
Ankai won the triple crown and did not qualify for the Winter Olympics The special format of the short track speed skating selection competition attracted heated discussion among netizens

On January 13, Beijing time, the second stop of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Short Track Speed Skating Selection Competition ended. Li Wenlong and Fan Kexin ranked first in the men's and women's teams respectively, qualifying for the Winter Olympics. And Ankai, who won the men's 500 meters, 1000 meters and 1500 meters championships, could not get championship points because his results did not reach the challenge A standard, and the total points did not rank first, and temporarily failed to get tickets for the Winter Olympics, and the special format of this selection competition also triggered heated discussion among netizens.

Ankai won the triple crown and did not qualify for the Winter Olympics The special format of the short track speed skating selection competition attracted heated discussion among netizens

Li Wenlong

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Chinese short track speed skating team won the full qualification of 5 men and 5 women. Up to now, Wu Dajing, Ren Ziwei, Zhang Tianyi and Li Wenlong of the men's team have been qualified to participate in the competition, and Zhang Yuting and Fan Kexin of the women's team have obtained the qualification. With the last leg of the selection with only one spot left, the men's team had only one spot left, and the women's team had three spots left.

Ankai won the triple crown and did not qualify for the Winter Olympics The special format of the short track speed skating selection competition attracted heated discussion among netizens

Fan Kexin

The points competition system adopted in this selection competition is based on the first place result of the Shougang Challenge, and only by meeting the standard can the athletes receive points. The specific standards are: men's 500 meters (Ren Ziwei 40.822), men's 1000 meters (Yu Songnan 1:24.679), men's 1500 meters (An Kai 2:09.480), women's 500 meters (Fan Kexin 43.911 seconds), women's 1000 meters (Xu Aili 1:28.826), women's 1500 meters (Han Yutong 2:16.859).

According to the characteristics of the World Cup foreign players who skate fiercely, have strong leading ability and good physical fitness, in order to improve their leading ability, athletes are required to "take the lead", adapt to the rhythm of Olympic games, and set up competition points in the 500 meters, 1000 meters and 1500 meters events to improve the speed of the whole course of sliding. Race points are set on each lap in the 1000 meters, each lap from lap 1.5 in 500 meters, and every lap from lap 2.5 in 1500 meters. Athletes who do not meet the performance standard will not receive extra points. Athletes who meet the standard, grab the match points and get the first place will receive extra points and count towards the individual points.

The extra points are as follows: 500 meters set 4 race points each match point 900 points, 1000 meters set 9 race points each match point 400 points, 1500 meters set 12 race points each match point 300 points, each time through the race point, the first place athlete can get extra points, the full score is 3600 points, if there is a foul in the game, each foul deducts 900 points.

The sum of the three individual points is sorted, and the first place in each race automatically qualifies for the Olympic Games. Athletes who qualify in the first leg do not need to participate in the second and third leg selections. Athletes who qualify in the second leg do not need to participate in the third leg of the selection, and the top 2 in the three total points of the three races are qualified in addition to the three athletes who have already qualified for the women.

Ankai won the triple crown and did not qualify for the Winter Olympics The special format of the short track speed skating selection competition attracted heated discussion among netizens


This format means that if a competitor's performance does not meet the challenge standards, or cannot get the match point bonus points, even if the final champion's points are 0. Therefore, there is a situation where Ankai won three individual championships, but could not qualify for the Winter Olympics because the points did not rank first, and the 17-year-old Zhang Tianyi reached the challenge A standard with the first men's 1500 meters championship, and received 10,000 points of championship points, and finally went straight to the Winter Olympics.

The special format of the selection competition also triggered heated discussion and complaints among netizens on social media, and some netizens were upset for An Kai: "Won 3 championships, but fought a lonely", "An Kai finally roared, thinking that the Olympics were stable, I didn't expect it to be so." Some netizens believe that such a selection format is unreasonable and is not conducive to relay projects. "The relay is gone?? Don't cooperate anymore??? The Olympic quota that people worked hard to spell out, and the selection competition also performed well, and finally got stuck by the standard results??? Together, you play speed skating??? "Off the big spectrum, the men's team selected two single items without points, has not slipped through the mixed connection, engage in this selection rule is a good hand of cards to play sparsely, is the opponent has been at home to sneak a smile at the level." (Huang Kai)

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