
Tweet: "Point Will Immortal" asks the king not to live up to the original intention, the heavens and the earth are the same

"Point Will Immortal" By Dong Jia Ning

Tags:玄幻仙侠 Main text ending HE Female General Rong (Wei) Yu VS Little Monk Feng Wu Blame

Copywriting: In the fifth year of Hongwu, a major event occurred in the Great Zhou that shocked the government and the opposition. General Yu, the goddess of war of the Great Zhou, was not the daughter of the county lord, but just a villain who occupied the magpie's nest. Years ago, her mother, against her conscience, swapped her bag with the real Miss. Since then, the female general, who was once admired by thousands of people, has become a thief who steals other people's lives.

"Rong Yu, you owe Rong Xuan."

"You can have today, nothing more than because you stole Rong Xuan's identity!"

"If it weren't for the old troops left behind by the general who taught you martial arts and fought with you, or if you fought hard, how could you have such a battle achievement?"

Therefore, she abolished her martial arts, removed her official robes, and changed from a general who killed the enemy to a peasant girl who worked in the field. Later, because of the enemy's attack, Wei Xuan was captured.

She had given her allegiance to the Saint Shang and said, "She is because you were captured, Rong Yu, and the enemy wants you." ”

The comrade-in-arms who had lived and died with her said, "Rong Yu, Wei Xuan is the only bloodline in the General Mansion. ”

There was also an adoptive mother who once regarded her as proud and said: "Rong Yu, Xuan'er is my daughter, and I can't let her die." ”

Therefore, she put on her battle armor again and exchanged her body for Wei Xuan. Only on that day, no one thought that Rong Yu, the god of war who was once magnificent, resolutely drew his sword and killed himself in the face of the enemy's hostage-holding! Even if she dies, she also remembers her responsibility - she is the general of the border warriors, their armor, and her meaning is to take them to kill the enemy, not to become their weakness! The moment she died, they seemed to suddenly remember the great deeds she had made, she had led the warriors, cut through thorns, and protected thousands of people.

"Rong Yu, you can't die!"

Rong Yu was indeed not dead, or rather, she was dead, but she was alive again. General Rong Yu, who was once invincible, has already had an epiphany in the battlefield, added merit to his body, and soared to the ground! I don't think anyone will believe that the general Rong Yu, who is invincible on the battlefield, has the greatest wish in this life, may the people live and work in peace and contentment, may the mountains and rivers be eternally solid, and the sea and rivers be clear, and even wish that there will be no more war in this world.

Tweet: "Point Will Immortal" asks the king not to live up to the original intention, the heavens and the earth are the same

Book review: Whenever you see this kind of text, you will still be moved, the heroine is a general, the return of meritorious service is exposed, when she was a child, the mother deliberately hugged the wrong child, she should be the child of the peasant woman, the emperor in order to control the military power, threaten the heroine with the life of the heroine's biological parents, the heroine gave up the military power, and in order to repay the favor, abolished the internal force, broke the right hand tendon. Because of the rumors, the heroine was not understood by the people and was forced to leave the capital to go to the border pass. At this time, the enemy country is attacking, and the real thousand gold is captured, and the heroine still chooses to protect the big week that betrayed her in the face of these, and the heroine's road is the most attractive to me. In the end, the heroine ascended to enlightenment in the battlefield and became a god. After becoming a god, the heroine is also Ze by the world, sticking to the right way in her heart and having the courage to admit her love. The male protagonist is also a small pity, in the mountains was saved by the female protagonist, the two have intersected, and later the male protagonist and the monster friends went together to steal the female protagonist's body and bury the female protagonist. The male protagonist was originally a carefree little monk, but when the master and Xiao Hei died, he blackened and grew into a Ming Jun with a heart for the world. There are very few words in the text but the father who understands the heroine, and the brother who spares his life to defend the heroine are very touching, and the interested sisters can enter.

ps: The copyright of the copywriting belongs to the author, and the source network of the image is invaded and deleted.

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