao, xiu ying that fog and the zhaohui", "Wanli Gancheng, one pillar; inch heart golden stone, hundreds of centuries sweet fragrance" and so on. Shi Zhu was replaced by his son Feng Xiangrong in the 4th year of the Republic of China (1915). The whole cemetery is magnificent.

   The tomb was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. In 1981, the autonomous region allocated funds for restoration and was listed as a key cultural relics protection unit at the autonomous region level (Feng Zicai's "Character History" has been passed down).

   Tomb of Liu Yongfu, commander of the Black Flag Army

   Liu Yongfu's tomb is located 13 kilometers southeast of Qinzhou City, on the Tiger Head Ridge next to Youlu Village in Shabu Township. The tomb is a fire brick cement structure, hemispherical shape, 2 meters in diameter, and there is a marble stele with a height of 2 meters at the head of the tomb, which is engraved with the inscription "Qing Zhenwei General Jin Grant Jianwei General Special Award Min Yue Nan'ao Town Chief Soldier Yi Bo De En Batulu Xiankao Yongfu Yuanting Zhongzhi Guoyi Liu Tai Cemetery". There is a pair of stone pillars in the rice field more than 50 meters in front of the tomb, and it is said that Liu's tomb is a tiger land, which symbolizes the tiger's tooth, but was destroyed in 1958 during the "Great Leap Forward". Liu's tomb was also destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, rebuilt in 1983, and announced by the Qinzhou Municipal People's Government as a key cultural protection unit at the county level (Liu Yongfu's "Character History" has been passed down).


   Mass graves

   It is located in Shangnaleng Village, Guitai Township, 52 kilometers northwest of the urban area of Qinzhou City. In the spring of the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), the Japanese invading army was blocked in Guidai Township. In retaliation, the Japanese invading army sneaked into Shangnaleng Village from Guidai Datuoling on the third day of the first lunar month, and arrested the neighboring villagers, men, women, and children on the slopes of the village and carried out a collective massacre. The Japanese invading forces beheaded their heads with knives and strafed them with machine guns, so that the corpses were piled up like mountains and rivers of blood, and 108 people with names and surnames could be traced. The bodies were all buried in a large pit at the foot of the hill in Shangna Leng Village. Locals call it "mass grave" or "mass grave".

   Note: In this massacre, the only survivor was Named Fan Shaorui, nicknamed "Chopping Immortal", and he left a long and deep knife mark on the back of his neck. Fan was a witness to this crime of the Japanese army, and the knife marks on the back of his neck were ironclad evidence of this crime of the Japanese army.

Revolutionary sites and monuments

   Anti-Sugar Donation Command

   The anti-sugar donation headquarters was located 35 kilometers east of the city of Qinzhou, in the old pawnshop of Napengxu (now the Napeng Grain Institute) in Napeng Town. At present, in addition to the old pawnshop's walls are still relatively intact, most of the internal houses have been rebuilt, the turrets have been demolished, and the wells that drank from the pawnshops during the civil war have also been filled. For the rest, see "Military Chronicle" and "Character Chronicle Liu Siyu".

   The leading organ of the underground organization of Qin County of the Communist Party of China

   Inside zhonghoude hall on cross street at the east entrance of Qinzhou town. There are many intersections here, the traffic is convenient, and it is relatively secluded, which is convenient for secret activities. In August 1943, Zhong Xiquan (now known as Zhong Gu), head of the QIN Division Group of the COMMUNIST Party of China, used this hall as one of the contact points for activities; in March 1944, after Lu Wen was appointed as the cpc's Qin County Commissioner, he used it as the leading organ of the UNDERground organization of the CPC Qin County. Yang Fu, responsible person of the four subordinate departments of the CPC Qinlian, Xie Wanggang, special commissioner for Qin defense, and other leaders also came and went here. In April 1949, the Party Organization of Qin County sent Zhong Lei back to Qin to take charge of underground work, and used the office as a liaison organ.

   ZhongHoude Hall is a brick and wood bungalow, covering an area of 319 square meters, with a construction area of 135.5 square meters, with a total of 1 living room and 9 bedrooms (5 bedrooms and 4 miscellaneous rooms). At the entrance of the main gate is a small gatehouse, and beyond the small gatehouse is the hall, and behind the hall is the bedroom. The bedroom on the right side of the gatehouse is where the revolutionary leaders stayed. Behind the bedroom, there is a large room connected to the main hall, which is paved with a small building, which is the secret office of the leader of the year. Behind the whole house, there is a mulberry garden of nearly 80 square meters, where documents and weapons were buried. Zhong Houdetang played an important role in the liberation of Qinzhou.

   Qinzhou Revolutionary Martyrs Monument

   Located on the south side of Ximen Lingshang in Zhongshan Park, Qinzhou District, it was built to commemorate the 11 revolutionary martyrs who were unfortunately arrested and killed in the 1945 Xiaodong Armed Uprising and the 68 revolutionary martyrs who died gloriously for the liberation of Qinzhou in December 1949. The monument was built in 1953, but because of its short size, it was demolished and rebuilt in 1957, and re-modified in 1984. The current stele is a masonry structure, with a watery outer wall, a square spire-shaped, a height of 12 meters, a base of 4×4 meters. The monument is written on the north and south sides of the "Monument to revolutionary martyrs", and the east and west sides are written directly "Revolutionary martyrs are immortal", which is the ink of Huang Dingyi, a famous calligrapher in Qinzhou. The stele is wide, surrounded by brick fences, and the trees outside the fence are green and green, and the grass is green. Every year during the Qingming and Chongyang Festivals, cadres and students flock here to pay their respects.

   Tomb of the Ox-Polder Martyrs

   Niu weipo martyrs' tomb is also known as the Xiaodong Uprising martyrs' tomb. It is located in the northeast corner of the Third Middle School of Wrengui Street in Qinzhou District. It was built to commemorate the 13 revolutionary martyrs of the Qinxian People's Anti-Japanese Liberation Army who were unyielding and heroic after their arrest in the Xiaodong Uprising. The place used to be a cattle trading place, called the cattle polder, where some martyrs were killed, so the tomb was named after the place. The tomb is 1.8 meters high, 3 meters long and 2 meters wide, with a total area of 180 square meters. It is surrounded by marble stele inscribed with xiao Dong's uprising and martyr deeds.

   Xiao Dong Revolutionary Martyrs Monument

   It was built to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs who died in the Xiaodong Uprising. In November 1952, it was built next to the road south of Xiaodongwei, with brick and ash structure. On all four sides of the monument, there are direct books: "Revolutionary martyrs are immortal", "Dying for the interests of the people is heavier than Taishan", "Dying for the people is to die where you want", "The spirit of revolutionary martyrs will always exist". In November 1984, it was moved to the east side of the Ridge of Dashiling, with a brick and stone structure and a square spire shape, covering an area of 544.6 square meters and a monument height of 15 meters. The four sides of the stele are facing, back, left and right, and the words are written in turn: "Revolutionary martyrs are immortal", "Inheriting the past and opening up the future", "Standing up to the heavens and the earth", and "The mighty spirit will last forever". The monument is towering over six floors of nearly 100 steps and surrounded by trees, which is extremely spectacular.

   Long Beach Revolutionary Martyrs Monument

   It is located on the low ridge on the southeast side of Long Beach Wei, 39 kilometers away from Qinzhou City. It was built in 1956 to commemorate the 41 martyrs who died in 1950 when the long beach township people's government grain collection team was attacked by bandits in Nayuan Village. The monument covers an area of 274 square meters, the monument tower is 15 meters high, the front and back of the monument are written straight: "Revolutionary martyrs are immortal", and the stele reads the names of the martyrs. 2 meters behind the stele is the tomb of the martyr's incense bone, which is hemispherical in shape, and there are brick walls on three sides of the tomb. In front of the monumental tower there is a hexagonal pavilion with an area of about 9 square meters and a height of 4 meters. Under the pavilion there is a concrete staircase 2 meters wide and 15 meters long, which leads up to the monument tower.

   Guitai Revolutionary Martyrs Monument

   It is located on the mountainside next to the Guitai Weinan and township health centers, facing the Qingui Highway, 38 kilometers northwest of Qinzhou City. It was built in February 1951 to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs of Guitai Township who died in the Qinzhou Liberation War and the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army who died in Guitai Township in the early days of liberation. Masonry structure, four square minaret shape, covers an area of 217.6 square meters, the height of the monument is 6 meters. The front, right and left sides of the monument read in turn " Revolutionary martyrs are immortal " , " For the sacrifice of more heroic ambitions " " Dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new day " . In front of the monument, there are two columns on both sides, and the two pillars of the entrance to the railing wall are written directly: "The greatness of life, the glory of death." On the left side of the wall there is a brick and wood pavilion with steps under the pavilion to the foot of the road.

   Monument to the Martyrs of the Dazhi Revolution

   It is located on the hillside behind the grain station in the west of Dazhi Town Government, 26 kilometers west of Qinzhou City. It was built in December 1962 to commemorate the sacrifice of the PLA soldiers who were killed in the dazhi town. It covers an area of 244 square meters and the height of the monument is 6 meters. On the front of the stele, it reads "Revolutionary Martyrs Are Immortal," and on the front of the stele is written the names of Martyrs Such as Su Kuiyuan, Huang Zongxing, Yao Kuan, and Yang Fen, as well as when and where they fought and sacrificed. Next to the monument, there is a memorial pavilion with a civil structure.

   Monument to the Revolutionary Martyrs of Huangwutun

   It is located on the Kite Ridge on the edge of Huangwutun Town, 13 kilometers west of Qinzhou City. It was built in 1952 to commemorate the martyrs who dedicated themselves to the liberation of Qinzhou. Masonry structure, four square minaret shape, covers an area of 128 square meters, the height of the monument is 7 meters. The front of the stele is written directly "Monument to revolutionary martyrs," and the left, right, and back sides are written straightly "Revolutionary martyrs are immortal." The front of the stele is engraved with the names of 22 martyrs, including Cai Dexing, and the left and right sides of the list are written directly on the "Great Spirit Lasts Forever" and "The Soul Will Forever Hang."

   Monument to the Revolutionary Martyrs of Nash

   It is located on the low ridge on the south side of Nasiwei, 43 kilometers away from the urban area of Qinzhou. It was built in 1956 to commemorate the 9 revolutionary martyrs of the People's Liberation Army, including Su Mingfu, Lu Qirui, ★ Er, Chen Xiuxi, Yao Cailai, Yuan Yongxiong, Zhu Weixing, Chen Zonghe, and Liu Zicheng, who died fighting against bandits in the early days of liberation. Masonry structure, four square minaret shape, covers an area of 128 square meters, the height of the monument is 7 meters, and the front is written directly "Monument to the Revolutionary Martyrs". There are ring walls on the east, south and west sides of the monument, and the forest outside the wall is lush with grass.

Anti-Japanese Medal Plaque

   Tunmao Village Six Shrimp Village Award Plaque

   In the winter of the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), the Japanese invading army invaded and occupied Qinzhou. The Japanese invading army stationed in Xiaodong often went out to carry out activities in all directions, committing adultery and plunder, and committing all kinds of evil deeds, and the villagers were deeply affected by it. Luo Huannan and Luo Huaguo of Tunmao Village witnessed the atrocities committed by the Japanese army and were filled with righteous indignation, and took the lead in organizing the "Anti-Japanese Zhuangding Regiment" for the leadership. The slogan of "guns are fired, grain is produced, and people are resolutely resisted, and the masses in nearby villages have responded one after another, and the contingent has grown to more than 480 guns. Guerrillas were fought in the Areas of Bancheng and Xiaodong, often intercepting small groups of attacks on the enemy, protecting the lives and property of the masses, suppressing the sabotage activities of the traitors, and maintaining law and order in the villages. He also often cooperated with cai tingkai troops of the Nationalist army to penetrate deep into enemy strongholds and the Yongqin Highway to disrupt enemy transportation, strike at the enemy, and annihilate the enemy. After learning of the achievements of the Zhuangding Regiment, Zhang Fakui, commander of the Fourth Theater of the Nationalist Army, presented plaques to Tunmao and Liu shrimp and 2 villages in the 29th and 30th years of the Republic of China in recognition of their anti-Japanese exploits. The two plaques are both 2.8 meters long and 1.2 meters wide, made of camphor wood panels, and have gold characters on a red background. It is now treasured in the village. The full text of the plaque is as follows:

   Tunmao Village Award Plaque

   In the winter of the twenty-eighth year of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wu Kou invaded Qin Yong. The father and son of Luo in Tunmao Village, Qin County, know the great righteousness and are committed to resisting the war. One year to pay back. Although under the coercion of the enemy and the traitors, he was able to always assist the government and the national army without avoiding sacrifice. Embellished with a few words, inspired by zhao.

   Loyalty can be windy

   Jidan in February 29, 2009 of the Republic of China

   Fourth Theater of Operations

   Commander Zhang Fakui

   Six Shrimp Village Award Plaque

   In the winter of the twenty-eighth year of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wu Kou invaded Qin Yong. The sons of Wei in Liu shrimp village in Qin County rose up to kill the enemy, resisted with determination, did not fire bullets, and were able to wound and kill dozens of enemy riders. His spirit of heroic annihilation of the enemy is particularly modest. Embellished with a few words, inspired by zhao.

   Loyal and courageous

   Jidan in July of the 30th year of the Republic of China

   (Note: There is no punctuation in the original text, and the punctuation is added by the editor.) )

   Dapoling Monument and Memorial Pavilion

   In order to resist Japan and save the country, Yang Xiangnan and his son Yang Ganqing, grandson Yang Guangzong, Yang Huanxu, Yang Huanzhao and other three generations of 5 people gloriously dedicated themselves. After the defeat of the Japanese army and the restoration of Qinzhou, the "South Nine" Headquarters reported the deeds of 5 people in the 3 generations of the Yang family, and the Nationalist government confirmed them as anti-Japanese martyrs, issued a 5-year pension, and gave instructions to build a monument and a memorial pavilion for future generations to admire. The monument and memorial pavilion were built on The Dapoling Onyo Road (west of Huangqidong Village), and the Qingming Festival was completed in the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947). The monument is built on the north side of the martyrs' tomb, 7.5 meters high, and the front is engraved: "Monument to the Anti-Japanese Martyrs". The memorial pavilion is built on the south side of the martyrs' tomb, 4.5 meters high, octagonal, 4 doors and 4 windows, the main door is west, and the door forehead is engraved: "A Door loyal martyr", signed By Chiang Kai-shek. On both sides of the east gate is engraved a couplet: "Three generations of national martyrdom, meritorious sun and moon; five people buried, strong mountains and rivers." Signed Zhang FaKui's question. The inscription on the forehead of the north gate: "Heroic Soul Immortal", signed by Guangdong Province's Principal Xi Luo Zhuoying inscription. The south gate forehead is engraved: "Haoqi lasts forever", and the county magistrate of Qin County once passed on the title of Ren. Both the monument and the memorial pavilion were destroyed in 1966 at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution.

Section 993 Commemorative Streets

   Sub-timber road

   Located in the south district of Qinzhou, formerly known as Yima Road, it was built in the 15th year of the Republic of China (1926). In the 31st year of the Republic of China, in order to commemorate the historical merits of Feng Zicai, a stateman, who heroically resisted the law and defended the frontier, he changed his name to Zicai Road. After liberation, it was renamed Yuejin Road during the "Four Qings" Movement in 1965 and renamed Yima Road in 1981. It is 650 meters long and 6.5 meters wide, with a concrete pavement.

   Yongfu Road

   Located in the south district of Qinzhou, formerly known as Erma Road, it was built in the 15th year of the Republic of China. By 31 years, in order to commemorate the historical merits of the national hero Liu Yongfu in aiding Vietnam in resisting the law and defending Taiwan, it was renamed Yongfu Road. In 1965, during the "Four Qing" Movement, it was renamed Hongwei Road, and in 1981 it was renamed Erma Road. It is 560 meters long and 7 meters wide, with a concrete pavement.

   Mingtang Road

   Located in the south district of Qinzhou, formerly known as Sanma Road, it was built in the 15th year of the Republic of China. By 31 years, in order to commemorate the historical merits of Huang Mingtang in the Xinhai Revolution, it was changed to Mingtang Road, and later renamed Sanma Road. The total length is 325 meters, the width is 8 meters, and the cement pavement.

   Siyu Road

   Located in the south district of Qinzhou, formerly known as Sima Road, it was built in the 15th year of the Republic of China. By 31, in order to commemorate the sacrifice of Liu Siyu, a stateman, in leading the "Three Na" (na li, na peng, na si) peasant anti-Qing struggle, it was renamed Si Yu Lu. After liberation, it was changed to Chaoyang Road in 1966. In 1974, it was renamed Sima Road, with a total length of 350 meters, a width of 8 meters, and a cement road.


Seal the Monument

   The sealed monument of Liu's cemetery

   In 1983, three stele were found near the cemetery of Liu Zi, which were given to Liu Yongfu's father Liu Zi in the 31st year (1878), 34th year, and 11th year of Qing Guangxu (1885). Two stele sent by the Vietnamese Emperor Tsit De, found on the hill to the left of Liu Li's tomb, are of the same size, 155 cm long and 90 cm wide. The sealed stele given by the Guangxu Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, found thirty meters behind Liu Zi's tomb, is 157 centimeters long and 90 centimeters wide, and the inscriptions are engraved in Chinese and Manchu, respectively, manchu on the right and Chinese on the left. The inscription is strong and the cloud dragon is exquisitely engraved. These three inscriptions all highly appraised Liu Yongfu's historical merits in aiding Vietnam and resisting the French, and are of high historical value to the study of Sino-Vietnamese relations and the history of sino-French wars.

   The full text of the Guangxu Emperor's Sealing Tablet to Liu Zi

   Commandments from Heaven


   Days of carriage

   The emperor system is known as: the lord of the country, the tree luan Yang is great; the family is loud and light, and the good model of the swallow wing. Tebu Xinlun, with the old virtue. Er liu was the father of Liu Yongfu, the titular governor of Nan'ao town in Fujian and Guangdong. Qingmen DaiQi, Su Shu Gong Xiu. The godson Yifang, who taught the leopard Tao strategy early, heirloom loyalty and filial piety, and the auspiciousness of the seal of the fruit fu que. Celebration-style occasion, reverence for the sake of Yizhi. Zi'erzi won a great victory in Xuanguang, Lintao, and other places, and was rewarded with a pin seal, and gave Er the title of General of Jianwei and the command of Xi. Yu Drama! Xianyan Ke Sui, Hughes Tianbao Badge; Narration, Exhibition also a humanity event. The name is unspeakable, and the world is long-hanging.

   May 15, 111th year of Guangxu

   Attached: The full text of the "Sealed Monument of Nguyen Phuc of Vietnam"


   Luck of the day

   The emperor system is known as: the righteousness of the courtiers, the father of the capital to the king; the grace of the court tin, the loyalty of persuasion to filial piety. The name of the ceremony is pushed by affection. Since the death of Liu Yongfu, the former governor of Eryuan, he was the father of Liu Yongfu, the second deputy vice-governor of the Three Xuan army, who had finished pi Bingyi and ate old virtues. The family is happy to do good deeds, and the beloved Son teaches righteousness. The bell where Yu Qing is, there is the ability of Nai Lang. It is advisable to add a prominent number and use a glowing light. It can be donated as a bachelor's degree in The Hanlin Academy of Zhongshun Doctor. Tin Commandments. Yu Drama! Kechang Qilong has both light in the spring soil and Shang Du Qiqing in order to seek the grace of the country. Yi Yu lurks in the spirit and obeys this rest.

   October 15, 31

   The King of Vietnam gave Liu the second inscription

   Carried by Fengtian

   The emperor system is known as: the bible is taught, the filial piety of the secretary and husband is revealed; the national code is honored, and the title of parents is regarded as the son. The name of the ceremony is pushed by affection. Eryuan was given to Liu Yongfu, the deputy governor of Sanxuan, and was the father of Liu Yongfu, the deputy governor of Sanxuan. Pu Mao ancient style, kind and good nature. The family is happy and good, and the reputation is praised in the state; there is a son like a sage, borrowing the city from the state. Become this instrument, show the others. The plot of Yan Yi, the favor of Zeng Ben Long Zhang. Now the National Day Qin En, and pushed and born; Burmese is the family wind accumulation of good, and can be chang hou. Yi Dian, and then extravagant. Zi Tega was given the title of Grand Master of the Central Council, Tai Shu Si Qing, Wen Jing, and Tin Zhi Zhi. Yu Drama! The wind of the leaves is eternally praised, and the loyal and high, the rain of the flowing roots is still many. Lingshuang has knowledge, but only inherits nothing ★.

   February 11, 34

   Note: The thirty-fourth year of Si De, that is, the seventh year of Guangxu, 1881 AD.

   Su Wenzhong Gong Kasa map

   According to the Republic of China's "Chronicle of Qinxian County", "Po Gong Hainan Kasa, long for the history of the drawing, Qing Daoguang twenty-six years (1846), Zhizhou Gong Geng took po gongju Lian has the sentence 'Mang shoes do not step on the famous field, white head wears a rattan hat', so he imagined and carved hat shoes, the name of the Kasa map, Qianzhou famous painter Lin Xiaoshan painted a portrait, le stele embedded in the north wall of the East Slope Academy on the back seat of the Tianya Pavilion, the stele is tall, hair-like appearance, porcini, awe-inspiring, and respectable, in recent decades, riotous inkers, more capital qianren copying, to be able to see the abundance of time, Admire it. ”

   The monument is 110 cm high, 73 cm wide and 9 cm thick. In addition to the portrait, there are poems engraved on all sides. The whole monument is complete and is now treasured in the City Museum.

Cultural relics of Qinzhou, Guangxi

Shi Fangzhi

Guangxi Liujiang Cultural Relics and Monuments Guangxi Rongshui Cultural Relics Guangxi Cangwu Cultural Relics Guangxi Shangsi Cultural Relics Guangxi Cen Xi Cultural Relics Guangxi Lipu Cultural Relics Guangxi Rong'an Cultural Relics Guangxi Fangcheng Famous Cultural Relics Guangxi Gongcheng Famous Cultural Relics What are the famous cultural relics of Guangxi Gongcheng What are the "Peasant Collection King" Liao Ronghui and his collection of cultural relics Free Tour of Places of Interest and Monuments: Tell you how to find the historical guanguan ancient Yanguan