
In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

On May 7, 1981, Du Yuming died, although he was a general in the Nationalist Army, he also made great contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance, and after liberation, he accepted the ideological transformation of our party and deeply realized his mistakes.

Immediately after his death, the state prepared a memorial service for him,

But the memorial service was not held immediately, but was postponed for half a month

It will be held after Yang Zhenning returns from the United States.

So why wait until Yang Zhenning returns before holding a memorial service?

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

Happy knots

Du Yuming and Yang Zhenning are both well-known figures in modern times, one is a senior general of the Kuomintang army, the other is a great physicist of our time, these two people are engaged in a field of great difference, according to theory there should be no intersection, but this is not the case.

During the Liberation War, Du Yuming sent his child Du Zhili to the United States to study, why should He send Du Zhili away? There are two reasons for this:

First, because the learning environment in the United States was relatively good at that time; second, although Du Yuming was superficially beautiful at that time, in fact, his side was also full of dangers, and in order to protect Du Zhili's safety, he had to send her away.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

And Du Zhili also understood his father's situation at that time, so he went to the United States, and it was precisely because she went to the United States to study that she had a story with Yang Zhenning.

After Du Zhili came to the United States, her father Du Yuming was defeated on the Battlefield of Huaihai and captured by the People's Liberation Army. In order to appease the army, Chiang Kai-shek insisted that Du Yuming had "died in the line of duty" on the battlefield of Huaihai and forcibly brought Du Yuming's family to Taiwan to control.

Without Du Yuming's protection, the family was extremely embarrassed in Taiwan, and her mother could not even afford to pay Du Zhili's living expenses for a while.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

In 1949, Du Zhili came to a Chinese restaurant for lunch, in the restaurant, Du Zhili met Yang Zhenning, this is not their first meeting, as early as the class of southwest United University in China, they met, when Yang Zhenning was Du Zhili's math teacher, Du Zhili was quite impressed with this young teacher at that time.

Therefore, the two recognized each other at a glance, and then the two were often together, and in the process of getting along, the two gradually rubbed out the spark of love, and the two quickly fell in love and became married.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

The news of the two of them marrying soon reached Chiang Kai-shek's ears, and he wanted to use Du Zhili's mother, Cao Xiuqing, to woo Yang Zhenning, who had won the Nobel Prize. And Cao Xiuqing also saw through Chiang Kai-shek's thoughts, and she went to the United States under the pretext of going to the United States to woo Yang Zhenning for Chiang Kai-shek.

When Chiang Kai-shek learned of this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly sent Cao Xiuqing to the United States, and Cao Xiuqing escaped Chiang Kai-shek's control and, after coming to the United States, broke off contact with the Taiwan side.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

Yang Zhenning and Du Yuming met

After some inquiry, Du Zhili learned that his father did not die on the battlefield, but was captured by the People's Liberation Army, and after undergoing ideological reform in our party.

At this time, her mother also escaped chiang kai-shek's control and came to her side to live, and her hanging heart gradually relaxed, and life was developing towards a beautiful side.

To Du Zhili's surprise, in 1959, Because of his good performance during the reform and his high ideological consciousness, Du Yuming received amnesty, and Cao Xiuqing immediately decided to return to the motherland with her husband, so she bid farewell to her daughter and son-in-law and returned to China to find a husband.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

At this time, Yang Zhenning also very much hoped to return to China, but at that time he had already joined the United States citizenship, suffering from the tense relationship between the United States and China at that time, and it was difficult for him to return to the mainland.

It was not until 1971, after Sino-US relations eased, that he had the opportunity to return to China, and our side also attached great importance to Yang Zhenning's return and arranged for Premier Zhou to come to receive him.

The attentive Premier Zhou also knew the relationship between Yang Zhenning and Du Zhili,

He specially arranged for Du Yuming and Yang Zhenning to meet

This was also the first time That Du yuming had met his son-in-law.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

Although he had heard of Du Yuming's deeds many times in the mouth of his wife Du Zhili, Yang Zhenning still felt very strange after meeting Du Yuming, and when they first met, he seemed very nervous. He did not know the mainland's attitude toward Du Yuming at that time, nor did he know whether he should show affection for Du Yuming, and after some hesitation, he called Du Yuming: "Mr. Du."

Hearing Yang Zhenning's name, Premier Zhou was quite surprised, and then reminded him that he should change his mouth, and hearing what Premier Zhou said, Yang Zhenning put his mind at ease and shouted to Du Yuming: "Daddy."

Hearing the title of his son-in-law, Du Yuming also showed a happy smile, he also had some understanding of his son-in-law, and he also knew that he loved his daughter, so he was very satisfied with Yang Zhenning's son-in-law, and the two of them talked about wine and were very harmonious.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

Du Yuming died

After that, Yang Zhenning returned to the United States to continue his work, Yang Zhenning and Du Yuming also maintained correspondence exchanges, and after Du Yuming was pardoned, he was also reused by the Chinese government as a literary and historical commissioner of the Literature and History Research Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Due to years of fighting on the battlefield, Du Yuming's health in his later years was not very good.

In 1981, Du Yuming died of illness, and the Chinese government also attached great importance to this matter, sending people to assist Cao Xiuqing in handling the funeral for Du Yuming.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

Yang Zhenning was also very sad after receiving the news of the death of his father-in-law Du Yuming, and he immediately pushed off all the work he had at hand and began to rush to the mainland, but the traffic at that time was not as developed as it is today, and it took Yang Zhenning a certain amount of time to return to China from the United States.

At that time, Du Yuming and other sons and daughters were in Taiwan, and due to the barrier of cross-strait relations, their sons and daughters in Taiwan were only allowed to set up spiritual halls in Taiwan and could not return to the mainland to worship.

Considering that Yang Zhenning and Du Zhili are very important relatives of Du Yuming, and only the two of them can return to the memorial service

Therefore, after consulting with Cao Xiuqing, it is big

The family unanimously decided to postpone Du Yuming's memorial service for half a month.

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

Yang Zhenning and his wife also rushed back half a month later as scheduled to attend their father-in-law's memorial service and bid farewell to Du Yuming with everyone.

In the second year after Mr. Du's death, Ms. Cao was able to meet three children trapped in Taiwan in Hong Kong who had been scattered for more than two decades, and at the age of eighty she refused her children's request to take her to Taiwan to enjoy her old age.

Because Before her death, Du Yuming had told her not to go to the United States, let alone to Taiwan, he said:

"Although the mainland has no children, the government will take care of you." The Communist Party treats me badly, and we must not be ungrateful..."

In 1981, Du Yuming died, and a memorial service was held for half a month to wait for Yang Zhenning to return from the United States

brief summary:

Du Yuming's life had ups and downs, although he had mistakenly entered the camp, but fortunately, he knew that he had lost his way and returned, and he also did many things that were beneficial to the country and the people. Under the educational transformation of our party, we can finally end well!

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