
Walnut Programming won the "2021 China Net · Technology Enterprise Pioneer List" annual brand influence enterprise

At the "2021 China Internet and Technology Enterprise Pioneer List" sponsored by the China Internet News Center (China Net), Walnut Programming won the honor of "Annual Brand Influence Enterprise" with innovative measures and practices such as scientific and technological innovation as the driver, deep cultivation of AI technology application, and exploration in public welfare and inclusiveness.

Walnut Programming won the "2021 China Net · Technology Enterprise Pioneer List" annual brand influence enterprise

(Photo: Walnut Programming won the "Brand Influence Enterprise of the Year" medal)

The "2021 China Net Technology Enterprise Pioneer List" aims to disseminate the concept of corporate social responsibility, set an industry model, and carry forward the power of example. The China Internet News Center (China Net) selected the annual pioneer enterprises (7), the annual innovative enterprises (15) and the annual brand influence enterprises (19 companies) through the assessment of a number of indicators such as value creation ability, social performance, environmental performance, governance performance, and information disclosure of science and technology enterprises.

Walnut Programming won the "2021 China Net · Technology Enterprise Pioneer List" annual brand influence enterprise

(Photo: "2021 China Net · Science and Technology Enterprise Pioneer List" selection page)

This award is not only a recognition of walnut programming's deep cultivation of AI technology application and brand influence, but also fully reflects the affirmation and praise of all sectors of society for actively undertaking corporate social responsibility. As a technology company focusing on improving the quality of teenagers, Walnut Programming has always been committed to the cutting-edge application and exploration of AI technology. Since its establishment in 2017, Walnut Programming has focused on innovative technology research and development, continuously improved and updated products and services, and invested in public welfare undertakings for a long time to promote the standardized, healthy and long-term development of the industry.

In 2021, Walnut Programming released a new self-developed domestic graphical programming tool NUTS in view of the characteristics of Chinese teenagers who are good at research and like to dig deeply. Relying on walnut programming years of development experience and technical accumulation, NUTS customizes domestic programming tools for local teenagers according to their core elements such as their thinking characteristics and ability to accept scientific knowledge. It is worth noting that the independent development of graphical programming tools NUTS has become a continuation of the deep empowerment of Walnut programming technology. Previously, the AI human-computer interaction experience model launched by Walnut Programming has solved the human and cost problems of universal programming skills, and provided new ideas for promoting the universalization of programming skills.

While helping to popularize programming skills, Walnut Programming is also concerned about the informatization construction of public schools. Up to now, Walnut Programming has been invited to open free services with 10,000 primary and secondary school public schools, covering more than 5 million public school users, helping primary and secondary school public schools solve the problem of information construction and comprehensively improving the scientific literacy of young people.

Zeng Pengxuan, founder and CEO of Walnut Programming, said: "Through the continuous successful practice of outputting AI technology applications, Walnut Programming will be more deeply involved in the update of the information construction system of public schools, helping more primary and secondary school public schools to enhance the creativity of young people." ”

In the future, Walnut Programming will continue to focus on the research and development of scientific and technological products, continuously output innovative applications of AI technology, and promote the development of an innovative society. At the same time, Walnut Programming will also actively practice corporate social responsibility, carry out richer public welfare cooperation, and contribute to the construction of a scientific and technological power.

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