
Humanistic Songjiang Construction is the next city, and the "Humanistic Songjiang Creation Library" and "Humanistic Songjiang Research Library" are launched.

Humanistic Songjiang Construction is the next city, and the "Humanistic Songjiang Creation Library" and "Humanistic Songjiang Research Library" are launched.

Today, the reporter learned from the Songjiang District Literary Association that the editorial department of Songjiang's "One Classic and Six Histories" launched the "Humanistic Songjiang Creation Library" and the "Humanistic Songjiang Research Library". This is another important cultural project after the "One Classic and Six Histories" of The Humanistic Songjiang.

It is reported that the editorial department of Songjiang's "One Classic, Six Histories" has excavated and carefully presented some extremely important inter-epochal meetings, historical events, and phenological customs discovered in the process of compiling the "One Classic, Six Histories", and has carefully excavated and carefully presented them in the two intervening ways of artistic creation and academic research. At present, the first volume of the "Humanistic Songjiang Creation Library", "Songjiang Historical Celebrity Five Steps", and the first volume of the "Humanistic Songjiang Research Library", "Sample of Jiangnan Culture - Songjiang", will be published soon, and monographs such as "A Brief History of the Development of Shanghai Science and Technology Film Capital", "Songjiang History", and "Songjiang in Old Newspapers" are also being promoted in an orderly manner.

Humanistic Songjiang Construction is the next city, and the "Humanistic Songjiang Creation Library" and "Humanistic Songjiang Research Library" are launched.

"Judging from the requirements for the compilation of the "Humanistic Songjiang Creation Library", all the excellent works that depict the changes of the times, praise the progress of the country, inspire the aspiration to struggle, promote the power of creation, respond to the people's call, and praise the fruits of development can be included in the compilation." Lu Jun, chairman of the Songjiang District Federation of Literature and Literature, told reporters that while comprehensively sorting out and systematically summarizing the humanistic resources of Songjiang, it will leave a model for today's readers and future generations of researchers to interpret the spirit of Songjiang.

The army said: Judging from the requirements for the compilation of the "Humanistic Songjiang Research Library," all outstanding research results involving Songjiang history and culture, folk culture, regional culture, religious culture (ethics), architectural culture, food culture, clothing culture, industrial culture, language culture, legal culture, tourism culture, film and television culture, and other forms can be included in the compilation.

It is worth mentioning that in the creation and research of "Humanistic Songjiang Creation Library" and "Humanistic Songjiang Research Library", they emphasize the combing of history and attach importance to modern records; they rely on both famous masters and celebrities who have learned deeply and pay attention to young scholars who are determined to forge ahead. The two books will explore the high-level academic monographs on the economic, religious, cultural, educational, artistic, and customs history of Songjiang and its neighboring areas, so as to help people better understand Songjiang's past, better grasp the unique cultural features of Songjiang, better understand the spiritual character of Songjiang people who strive to be strong, and better understand the true connotation of the "earth spirit" of Songjiang, which is full of "people".

Humanistic Songjiang Construction is the next city, and the "Humanistic Songjiang Creation Library" and "Humanistic Songjiang Research Library" are launched.

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