
How good was "Avatar" at that time?

author:Peach Taotao Movie

Since the Spring Festival, the single-day box office champion in the mainland has been occupied by "Hello, Li Huanying", and several new cinema films released in the next few weeks, whether it is "Tom and Jerry" or "The Legend of the Dragon", have performed mediocrely, and they have never been able to shake Li Huanying's single-day box office champion position.

I thought that the mainland cinema line in March would be so flat.

As a result, a super blockbuster came.

This is, a re-release of Avatar.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

The re-screening of "Avatar" was particularly sudden, and from the news came out to the official release on Friday, there was not a week in total.

It is said that the main reason is that the performance of the current cinema new film is really not too good.

To put it bluntly, it is the lack of films, the North American blockbusters collectively jumped off the file, and the Chinese films did not have too good supplements, so this March and April, it was a bit green and yellow.

Therefore, it is necessary to re-release box office blockbusters such as "Avatar" to bring rhythm and momentum.

However, blockbusters are blockbusters, and "Avatar" is indeed a fight.

Even with the re-screening, the box office performance is still very outstanding. Two days after its release, the total box office has exceeded 100 million. At the same time, it also successfully surpassed "Reunion 4" and returned to the global box office championship.

Moreover, the mainland re-screening box office forecast has also exceeded 300 million, and in the next week, we must continue to watch other people's performances.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

Time flies so fast.

Remember that 11 years ago, when "Avatar" was first released in China, it also set off a frenzy of movie watching in the mainland.

I don't know if you have an impression, anyway, I was particularly impressed by the release of "Avatar" that time. Because at that time, unlike now, maoyan and taobao tickets were full of various online ticketing software.

If you want to watch a movie, you still have to use the traditional way to go to the theater to queue up, choose seats, and get human flesh to grab tickets.

And like the popular blockbuster "Avatar", you must go to the queue in advance to grab tickets.

At that time, there was only one IMAX theater in our city, and I didn't go to see it for the first time, but I decided to go to the theater after several days of release.

Even so, it is still necessary to grab tickets in advance.

The theater was in a shopping mall, the mall opened at 9 o'clock, and many people waited at the entrance of the mall at 8 o'clock in the morning. And as time goes by, you'll notice that every young person who joins the waiting crowd may be your next ticket-grabbing rival.

Because it was the beginning of the year, the weather was still quite cold, and everyone was silent with their hands in their pockets. Only two eyes kept looking at everyone around him, thinking in his heart, whether this person could rob himself.

The surface is not alarming, the bottom of the heart is turbulent, and the scene is very ancient.

Then, as soon as 9 o'clock arrived, as soon as the door of the mall opened, everyone rushed in.

At that time, it was too late to wait for the elevator, and it was difficult for so many people to squeeze. I, along with a few other guys, ran straight up the stairs.

You know, the theater has to go up to the 6th floor.

Therefore, running down 6 floors in one breath is also very sour. Fortunately, at that time, I was relatively young and my physical fitness was OK. It was just such a fight that I successfully grabbed a relatively good position.

That ticket snatching experience was really hard. So, 11 years later, I can't even remember many of the plot details in "Avatar", but the details of that ticket snatch are clearly remembered.

Of course, my experience in buying tickets is not nothing.

Because at that time, in order to watch "Avatar", everyone really had all kinds of interesting experiences, some taking a car to the next city, and even flying to other cities, just to see an IMAX version of "Avatar". The mainland audience's understanding of the IMAX cinema hall actually began with "Avatar".

It's a really amazing movie.

I am also very curious, you about the "Avatar" 11 years ago, what memories and unforgettable moments, you can also leave a message to tell me, let's talk together.

It has always been said that for mainland audiences, the impact of "Avatar" is actually a milestone.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

It can be said that without "Avatar", there would be no boom in 3D movies in the mainland, including the sharp rise of 3D cinemas after that.

Because, before "Avatar", many viewers actually did not understand 3D movies, and they would not take the initiative to ask to watch 3D movies.

And the excellent visual effects and 3D application of "Avatar" let everyone see what a 3D blockbuster can look like. In particular, 3D cannot be pirated and reproduced. You can gun version, you can download resources, but your gun version can only gun 2D, cinema 3D blockbuster, can not be gun.

More importantly, everyone was suddenly popularized by one thing: that is, how to measure a movie is a blockbuster, large cost, big investment, and large lineup. At the same time, it must be 3D. Because, in the minds of ordinary audiences, only 3D is the film that really costs a lot of money.

So, after Avatar, 3D movies became a standard in theaters and blockbusters. The perception of many viewers becomes:

If a movie isn't 3D, it doesn't deserve to be called a blockbuster.

After this, almost all theaters began to transform 3D theaters, and various 3D blockbusters also emerged. We saw all kinds of 3D movies. Along with this, foreign blockbusters have begun to appear in various 3D special editions, while mainland blockbusters are also exploring 3D shooting and production in various ways.

Of course, there were too many 3D movies that followed the trend at that time, and there were indeed various good and bad. At the very least, I really watched too many fake 3D, pseudo 3D, special edition 3D, and my eyes hurt, and I eventually became an anti-3D movie person.

For example, in those years, the conversion of 3D was particularly popular, as if in 2010, followed by "War of the Gods" released by "Avatar", was a conversion of 3D. Because both films starred Sam Worthington, the publicity also carried Avatar in various ways.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

Feel the poster slogan of the year.

As a result, after the release, it was also wildly complained about. After all, it is a transfigured pseudo-3D, and the 3D effect is really...

To use the popular spit of netizens at that time: in addition to the subtitles are 3D, the others are 2D.

There are many similar examples, and all kinds of pseudo-3D and even special edition 3D films are also bad for everyone's appetite.

The reason why all films must be 3D is because everyone has tasted the good of "Avatar" 3D.

Of course, there is an essential difference between the 3D of Avatar and those pseudo-3Ds. Simply put, Avatar is a film made specifically for 3D.

In those years, many domestic 3D movies were keen to show 3D effects with eye-popping lenses. For example, "Tai Chi", which was keen on 3D gimmicks at that time.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

Or Xu Ke's "Dragon Gate Flying Armor" or something, the 3D movies of that time always like to throw something in front of your eyes. Like daggers, darts, rockets and so on.

Because of the 3D effect, the audience naturally can't help but close their eyes.

Sigh: Oh, that's too true!

So, it's 3D.

It's basically a feeling that circus or amusement park stereoscopic movies are keen on.

And the 3D of "Avatar" is obviously not the 3D of poking eyes. Not even, people don't have a poking eye. Good 3D is actually not really poking out, but walking in, is to increase the three-dimensional sense and depth of the scene.

It gives you the feeling that you're not looking at a flat screen, but looking at an open window, and the view outside the window is real and three-dimensional.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

It shouldn't be about coming out, it's about looking in. That's what 3D movies really have to do.

Fortunately, in recent years, the 3D boom in the mainland has finally faded, many blockbusters are no longer obsessed with 3D, and audiences have begun to no longer use 3D as a standard for evaluating blockbusters, but this process still has six or seven years.

And now, taking advantage of the re-screening of "Avatar" and also running to the theater to re-watch this film, it will still be excited.

That's nice.

First of all, you will find that even after 11 years, it is still not lagging behind in technology. Those special effects scenes, those Navas, will still immerse you in the fantasy world they created.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

This is really powerful, after all, a lot of blockbusters, after five or six years, you will feel that its special effects are fake.

But "Avatar" really does not have, or very good special effects and visual effects, put in today can still play.

Therefore, James Cameron is the god of technology and the generation of innovation.

At the same time, 11 years of time has also made everyone's state of mind change a lot.

Watching "Avatar" 11 years ago, you will feel that the film technology is really good, but the story itself is really a variety of routines, from the story to the characters, and the foil of various emotions, which are all routine blockbusters. For example, "Strange Adventure in the Wind", or many films, you can find shadows.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

At that time, I didn't have so many feelings for blockbusters like "Avatar".

But 11 years later, I re-watched "Avatar", in addition to lamenting that the technology is still not backward.

On the contrary, it is more concerned about the plot, and will feel that such a story is a lot of familiar shadows. However, people still achieved emotional fullness and proper foiling, and there were several moments of excitement and blood boiling during the period. At the end of the day, it's a high-end routine blockbuster.

Of course, it is also the changes in recent years, let us want to see the beautiful.

Like the relationship between those people and nature in the film, the respect and reverence for nature, the communication with nature, the flow of energy.

This includes that you just borrow energy from nature and prey, and eventually you leave this world and return the energy to nature.

The concept of an endless, natural cycle is still quite impressive.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

In the end, with the re-screening of "Avatar" 11 years later, I can also regain a lot of the film memories of that year, which is very good.

Therefore, the image is still mixed with the memory. Looking at those images, many memories come.

The latest news is that the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is also about to be re-screened, and it is a 4K version.

Not surprisingly, it should be released in April.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

Frankly, if it's about feelings. I probably have more feelings for Lord of the Rings than Avatar. Whether it is the actors, the plot, the scenes, especially the big army battle, it is really wonderful, gorgeous, and breathless.

And at that time, I really had to live in the movie theater.

How good was "Avatar" at that time?

In addition, what memories do you have about the re-release of Avatar?

Let's talk.