
At Xu Zhimo's funeral, why did Lu Xiaoman insist on "changing his birthday clothes and changing his coffin"?

At 8:00 a.m. on November 19, 1931, Xu Zhimo, with the free flying ticket given to him by Bao Junjian, the financial director of China Airlines, boarded the Jinan mail plane and flew from Nanjing to Beiping.

Along the way, the climate is excellent, at 10:10 the plane landed at Xuzhou Airport, Xu Zhimo suddenly had a headache, he wrote to Lu Xiaoman at the airport, not planning to fly again.

At Xu Zhimo's funeral, why did Lu Xiaoman insist on "changing his birthday clothes and changing his coffin"?

Who knew that at 10:20, when the plane took off, Xu Zhimo entered the Jinan again. There were 3 people on board the Jinan: Xu Zhimo, the driver Wang Guanyi, and the co-pilot Liang Bidang.

When the plane crossed Mount Taishan and approached Jinan, it was suddenly foggy and in a dilemma, and suddenly there was an explosion of "boron", and the plane crashed into the top of the Kai Mountain above the Dangjiazhuang, and a pile of fire suddenly sprang up........

Before Xu Zhimo boarded the plane, he had entrusted China Airlines to send a telegram to Lin Huiyin, asking her to send a car to Nanyuan Airport at three o'clock in the afternoon to pick him up.

In the afternoon, the car went, and when no one arrived until 4:30, Lin Hui, suspecting that there was a change in the plane, went around listening to the news.

When she knew that Xu Zhimo had crashed and died in Kaishan, her eyes were blackened, and her legs suddenly softened, and Liang Sicheng comforted Lin Huiyin while rushing to the scene of the accident.

The bad news reached Xu Zhimo's home, and his father looked up at the sky and sighed: "It's over!" ”

The bad news reached Zhang Youyi's ear, Zhang Youyi couldn't believe her ears, she said to her son Ah Huan: "Your father is in heaven, go with your uncle to pick up the spirit!" ”

At Xu Zhimo's funeral, why did Lu Xiaoman insist on "changing his birthday clothes and changing his coffin"?

The bad news spread into Lu Xiaoman's room, Xiao Man was stunned, frozen like a wooden chicken, wanted to cry without tears, wanted to cry silent, the sky collapsed, the ground fell, and the world entered a darkness.......

After Xu Zhimo's accident, Shen Congwen, Liang Sicheng, Zhang Jiazhu, and Guo Youshou rushed to the scene of the accident.

Xu Zhimo's remains were parked in Fuyuan'an and were buried by a Mr. Chen, who had never known Xu Zhimo before he died.

Xu Zhimo was buried in the funeral: wearing a red top ball black silk melon skin hat, wearing a thick blue silk robe, covered with a black gauze coat, and wearing foundation black cloud head Ruyi Shouzi shoes on his feet.

This dress is very inappropriate for Shima's personality, and when the coffin was transported to Shanghai on the 22nd and parked at the Wanguo Funeral Home, many people asked for a heavy burial, but Zhang Xianyi was afraid of the corpse and advocated the maintenance

Held in its original state, it was not re-buried.

However, one day in May 1932, Zhang Youyi suddenly received a call from a friend who was very anxious and asked her to rush to Shanghai immediately to attend Xu Zhimo's public festival day.

At Xu Zhimo's funeral, why did Lu Xiaoman insist on "changing his birthday clothes and changing his coffin"?

"What the hell is going on?" Zhang Youyi asked.

"You know it when you come, you must come!" The friend said.

Although Zhang Youyi didn't know what was happening, she had a premonition that it must be a very important thing, and along the way she kept thinking, people have been dead for half a year, what else can there be?

After arriving at the public ceremony hall, Zhang Youyi had just walked to Xu Zhimo's coffin and saw his friend who had called him before. When this friend saw Zhang Youyi coming, he hurriedly said:

"You can count it, you must think of a way, Lu Xiaoman wants to change Xu Zhimo's birthday clothes into suits, and she must also change the coffin into Western style."

How did Zhang Youyi not think that it was because of this matter? She couldn't understand why Xu Zhimo had been dead for more than half a year, and Lu Xiaoman still didn't want to let go of this dead person?

Xu Zhimo's coffin is Zhang Youyi's eighth brother to find someone to help, with the traditional shou board customized, this coffin in the customization, Zhang Youyi and the eighth brother are very satisfied, decided to be very compatible with Xu Zhimo.

As for the black silk robe on his body, Zhang Youyi also felt that there was nothing wrong with it, it was appropriate.

At Xu Zhimo's funeral, why did Lu Xiaoman insist on "changing his birthday clothes and changing his coffin"?

Zhang Youyi couldn't understand no matter what, why did Lu Xiaoman do this? Moving Xu Zhimo's body from one place to another, and changing his birthday clothes, how could Xu Zhimo's body endure more torture?

Originally, after the accident, Xu Zhimo's body had already suffered a huge blow, and many parts had been sutured, and Lu Xiaoman still had to do this, and Zhang Youyi thought that such an approach was very selfish.

Thinking of this, her eye sockets were a little moist, and she looked up at this friend and said, "Tell Lu Xiaoman, just say that I said no." ”

After Zhang Youyi finished speaking, she turned around and left, she didn't want to meet Lu Xiaoman here, and she didn't want to have any argument with her over this matter.

Why did Lu Xiaoman do this? In fact, the reason why she let Xu Zhimo change the coffin was because this coffin was purchased by Zhang Youyi's eighth brother, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart, why her husband's coffin was purchased by her ex-wife, she could not accept it.

In addition to changing the coffin, Lu Xiaoman also hopes to change Xu Zhimo's birthday clothes, and she hopes to change into a suit. Because Xu Zhimo wore a suit most of the time before he died, she felt that Shima wearing a black silk robe was not the Shima she knew.

However, as for his own practice, is it a kind of torture for Xu Zhimo? She had never thought about it, and would never have thought about it at all.

It is precisely because of this that in the eyes of many people, Lu Xiaoman's love for Xu Zhimo is "selfish", but Lu Xiaoman herself does not feel this way, and she even feels that her approach is her deep love for Xu Zhimo, which deserves the support of everyone.

At one point, she even decided that since there was no one to support her and help her, she would do it herself. But when she heard the words "Zhang Youyi won't let me change", she stood where she was and didn't say a word.

At Xu Zhimo's funeral, why did Lu Xiaoman insist on "changing his birthday clothes and changing his coffin"?

She knew that if she resisted, the final result might only be self-defeating, and once it alarmed Xu Zhimo's father, Xu Shenru, she might not even have a little alimony.

Lu Xiaoman gave up and never mentioned it again. Xu Zhimo was dressed in a black silk robe and lay in a wooden coffin, and after the ceremony, his body was transported to his hometown of Jiaoshi for burial.

People from all walks of life in the kip stone also made a public sacrifice at the Meitan altar on the West Mountain, and the wreaths and knots they sent whitened a green West Mountain.

In the autumn of the same year, he was buried under the small chibi of Dongshan Mountain, Kip shek, and the tomb was a huge sarcophagus, written by the calligrapher Zhang Zongxiang: "The Tomb of the Poet Xu Zhimo".

On the Qingming Festival in 1933, Lu Xiaoman went to The Stone to visit the grave, looking back on the past, with mixed feelings, she wrote an ancient poem:

The feeling of intestinal brokenness has not disappeared, and this heart has long been sent to Yunjiao,

Over the years, I have been more aware of the cold taste of the wilderness, and I wrote that the lakes and mountains are always lonely.

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