
He Yingqin's ability is mediocre, why does Old Jiang reuse him? GuoJun: Because he wears a yellow coat and a green hat

When Lao Jiang launched the second encirclement and suppression of the Red Army, he Yingqin was appointed as the commander-in-chief, and He Yingqin's summary of Lu Diping's failure at that time was: He did not examine the situation well, did not think it through, and was too adventurous to the point that he fell into the trap of the Red Army.

He Yingqin's steadiness was true, but his combat ability was not very good, so how did Old Jiang take a fancy to him? At that time, Lao Jiang's concubine troops had such a saying, saying that He Yingqin was wearing a yellow horse coat and a green hat and was a close associate of Lao Jiang.

He Yingqin's ability is mediocre, why does Old Jiang reuse him? GuoJun: Because he wears a yellow coat and a green hat

He Yingqin

What does this mean? In fact, Huang Ma Gown refers to He Yingqin's birth at the Whampoa Military Academy, and the green hat refers to his study at the Army University, which was the highest military academy of the Kuomintang at that time. These two days coincided with the preferences of old Jiang's employers.

But compared with He Yingqin, Chen Cheng has more advantages, in addition to the above two, he will also speak Yong dialect, that is, the local dialect of Ningbo, although the specific local dialects of Ningbo are different, but there is no barrier between people in this area who communicate in local dialects. Unlike most dialects in the Wuyue area, Yong dialect is more rigid and sounds like a quarrel.

Therefore, it is not difficult for us to understand why Old Jiang always feels a little grumpy when he speaks. In fact, he himself is also a bit grumpy, coupled with the accent with Yong dialect, it will give people the impression of being quite grumpy.

He Yingqin's ability is mediocre, why does Old Jiang reuse him? GuoJun: Because he wears a yellow coat and a green hat

One day, a staff officer was scolded by Old Jiang for not doing a good job of explaining things, and before leaving, Old Jiang threw down two words: "Shoot." "The one who went home in despair and waited for death, waiting for days when no one came to arrest him. Later, Old Jiang asked about the staff officer and said that he had not seen him for a long time. Others told Old Jiang that he was "waiting for death" at home, and Old Jiang was puzzled, and later learned that he heard his "strong argument" as "shooting", which caused a misunderstanding.

He Yingqin's ability is mediocre, why does Old Jiang reuse him? GuoJun: Because he wears a yellow coat and a green hat

In 1931, He Yingqin reorganized the original squad and planned to concentrate forces to encircle and suppress the main force of the Red Army in Gannan Province, and the specific combat strategy was to "fight steadily and steadily, step by step as a battalion", which was different from the first long drive and straight forward. To say that He Yingqin's command level is really not ordinary, this is actually learned from the West, and was first proposed by the German military scientist Moltke.

He Yingqin imposed a strict seal on the Soviet area, and after entering the Soviet area, he burned and looted, making the people panic, which was simply not inferior to the "Three Lights Policy."

In addition, He Yingqin also sent spies into the Soviet zone to inquire about intelligence and stir up relations between the people and the Red Army. The Red Army was good at mobile warfare, and in the case of a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, the Red Army could only choose internal defense or retreat from the enemy.

He Yingqin's ability is mediocre, why does Old Jiang reuse him? GuoJun: Because he wears a yellow coat and a green hat

"Fisherman's Pride: The Second Great Encirclement and Suppression" (1931)

On April 19, 1931, the Red Army held a meeting to discuss the next step of the plan, many comrades advocated "dividing the troops and retreating from the enemy", and some proposed to fight a battle first, and then divide the troops to retreat from the enemy. The chairman vigorously defied the public opinion, pointing out that in the army, we should seize the enemy's weakness and take advantage of the contradictions between Jiang Tingkai and the old Chiang Kai to restrain each other.

Finally, the Chairman's method of "enticing the enemy to go deep" was adopted, and the Red Army won a second victory against encirclement and suppression.

This article was originally created by Muzi North Shore, welcome to pay attention, take you through the ancient and modern, and explore the world.

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