
The last female agent of our country, she was persecuted and lived in seclusion for 31 years, and then thanked the state for raising her for 31 years


During the war, in addition to some generals and soldiers, there were also some people who were responsible for the transmission of information. At present, there is only one female translator and telegrapher on the mainland who has worked in the head of military command, and her name is Wang Qinglian, and she is the last female agent in China. After retiring from military command, he was persecuted and lived in seclusion for 31 years. Later, she thanked the state for raising her for 31 years, saying that it was her own heartfelt words. What had she been through?

The last female agent of our country, she was persecuted and lived in seclusion for 31 years, and then thanked the state for raising her for 31 years

1) Enrolled by his mother in the Military Command Bureau

Wang Qinglian was born in April 1928 and is a native of Jiangshan, Zhejiang. At the age of one, she lost her father and was raised by her mother alone. When she was young, because her mother realized the importance of reading, even if her life was difficult, she still saved money to send Wang Qinglian to school. Unfortunately, after finishing primary school, the family really could not support it, and Wang Qinglian had to drop out of school and earn money with her mother to subsidize the family.

By the time she was 15 years old, her family couldn't open the pot. At that time, the Military Command Bureau came to Jiangshan to recruit people because it was very short of people, and her mother concealed that she had registered her for the examination of the Military Command Bureau. The reality is so coincidental that Wang Qinglian actually passed the exam as soon as she took the exam, and since then she has become a translator and telegrapher of the Military Command Bureau.

The last female agent of our country, she was persecuted and lived in seclusion for 31 years, and then thanked the state for raising her for 31 years

2) Leave the Bureau of Military Command before the Civil War

Life in the Military Command Bureau was called the happiest day by Wang Qinglian, and she worked seriously during these three years and had her own leisure style. Wang Qinglian is also very important in her work, because she is not only fast to get started, but also very efficient. However, although she has been working in the Military Command Bureau, she still thinks in her heart that the Military Command Bureau is very depressed and cruel to people.

The last female agent of our country, she was persecuted and lived in seclusion for 31 years, and then thanked the state for raising her for 31 years

Therefore, Wang Qinglian decisively chose to leave, even if the people in the Military Command Bureau at that time increased their salaries and wanted to keep it, she did not stay nostalgic. The reason why she was needed at that time was because the dialect of Jiangshan was more difficult to understand, so that the content of the telegram could not be easily deciphered.

Later, Wang Qinglian left the Military Command Bureau before the civil war, which was also the beginning of her nightmare.

3) Persecuted for 23 years

Although Wang Qinglian left the Military Command Bureau before the civil war, she still became the target of repression in various political movements. She was classified as a counter-revolutionary, and she was very bitter in her heart, because she said that she had always just sat in her office, never fired a gun, never killed a person.

The last female agent of our country, she was persecuted and lived in seclusion for 31 years, and then thanked the state for raising her for 31 years

She constantly changed her address, because she was first assigned to work in the Hangzhou White Meat Market, then to the Grain Bureau, for a total of eight years, and then she was arranged to go to the countryside to accept the supervision of the poor and lower-middle peasants, and so on. During the Cultural Revolution, she was imprisoned and constantly tortured, not only to torture her, but also to her psychological torment. She knew her husband and children were next door, but she couldn't see them at all. In a desperate time, she even wanted to throw herself into the water to commit suicide, and after being rescued, she secretly made up her mind to persevere.

The last female agent of our country, she was persecuted and lived in seclusion for 31 years, and then thanked the state for raising her for 31 years

In this way, she was transformed in the countryside for 23 years. When it was finally all over, she also began her own life of seclusion, living alone for 31 years. She is very grateful to the country, because she can still live well in her old age, and it is the country that has raised her.


For Wang Qinglian's encounter, people feel very pitiful. It is true that she did not kill anyone at that time, but indirectly she also did a lot of things that were not good for the country. Fortunately, she knows how to return from the lost, and she knows how to be grateful. What do you think about that?

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