
Lunan taste - milk cake

author:Day cooking smoke

There is a taste

Time does not fade

Memories can't be erased

It is not far from Pull

She grew up with generations

It also sent away wave after wave of people working outside

Can't tell where she's special

But it will always guide you to find your way home


Lunan taste - milk cake

The world is big, and the majority of food is too numerous. There is some food, and those who love it flock to it, but those who hate it avoid it. Milk cakes are one of these. Lunan's milk cake is made from goat's milk, and because goat's milk has a stronger fishy smell than milk, it is difficult for some people to accept. However, goat milk has a high nutritional value and is known as the "king of milk" in international nutrition.

Lunan taste - milk cake

The history of human consumption of goat milk has a long history, and it is recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica: sheep milk can benefit the five internal organs, supplement kidney deficiency, improve essence, nourish the heart and lungs, benefit the skin, moisturize the hair, see the eyes, and make people moisturized. Goat milk has a high content of vitamins and trace elements, and the fat particles are small, only one-third of the milk, which is more conducive to human absorption.

Lunan taste - milk cake

Milk cake, a food that others avoid, for most people who grow up in Lunan, is a gift of nature, a delicacy that makes people drool when they hear it.

Lunan taste - milk cake

In much the same way as other milk cakes, fresh goat milk is boiled and needs to be brine with edible acid. Lunan's milk cakes are generally made of radish juice and sour water made of bayberry leaves. The acids in the acid water and the proteins in the goat's milk undergo a chemical reaction under the action of temperature, producing more flavor substances while coagulating. Finally, after extrusion, the milk cake is ready to be made. The finest milk cakes are white, immaculate, warm and delicate, glowing with light oil in the sun.

Lunan taste - milk cake
Lunan taste - milk cake

There are many ways to eat milk cakes, and the most widely spread is milk cake ham. Cut the cake into 50 mm pieces, cut it in the middle, sandwich a slice of ham meat, and steam it. The sweetness of the milk cake cleverly neutralizes the salty taste of the ham, and the fresh aroma of the ham also neutralizes the fishiness of the milk cake, and the two complement each other and complement each other. Take a bite and feel the fragrance of your lips and teeth, and you will have a thousand flavors. Others like to fry, and some people like to eat it raw. Whatever the method, milk cakes stand out from the crowd and reach the soul.

Lunan taste - milk cake
Lunan taste - milk cake

This is the taste of Lunan, but also the taste of home. If you come to this place, be sure to put aside your preconceptions and taste this delicacy and feel the enthusiasm of the Lunamsani people.

Note: Some of the pictures come from the Internet