
South Korean DIA girl group cute girl An Songyi, after leaving the group transformed into a sexy live broadcast girl

author:Calculus 54803

On January 9, PocketDol Studio (MBK subsidiary) officially announced that DIA women's group member An Songyi officially left the team due to health reasons. There was nothing special about this, it was normal not to sign a contract when the contract expired, maybe An Song was tired of acting work and wanted to continue studying.

South Korean DIA girl group cute girl An Songyi, after leaving the group transformed into a sexy live broadcast girl

But it didn't take long for her new job to cause a heated debate. You saw the former DIA member on an adult live streaming platform. Although she changed her name, her appearance and voice did not change. An Songyi wore a short skirt in the live broadcast room, scratched his head, danced hotly, and the contrast between his image temperament and that of the orchestra was too great, which made people feel shocked!

South Korean DIA girl group cute girl An Songyi, after leaving the group transformed into a sexy live broadcast girl

Netizen comments are basically divided into two factions, one faction thinks that it is too humiliating for her to engage in the live broadcast industry, especially related to adult live broadcast content. The other faction believes that she has left the DIA Orchestra, has nothing to do with the Orchestra, is engaged in a legitimate profession, and others have no right to talk about it.

South Korean DIA girl group cute girl An Songyi, after leaving the group transformed into a sexy live broadcast girl
South Korean DIA girl group cute girl An Songyi, after leaving the group transformed into a sexy live broadcast girl

An Songyi is 21 years old and joined DIA in 2017. In fact, since March 2019, she has stopped participating in team activities for special reasons. Although she gradually faded out of everyone's sight, the style of photos posted on IG became more and more bold. It seems that all this is to pave the way for the future to engage in the live broadcast industry.

South Korean DIA girl group cute girl An Songyi, after leaving the group transformed into a sexy live broadcast girl

The pink skirt worn on the far left is An Songyi

South Korean DIA girl group cute girl An Songyi, after leaving the group transformed into a sexy live broadcast girl
South Korean DIA girl group cute girl An Songyi, after leaving the group transformed into a sexy live broadcast girl

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