
With a 100,000-strong army invading the Kwantung, Huang Kecheng brought 35,000 men with him and was awarded the rank of Grand General in 1955

The 344th Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army is a relatively special unit, most of the cadres of this unit are from the Red 25th Army, the former commander of the Red 25th Army is the commander of the 344th Brigade, and the political commissar is Huang Kecheng. Xu Haidong ranked third in the list of generals, coincidentally, political commissar Huang Kecheng ranked third after Xu Haidong, so how much contribution did Huang Kecheng have, ranking ahead of Chen Geng, Tan Zheng, Xiao Jinguang, Zhang Yunyi, Luo Ruiqing and other famous generals?

With a 100,000-strong army invading the Kwantung, Huang Kecheng brought 35,000 men with him and was awarded the rank of Grand General in 1955

Huang Kecheng was born in Hunan in 1902


Yongxing County

A poor peasant family, at the age of 9, was supported by the clan for eight years of private school, and then studied in

The county higher primary school was admitted to the Hunan Provincial Third Normal School in Hengyang in 1922, and during his time at the school, Huang Kecheng began to contact progressive ideas and was committed to finding a way out to save the country and save the people. In 1925, Huang Kecheng joined the Communist Party of China.

Shortly after joining the party, Huang Kecheng was recommended to apply for the Kuomintang Central Political Workshop, where he listened to courses taught by Mao Zedong and other well-known figures, and also systematically received military training and learned the most basic military knowledge. In 1926, Huang Kecheng served as a political instructor in the Regimental Teaching Corps in Tang Shengzhi's Eighth Army of the National Revolutionary Army. During the Northern Expedition, Huang Kecheng took the lead and secretly developed several party members.

In January 1928, Huang Kecheng returned to his hometown of Yongxing County and established the First Division of the Yongxing County Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, with Huang Kecheng as the party representative and chief of staff, and then led the troops to conquer yongxing County, reorganizing the troops into the Yongxing County Red Guard Regiment, with Huang Kecheng as the leader of the guard regiment. In April 1928, Huang Kecheng led the troops to meet Chairman Mao, and the troops were reorganized into independent regiments.

In 1930, Huang Kecheng was sent by the military to Peng Dehuai's Red 5 Army as the political commissar of the Eighth Brigade. Huang Kecheng looked Sven on the outside and wore a pair of glasses, but the fight was unambiguous. When the Red Fifth Army attacked Xiushui County, Huang Kecheng personally led the commando team, leading the soldiers, brandishing a large knife to the front, opening the passage for the main force, and later Peng Dehuai gave him an order, that is, it was not allowed to pick up the big knife and rush forward.

With a 100,000-strong army invading the Kwantung, Huang Kecheng brought 35,000 men with him and was awarded the rank of Grand General in 1955

The Fifth Red Army was expanded into the Red Third Army, and Huang Kecheng took up the post

He was the director of the Political Department of the 4th Division of the Red 3rd Army, the political commissar of the 3rd and 1st Divisions, the director of the Political Department of the 5th Army, and the acting director of the Political Department of the Red 3rd Army. Huang Kecheng fought bravely, was upright as a person, dared to tell the truth, and expressed his own opinions.

In the summer of 1931, the Central Soviet Region carried out a large-scale purge to arrest the so-called "AB Regiment" elements, the purge committee quickly issued a list of arrests to the political commissar of the Red Third Division of the Red Third Army, Huang Kecheng just arrived at the list, found that many of the people above were grass-roots cadres of the company, usually performed well, and were very brave in fighting, he thought that this was nonsense, so he not only refused to carry out the order, but also had a big fight with the personnel of the Suppression Committee, questioning why they wanted to kill innocents indiscriminately, Huang Kecheng was immediately arrested and interrogated. Later, it was Peng Dehuai who intervened to save him. However, the post of political commissar of the division was abolished and he was transferred to the corps headquarters as secretary.

During the Long March, and during the War of Resistance, Huang Kecheng still did not change his original intentions, and it was still common for him to be removed. By the end of the Long March, Huang Kecheng had lost his qualification to lead soldiers and was arranged to serve as the director of the military tribunal. Although he has lost his official position many times, Huang Kecheng still does not hide his views that he believes are correct, and no matter what position he holds, even if he is a small cadre, Huang Kecheng will conscientiously fulfill his responsibilities.

With a 100,000-strong army invading the Kwantung, Huang Kecheng brought 35,000 men with him and was awarded the rank of Grand General in 1955

Huang Kecheng's old superior Peng Dehuai was also a just and upright soldier, but in front of Huang Kecheng, he could only say to him admiringly: "You are more like Peng Dehuai than I am." After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance, Huang Kecheng served

Director of the Organization Department of the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army, and soon after he served as the head of the Organization Department

The political commissar of the 344th Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, together with the brigade commander Xu Haidong, commanded the troops and inflicted heavy losses on the Japanese army many times.

When the Red Army was first reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, Chiang Kai-shek vainly attempted to control the Eighth Route Army and demanded that the political commissar and related institutions of the Eighth Route Army be abolished, and that the Kuomintang side send political training personnel and auxiliary personnel to the Eighth Route Army. After lengthy negotiations between the two sides, the Eighth Route Army finally cancelled the political commissar and related institutions of the Eighth Route Army for the sake of the overall situation. However, after the abolition of the Eighth Political Commissar, the combat effectiveness and discipline of the Eighth Route Army were greatly affected.

In October 1937, after the end of the Battle of Pingxingguan, the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army withdrew to the area around Wutai Mountain in Shanxi for recuperation. Ren Bishi, director of the General Political Department, sent Huang Kecheng to the 115th Division to inspect the political work of the troops. Huang Kecheng ran below for half a month and found that although the troops had not been reorganized for a long time, their work style had changed greatly, and the warlord habits had begun to grow and spread. The root cause is that the political commissar system has been abolished by the army, and political work has been significantly weakened.

For this reason, Huang Kecheng believes that it is necessary to restore the original system of political commissars and carry out the struggle against warlordism in order to ensure the glorious traditions and fine work style of the people's army. Subsequently, Huang Kecheng raised a detailed report to Ren Bishi, who reported it to the Party Central Committee, which was quickly approved, and the Central Military Commission ordered that the original system of political commissars and political organs be restored in the Eighth Route Army.

With a 100,000-strong army invading the Kwantung, Huang Kecheng brought 35,000 men with him and was awarded the rank of Grand General in 1955

In February 1940, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army decided to establish the Second Column of the Eighth Route Army, with Zuo Quan as commander and Huang Kecheng as political commissar, and the Second Column including four brigades including the 344th Brigade. By the end of 1940, the second column of the Eighth Route Army had grown to the size of more than 20,000 people. In August 1940, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army decided to establish the Fifth Column, with Huang Kecheng as the commander and political commissar of the column. He immediately led his troops to the east into Huaihai, south to Yancheng and Funing, and joined forces with the Northern Jiangsu troops of the New Fourth Army that launched the Yellow Bridge Campaign at Baiju Town to jointly create an anti-Japanese base area in northern Jiangsu and open up a new situation in the War of Resistance in Central China.

After the Anhui Incident in 1941, Huang Kecheng served as the commander and political commissar of the Third Division of the New Fourth Army, the commander and political commissar of the Northern Jiangsu Military Region, and the secretary of the Cpc Northern Jiangsu District Committee. During the four years in northern Jiangsu, Huang Kecheng led the Third Division of the New Fourth Army and the people of northern Jiangsu to repeatedly repulse the attacks of the Japanese puppet army. At the time of the victory of the War of Resistance, the Third Division of the New Fourth Army had 37,000 regular troops and 300,000 local armed troops.

In early September 1945, Huang Kecheng led the Third Division of the New Fourth Army back to the base area of northern Jiangsu and learned at the central China Bureau garrison that the vanguard of our army had entered the northeast. Huang Kecheng immediately suggested to Rao Shushi, secretary of the Central China Bureau and political commissar of the New Fourth Army: "Send a telegram to the central authorities and ask that a large army be sent to the northeast." ”

With a 100,000-strong army invading the Kwantung, Huang Kecheng brought 35,000 men with him and was awarded the rank of Grand General in 1955

However, Rao Shushi believed that this was not a matter under his jurisdiction and did not agree to send this telegram, and finally Huang Kecheng crossed the level in his personal name and sent a long telegram to the Central Committee on September 13, putting forward his own views and suggestions according to the local situation and the strategy of our party, which he believed was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and should send more troops to the northeast, at least 50,000 people should be sent, and it was best to send 100,000 people, and it was also necessary to send prestigious army leaders to preside over the work and quickly create base areas.

On September 23, Huang Kecheng received orders from the central authorities to lead the Third Division of the New Fourth Army to the northeast. In this way, Huang Kecheng led the main force of the 3rd Division of the New Fourth Army to 4 brigades, three special task forces a total of 37,000 people to the northeast, and 35,000 people actually reached the northeast. The leadership team of the Third Division of the New Fourth Army was also very strong, with Hong Xuezhi (founding general) as deputy division commander and chief of staff, Liu Zhen (founding general) as deputy division commander, and Director of the Political Department Wu Faxian (founding lieutenant general).

Before going to the northeast, the superior exaggerated the advantages of the northeast, saying that the northeast is full of weapons and can be taken at will, so many troops go to the northeast completely empty-handed. The head of the Central China Bureau also said to Huang Kecheng: "The central authorities have informed that there are many materials and weapons in the northeast, and your existing weapons can be left behind and handed over to the localities." ”

With a 100,000-strong army invading the Kwantung, Huang Kecheng brought 35,000 men with him and was awarded the rank of Grand General in 1955

However, Huang Kecheng did not believe it, he insisted that the troops go to the northeast with full armament, and when they led the troops to Shandong, the New Fourth Army headquarters instructed them to stop in Shandong for a period of time to assist the Shandong troops in combat. Huang Kecheng believed that seizing the northeast was the first strategic priority of the local area, and that the soldiers were fast and could not delay the time, and he also directly asked the Central Military Commission for instructions. The Central Military Commission quickly replied: "After the troops of the 3rd Division arrive in Shandong, they should march north day and night, and cannot take up combat tasks in Shandong." ”

Later, when the troops arrived in Shandong, they found that there were not many weapons and equipment left for them, and many weapons were taken away by the new troops that had been urgently expanded, most of these new troops did not undergo strict political education and military training, and when they fought, they all broke up one after another, and lost all the weapons that were already few.

At that time, there were 100,000 Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army reached the northeast, and the troops led by Huang Kecheng reached 35,000 people, which was the largest unit, and what was even more rare was that this unit arrived in the northeast with full armed forces, making a major contribution to resisting the attack of the Kuomintang army. Later, the four brigades and three special service regiments of the Third Division of the New Fourth Army developed into the 39th Army, the 40th Army, and part of the 43rd Army, all of which were later famous ace units of the Northeast Field Army.

With a 100,000-strong army invading the Kwantung, Huang Kecheng brought 35,000 men with him and was awarded the rank of Grand General in 1955

From 1946 onwards, Huang Kecheng served again

Deputy political commissar and commander of the West Manchuria Military Region, deputy commander and logistics commander and political commissar of the Northeast Democratic United Army, and 2nd Corps of the Northeast Field Army. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huang Kecheng served as secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, commander and political commissar of the Hunan Military Region, deputy chief of the general staff and director of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army, secretary general of the Central Military Commission, vice minister of national defense, and chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army, and was awarded the rank of general in 1955.

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