
2021, memories that cannot be forgotten

Text | Chen Ling

Time is like a rushing river, carrying 2021 far away, running to the sea of stars in the long river of history, never looking back, but the memory it leaves for people is unforgettable and unforgettable.

2021, a very important year for the country, has happened too many unforgettable events, some exciting, some touching, some heart-wrenching, and some becoming the norm. I always feel that my mind can't keep up with the frequency of events, and often I haven't come out of the previous event, and the next thing will follow, tired of coping, passively accepting. This year, greatness and ordinariness always exist in our lives, and warmth and touching are always with us.

This year, we ushered in the centenary of the great Communist Party of China, which is a milestone event and a day worth remembering forever. A hundred years of ups and downs, a hundred years of thorns, from weak to strong, from 50 people, developed to 95 million, leading the Chinese people to achieve a magnificent transformation of standing up, getting rich, and becoming strong.

This year, our scientific and technological strength and aerospace technology have been continuously enhanced, and "Zhu Rong" has explored fire, "Yihe" has been "day by day", and "Tianhe" has traveled to the stars. The 12th and 13th Shenzhou spacecraft have successively sent six astronauts to the vast space for "business trips" and "camped in the village", realizing the dream of "space walking" of the Chinese people.

This year, extremely bad weather frequented, homes were destroyed, farmland was flooded, and a huge flood took the lives of more than 300 people in Henan and direct economic losses of more than 110 billion yuan. In the face of disaster, we are united in our hearts and minds to help each other. Countless ordinary heroes, countless touching moments, touching stories, and touching scenes have emerged. Disasters have caused us to lose our loved ones and our homes, but our hearts are warm.

This year, the new crown virus is not far away, occasionally there are many outbreaks, and the prevention and control of the epidemic has become the norm. I thought that 2020 would take the new crown away, but I didn't expect it to be stalking, refusing to leave, just stopped at home, imported from abroad, and constantly mutated, Delta, Omikron. Its presence is a constant reminder that at no time can we take it lightly, to slacken ourselves and paralyze it; no one can stay out of it and be left alone. Due to the existence of the new crown, people's behavior habits are quietly changing. Wearing masks when going out, not gathering, not getting together, showing health codes, and using public chopsticks has become a conscious action; nucleic acid testing and vaccination have been encouraged by not accepting, resisting, and even issuing gifts at the beginning, to slowly accepting later, and then lining up in the heat and cold.

For it is known that to be safe and sound is to guard a city, and to keep a city is to guard a country. It is the fearless retrograde of countless unsung heroes and volunteers, strict prevention and death, and the continuous rise of the global infection rate and mortality rate, China's economy still maintains normal operation, and the people's life is still stable and orderly. Warm stories, moving moments, touching deeds happen every day, where there are some years of quiet, it is someone who carries the weight for us.

This year, our athletes worked hard at the Tokyo Olympic Games to achieve proud results and win glory for the country!

In 2021, for me personally, the mood is complicated, there are sadness and joy. Ben did not want to mention, did not want to recall, hoped to empty the memory, good things, thousands of things and brains are turned over with the calendar, but the opposite of the wish, the more you want to forget, the more you want to recall, the clearer the past. Today, open your heart, face it calmly, remember it, in order not to forget the memory, but also to give yourself an explanation, sad and happy to talk about it for a year.

This year, I lost my beloved father. On January 30, 2021, my old father walked the 89-year-old life journey, gone forever, leaving me with endless sadness and thoughts, for a long time, I was in a trance, uneasy, uneasy, sad emotions were always shrouded in my heart. Especially in the middle of the night, the father's voice and smile will always appear in front of him, how many times toss and turn, how many times can not sleep at night; how many times tears flow, tears and sleep, always feel that the father is still sleeping in the house, or lying down, or sitting on a chair... In May 2020, I posted a post to show off that in the year of the flower armor, both parents are alive, and my family has two treasures. Now that my father is gone, my life is no longer complete.

In 2021, Qingming Festival, I endured grief and wrote "The Last Days of Accompanying My Father" with tears, pouring out my grief, remorse and thoughts of my father, I think the best way to miss my father is to dry my tears, raise my spirits, and live a good life. I firmly believe that the years turn into songs, the passage of time is like a flower, life will always pass, and time will smooth everything out. If you can't forget, then keep it in your heart.

This year, I felt the joy of looking forward to reality, the joy of fulfilling my wishes, harvested many surprises, received five award certificates, I joked with my family, and received so many "red books" in the year of Hua Jia, which was a bit uncomfortable, which were all given to me by financial literature.

2021, memories that cannot be forgotten

In June 2019, with the encouragement of President Zhang Yixia, I picked up a pen and became acquainted with literature and entered the big family of financial literature. Over the past two years, under the selfless help and guidance of the center leaders with Director Jia Shangeng as the class leader, I have started, tempered and harvested.

In the past year, I have written nearly 40 essays and poems, which have been launched in public accounts and periodicals such as "Financial Literature", "Shandong Financial Literature", Qilu Evening News, Qilu Yidian, "Spike", etc., among which: "My Family Has Done My Part for Epidemic Prevention", launched in the "Local New Year" column of "Financial Literature Circle"; "Acura Party's Centennial Birthday", published in the second issue of Shandong Agricultural Bank "Spike" magazine in 2021; "Gossip Autumn", launched in the "Contemporary Essayist" of Shandong Provincial Prose Literature Society; "Daguan garden, a place that leaves my good memories", in "The Place that Leaves My Good Memories", in " City Headlines" was launched, and selected as "Essence" to hang "Red List".

2021, memories that cannot be forgotten

What I did not expect was that in the essay campaign to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party, the long poem "Acura Party's Centenary Birthday" and the essay "Road" that I wrote won four awards in succession, of which the essay "Road" won the second prize in the Shandong Financial Literature "Celebrating the Centenary of the Founding of the Party"; the third prize in the essay "I See the New Achievements of the Centenary of the Founding of the Party" by retirees of the Agricultural Bank of Shandong Province; the China Financial Writers Association and the China Financial Trade Union celebrated the centenary of the founding of the Party and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Financial Trade Union. Won the Excellence Award in the theme essay. This award is very heavy, the China Financial Literature Federation and the Financial Trade Union attach great importance to it, and the Red Head Document "Metalworking Propaganda{2021} Document No. 13, informed the National Financial Writers Association system of the results of the review, which greatly surprised me. The essay contest received more than 920 works and 100 award-winning works, but I did not expect to be able to win this honor and be listed in the list of winners, which is my great encouragement, affirmation and encouragement.

2021, memories that cannot be forgotten

"Acura Party's Centenary Birthday" won the Excellence Award in the provincial Agricultural Bank retiree's essay "I see the new achievements in the centenary of the founding of the party".

2021, memories that cannot be forgotten

In the "Qingwei, My Golden Years" essay contest jointly sponsored by Qilu Evening News Qilu Yidian and Shandong Financial Literature, "My Adventure and Good Relationship with the Agricultural Bank" won the first prize.

2021, memories that cannot be forgotten

Sometimes I think that I am He Dehe who is so lucky, fortunate to be on this platform, to meet so many good teachers and guidance, to have so many like-minded friends accompany and encourage each other, this is my greatest spiritual wealth, is the biggest motivation to support me to go on. Thank you for every time in the past, thank you for every step you have taken, thank you for everyone you meet, I will remember it.

2021, memories that cannot be forgotten

The biggest harvest in the past year is to be good at observing and discovering the beautiful things in life, willing to use heart, affection, and pen to praise and praise the truth, goodness and beauty in life, and to praise the great achievements made in the reform and development of our country.

This year's three-award-winning essay "Road" is completely a confession of my true feelings. After retiring, I fell in love with self-driving travel, felt too deeply about the highways in all directions in our country, and marveled at the shocking achievements in China's transportation construction in the hundred years since the founding of the party, just like I said in the article, "No matter where you want to go, one foot on the accelerator will send you to the end of the world, even if it is a mountain cloud." Only the unthinkable, nothing can not be done! ”

The construction of the Beijing-Xin Expressway has crossed the desert no-man's land of 500 highways; more than a hundred officers and men have sacrificed their precious lives for the "Duku Highway" at the top of the Tianshan Mountains; and the highway crossing the Qinling Mountains has even crossed the bridge and crossed the bridge to drill the road, and the degree of difficulty can be imagined. Guizhou, the only province without a plain in China, was once a mountainous area with backward transportation and weak economic foundation, but now it is the first province with "county-to-county highway", creating dozens of world firsts. The world bridge looks at China, the Chinese bridge looks at Guizhou, the world's top 100 bridges, Guizhou accounts for half, known as the "World Canyon Bridge Museum", the world's first Beipanjiang Bridge, the world's fourth Yachi River Bridge, the world's sixth Qingshui River Bridge... Intricate overpasses, bridges that turn out to be born, winding roads... The superb technology of the designers and the fearless sacrifice spirit of the builders have always touched me, inspired me, and made me unable to let go for a long time, and there is always a sense of unhappiness.

Although the pen is not strong and not perfect, it is an expression of my true feelings, a drum and a call for the great achievements of the motherland, and a civic responsibility and obligation, and I feel very honored and proud!

In the past year, the experience of composition has made me harvest happiness, knowledge, and friendship. The heart is rich, full, and young. The length of life is limited, the interest and meaning are infinite, and it is impossible to change its length, so we try to increase its thickness. As the famous saying goes, "Life doesn't start too late, do what you love, even if you're 80 years old now." So I think that no matter what age you are, as long as you have the feeling of loving words, you will definitely be able to write touching words. Firmly believe that where to pay, where to get, where to polish, where to shine.

In 2021, I came; in 2022, I tried!

2021, memories that cannot be forgotten

About the author: Chen Ling, a member of the Shandong Provincial Prose Literature Association, has several works launched on platforms such as Shandong Financial Literature and Qilu Yidian of the mass newspaper, and many works have been included in the book "Song of the Silver Sea". He is now a retired employee of the Jinan Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China.


One point number Shandong financial literature

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