
The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

author:Chinese kitchen

Shrimp leeks with silver ear fungus

The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

raw material:

8 shrimp, 2 duanmu white fungus, 20 grams of tempeh, 50 grams of leek flowers, 1 red pepper


1. Boil the white fungus under boiling water for about 3 minutes and remove the cool water for later. Finely chop red peppers, dice leek flowers, cut small pieces of white fungus and dice shrimp.

2: Pour in an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, add the shrimp head and sauté the red oil, then filter out the shrimp oil, and put the shrimp head back into the pot.

3. Put a small amount of water in the pot, cook out the aroma and strain it out for later. Pour a small amount of shrimp oil into the pot, chop the tempeh and simmer the aroma.

4: Add shrimp after tempeh is simmered, add white fungus after frying, stir-fry the chili pepper while stir-frying, and add shrimp soup in a small number of times. Finally, add the leek flowers and stir-fry, add a little shrimp oil, stir-fry evenly and then out of the pan; after serving, add some shrimp oil to increase the flavor.

Pot boy farmhouse tofu fish head

The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

1. 1 fish head of fathead fish (net weight about 900 grams) split from the middle but do not split, wash slightly, control the dry water; tofu cut into 5×4× 0.8 cm pieces.

2. Put 60 grams of rapeseed oil and 30 grams of cooked lard in the pot, when it is 50% hot, add garlic and diced ginger 25 grams each to fry fragrantly, add fish heads, fry on both sides of the low heat until the color is golden, cook 30 grams of rice wine, pour in 8 grams of Donggu Yipin, 3 grams of dark soy sauce, Tonglu yellow hot sauce, 10 grams of Tonglu Yin sauce, 250 grams of mao soup, bring in tofu, mushroom slices, oyster mushrooms, 20 grams of Xiuzhen mushrooms, 30 grams of dried bamboo shoots, 30 grams of salted meat slices and 20 grams of pickled wild mountain pepper, heat 7-8 minutes, put in white pepper powder, 5 grams of MONOS glutamate and 10 grams of green and red peppers, drizzle with 10 grams of chili oil, put them in the pot, sprinkle 5 grams of garlic seedlings, and heat them after serving.

Mustard salad shrimp with smiley potatoes

The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

150 grams of shrimp, 120 grams of McCann smiley potatoes, 10 grams of sturgeon caviar, 40 grams of salad dressing, 10 grams of mustard sauce, 50 grams of purple cabbage, 50 grams of lettuce, ginger and shallot juice, salt, cooking wine, crispy paste, salad oil

1. After the shrimp are cleaned, marinate with ginger and shallot juice, salt and cooking wine, add crispy paste and mix well. Mix the salad dressing and mustard sauce into a mustard salad dressing, purple cabbage and lettuce in pieces, and place them on a round dish.

2. Heat the net pot in salad oil to 30% or 40%, shake and scatter the shrimp wrapped in a crispy paste, smooth and cook, drain the oil, and wrap it evenly with mustard salad sauce, place it on the bottom vegetable material, when the oil temperature rises to 50% hot, add the McCann smiley potatoes and fry them until the surface is golden and crispy, remove the draining oil and lay the edges, garnish with sturgeon caviar, and serve.

Sweet and sour crispy beef on the brain

The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

Irish beef on the brain, raspberries, mango pellets, corn starch, egg liquid, sweet and sour sauce, shallot oil soy sauce, salt, pepper, soy sauce.

1, the beef brain with salt, pepper, soy sauce into the bottom taste, hang a thin layer of corn starch, egg liquid mixed into the pulp, into 60% hot oil fried until golden ripe, fish out the drainage oil, put into a colander, pour hot sweet and sour juice, green onion oil old soy sauce wrapped well;

2: Plate and garnish with mango pellets and raspberries.

Tip: Recipe for sweet and sour sauce: rice vinegar, cotton sugar, starch.

Home-cooked turtle

The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

5 years raw turtle 1500 g, potatoes 250 g, green pepper 20 g


1 "100 grams of pickled pepper, 50 grams of ginger, 40 grams of garlic, 30 grams of pickled ginger," 2 "5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of chicken essence, 300 grams of vegetable oil".

1. Cut the turtle into pieces and set aside the water;

2. Stir-fry the seasoning in vegetable oil (1) Add the broth to the seasoning (2) Use a pressure cooker to press the turtle and potatoes for 8 minutes and add the green pepper.

Spicy dry pot bullfrog

The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

400 g bullfrog, 1/2 lettuce, 2 garlic, 1 potato.

2 tablespoons of flavored tempeh sauce, 2 tablespoons of minced garlic sauce, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 20 dried chili peppers, 1 tablespoon of sesame pepper, 1/2 garlic, 1 piece of ginger, a pinch of starch

1, bullfrog meat after washing, control the water, chop large pieces; potatoes and lettuce cut into coarse strips, garlic cut into oblique sections, ginger into strips;

2: Heat the oil to about 80% heat in the frying pan, dip the bullfrog meat with a thin layer of starch during the oil burning, and pat well. When the oil temperature reaches 80% hot, put the bullfrog meat out of the pan and fry it until golden brown to control the oil;

3, then put the potato chips into the oil pan and fry them to a golden brown, and control the oil out of the pan;

4: Pour twice the usual oil into the wok, heat up and add dried chili peppers, peppers, ginger shreds and garlic cloves, stir-fry over low heat and then add the flavored tempeh sauce and garlic spicy sauce, keep the heat low and fry the red oil;

5: Add bullfrog meat and potato strips, stir-fry over medium heat, add soy sauce, then add lettuce and garlic to continue stir-frying over medium heat, stir-fry until the garlic seedlings are slightly soft, turn off the heat.

Braised lamb

The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

Lamb ribs 500 g, carrots 20 g, garlic 50 g

Soybean oil 30 g, white wine 30 g, rice wine 40 g, chili sauce 5 g, soy sauce 10 g, sugar 2 g, green onion ginger slices 20 g, star anise 4

1. Wash the lamb rib meat and cut it into 4 cm cubes;

2, put into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, put in a little green onion ginger slices, white wine, boil, blanch the water for about 1 minute, then fish out and put it in clean water to wash;

3、 Wash and cut carrots into slices;

4: Heat a wok over high heat, scoop in soybean oil and heat it up, add slices of ginger onion and sauté to bring out the aroma;

5: Simmer the lamb for 5 minutes, then add radish, soy sauce and sauté red.

Signature beef rib pot

The chef strives to save, and the more he eats home-cooked food, the more he wants to eat it

Beef ribs 500 g, homemade basil noodles, fungus, hollandaise beans, cherry tomatoes, celery, carrots, tomatoes, corn, shiitake mushrooms, konjac strips, star anise, white coriander, fragrant leaves, cumin, dried peppercorns, dried peppers, shallots, ginger, soybean paste, soy sauce, de-fat broth, salt.

1, cut the beef ribs into equal size segments, cut off the fat and set aside;

2, heat the pot with oil, sauté star anise, white nutmeg, fragrant leaves, cumin, dried peppercorns, dried peppers, green onions, ginger, add soybean paste, soy sauce, salt, add beef ribs and simmer for 30 minutes, add the boiled celery, tomato and carrot for about 2 hours, fish out, the original soup filter and set aside;

3: Put the cast iron pot on the fire, add beef broth, defated broth, add cooked corn, fungus, small tomatoes, konjac strips, shiitake mushrooms, beef ribs, and serve with basil noodles and dipping sauce.

4, the recipe of the fat-free broth: mountain hen, fresh pork stick bone, ginger, green onion.

Recipe for basil noodles: low gluten flour, fresh basil leaves, purified water.

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