
Do you envy Kobe Bryant for earning 320 million in 20 years? After looking at these 5 photos, maybe not

Kobe Bryant's departure is a pain for many people, he has not really enjoyed life before he died young, his experience is regrettable. However, Kobe Bryant's salary in the NBA in 20 years alone is 320 million, which is among the best in history. It is estimated that many people are envious of Kobe Bryant for making so much money, and if everything goes well, how he squanders money is no problem. But Kobe Bryant's high salary, it is by his own efforts, especially after looking at today's 5 photos, you may not be envious.

Do you envy Kobe Bryant for earning 320 million in 20 years? After looking at these 5 photos, maybe not

Bryant is a notorious training maniac, and his famous phrase "Have you ever seen Los Angeles at 4 a.m." is widely circulated in the NBA. Bryant is really not the top talent alone, but he uses acquired diligence to close the gap. He was training at 4 a.m., and it was the norm, and the average person couldn't stand it at all, and it took a lot of courage to beat drowsiness and get up to train.

Do you envy Kobe Bryant for earning 320 million in 20 years? After looking at these 5 photos, maybe not

For Kobe Bryant, if he doesn't train for a day, he won't improve a day, and anyway, in his player career, he has never slackened in training. Even if he wears a plaster cast on his hand and can't participate in strength training, he still has to go to the court to shoot to maintain his feel. Others are injured to be at ease, Kobe Bryant is still training, and this paranoia leads him to success.

Do you envy Kobe Bryant for earning 320 million in 20 years? After looking at these 5 photos, maybe not

Bryant's fingers were badly deformed, because he had been fighting with injuries for a long time, and the injury had not healed at all, and he was involved in the game again. Over time, Kobe's fingers were twisted, and normal could not do it at all. Breaking a dislocated finger back hard during a game has been seen many times.

Do you envy Kobe Bryant for earning 320 million in 20 years? After looking at these 5 photos, maybe not

Injuries have accompanied Kobe Throughout his career, and it has to do with the way he plays. He is too devoted on the field, and he is an attack and defense, and the physical wear and tear is naturally very large. His injuries add up to dozens of injuries all over his body, especially the Achilles tendon injury, which directly let Kobe Bryant fall out of the ranks of superstars. He had been operated on too many times, his body was already scarred, and he really overdrew his health to get a high salary for himself.

Do you envy Kobe Bryant for earning 320 million in 20 years? After looking at these 5 photos, maybe not

Kobe Bryant was very attentive to diet during his time as a player, because diet can directly affect his own game status. NBA well-known trainer Gary. Vitty has said that Kobe's diet is a "primitive" diet, where he eats a lot of beef and butter and minimizes carbs and sugars. Anyway, except for the occasional indulgence in the offseason, Kobe Bryant eats this nutritious meal every day, has no absolute self-discipline, and has long liberated his taste buds.

Do you envy Kobe Bryant for earning 320 million in 20 years? After looking at these 5 photos, maybe not

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