
After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

As one of the world's four outstanding military figures (Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, and Napoleon), Alexander was fruitful and invincible in his life, and the most popular thing is the battle to destroy Persia.

At the height of Persia, Xerxes I crossed the Bosphorus with an army to attack Greece, winning the famous "Battle of the Hot Springs Pass" with Sparta, but was defeated.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

Alexander image

Now that time has changed, Alexander has reversed his fate and stamped the land with the medal of success.

But after the conquest of Persia, Alexander captured more than 10,000 Persian noblewomen, how did he treat these women? What does this have to do with his statecraft? Listen to Uncle Nine a little bit.

He ascended the throne at a young age and made outstanding achievements

Alexander's father was King Philip II of Macedon. He came from a noble family and received a quality education from an early age, studying under the famous philosopher Aristotle. He cherished the poet Homer's Iliad and vowed to become a hero like Achilles in the future.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

By the age of 16, he had been able to personally lead an army to quell the rebellion in the north. At the age of 18, Athens and Thebes allied themselves against Macedonia. In the most important Battle of Caronia, Alexander was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the left wing of the coalition army, he was heroic and fearless, and led the guards deep behind the enemy' lines, completely annihilating the other side, and became famous in the first battle.

Philip II was later assassinated by his personal bodyguard, and Alexander ascended the throne. At that time, the assassination was pointed out to be persia, which paved the way for the subsequent great war.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

Macedonian phalanx map

Here we add to Alexander the Macedonian phalanx, which is the most reliant, which is a comprehensive battle formation. Thousands of infantry formed different phalanxes, 64 soldiers formed a platoon, followed by the formation of companies, battalions, regiments, and divisions.

Light spearmen formed a horizontal formation behind the phalanx, with cavalry on both wings, and armed with different weapons, with a degree of advance and retreat, and extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Expedition to Persia, World War I fame

In 336 BC, alexander, who had recently ascended the throne, saw that the time was ripe and held a meeting of the Greek city-states alliance in Corinth, at which he made an important decision: to go to Persia! There was an uproar.

Many of the city-states along the coast of Asia Minor, which belonged to Greece, were highly vocal about Alexander's expedition, and he decided to start from here.

At the same time, in order to stabilize the rear, Alexander left a large army in Macedonia, with only thirty days of supplies and thirty thousand infantry, five thousand cavalry, and 160 warships across the Strait of Hilipa to Asia Minor.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

Upon hearing the news, the Persian Corps also arrived there after an emergency mobilization, and a fierce battle was destined to be staged on the banks of the Granicus River. The Persian mainland fought and had an absolute superiority in troop strength. On the contrary, Alexander's troops had just gone through a long journey and were exhausted.

Alexander was well aware of the situation on both sides and decided to preemptively attack. He led the soldiers like a sharp knife into the heart of Persia.

Alexander's helmets were all cut off by the opposing governor, and he did not flinch. In the end, the Greek army overcame all difficulties and defeated the Persian legions.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

Image of Darius III

Seeing that the situation was very good, Persia could not sit still. In 333 BC, King Darius III led an army to march in person.

He was jealous of the power of the Macedonian phalanx, led the main force without hard fighting, and chose to detour behind the Greek army to cut off the supply line of grain and grass. Alexander was forced to return reinforcements, and the Battle of Issus began.

The Persian army of nearly one hundred thousand men was overwhelmingly superior to the Thirty Thousand Greek Army, and Alexander was also infected with wind chill.

Faced with a passive situation in which the enemy was many and more enemies, Alexander concentrated his forces to break through the weakest area of Persia, and with one blow, he severely damaged the enemy army. Seeing that the great calamity was approaching, Darius III began to flee.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

As soon as the king left, the bitterly fought Persian army instantly collapsed. Darius' mother, wife and children were taken prisoner. The first battle ended with persian reparations for the cession of land.

The second conquest of Persia was a great victory

Two years later, Alexander, who had conquered Egypt, gathered his army again, this time vowing to destroy Persia without giving Darius any respite. The most decisive battle of Gaugamela, between the Macedonian phalanx and the Persian legions, sounded the horn.

Alexander's outstanding military prowess was brought into full play this time.

The first round of persian chariot charge was completely avoided by Alexander's prearranged change, followed by a salvo of archers from the rear, and then Alexander led his light cavalry to hit the Persian left flank, the opposing formation soon collapsed, darius fled again.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

Today's Alexandria, Egypt

After this battle, the entire Persian territory was completely occupied by Alexander.

Darius III was killed in the Medes by the Persian governor Bessus. After Alexander captured Besus, the verdict was a big surprise to the people. Bessus was executed for rebellion, and Darius was buried according to the king's rites. This decision helped him win great favor with most Persians.

Alexander's pattern was large, and he wanted more than simple conquest, he wanted to promote national integration, make the whole country stronger, and lay the foundation for his eastern expedition.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

He knew that his country, Greece, prided itself on being the birthplace of a long civilization, and that all other countries were barbaric lands and barbarians. This concept was very unfavorable to his establishment of a "state of the world", and he wanted to let the Greeks, Persians, Indians, etc. live together on an equal footing.

Capture the noblewoman, kill three birds with one stone

Persia is rich in resources. The Hellenic coalition received countless booty, gold and silver, treasure, minerals, land, and women.

Most of these women were Persian noblewomen, mostly upper-class women with status and status, and women in the royal palace. He knew that this move was very important.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

Alexander, after the situation had stabilized, held a grand banquet. During this time, he announced a major decision: he married the eldest daughter of Darius III, and his other daughter was promised to Alexander's closest confidant, Heffistion.

The other noblewomen were also assigned to the generals and nobles in the army, and their status was not slaves but official wives.

This decision killed three birds with one stone, and since it rewarded the soldiers, stabilized the hearts of the army, and saved the lives of Persian women, it won the support of the Persians. The most important thing is to promote national integration, allow him to further stabilize his rule, and open the way for him to eventually become the "lord of the world".

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

After a short pause, he continued to lead his troops to Central Asia until he occupied northwestern India. Macedonia became the largest country in the world at that time.

Alexander was so accomplished that he longed to be on top of the world at once, but he ignored the feelings of his soldiers.

The Greek soldiers went out with the belief of defending their homeland, but they were getting farther and farther away from their hometowns, their bodies and minds were already exhausted, and their homesickness was getting stronger and stronger. There had been a skirmish in the army, and he had to stop.

After Alexander destroyed Persia, what happened to the 10,000 Persian noblewomen he captured?

In 323 BC, Alexander the Great, who was only 33 years old, died suddenly after contracting falciparum malaria. After his death, 5 million square kilometers of land were also divided between the generals Ptolemy, Seleucus and Antigonus in an instant.


Alexander made history, but he could not withstand the judgment of fate. But in any case, after his military conquest. Ancient Greek civilization was widely spread, and Eastern and Western civilizations blended and coexisted.

He encouraged inter-ethnic marriages, broke down class restrictions, and promoted social equity. His life was brilliant and will eventually be remembered by history.

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