
After being pardoned, Puyi and Du Yuming went down to Jiangnan for the first time, why did they shed tears along the way?

In March 1964, Premier Zhou arranged for the CPPCC National Committee to organize amnesty personnel Puyi, Du Yuming, Wang Yaowu, Shen Drun, etc., together with his family and 40 people, to visit Jiangsu and other places.

After being pardoned, Puyi and Du Yuming went down to Jiangnan for the first time, why did they shed tears along the way?

Someone asked Puyi: Why cry? Puyi said: Touched, sighed!

After the group came to the Nanjing Railway Station, Puyi stepped off the train and was very emotional, saying to Du Yuming and others:

"I've lived in Beijing for so many years, but I've never been out, and now I'm truly liberated."

Du Yuming asked him, "Then when you were emperor in Shenyang, didn't you go out for a walk?" ”

Puyi's answer surprised Du Yuming and others:

"Although it used to seem that the treatment was OK, but freedom is not, and the Japanese have completely restricted freedom." They go wherever they go, they have no choice. I used to live a bat-like life, but now I'm really free to be Chinese. ”

After being pardoned, Puyi and Du Yuming went down to Jiangnan for the first time, why did they shed tears along the way?

The first half of Puyi's life can be described as a bumpy fate, three times called the emperor, three times deposed, Japanese puppets, Soviet imprisonment, Liaoning reform, before 1959 there was basically no freedom to speak of, with the help of the beloved Premier Zhou, finally out of prison disaster, rushed to a free life, obtained amnesty, and had the privilege of traveling to the south of the river, can he not be excited and excited? The happiest expression of a person is tears.?

From March 11 to 15, Puyi and others visited the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Yuhuatai, and the Presidential Palace in Nanjing.

On March 12, during a visit to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Puyi burst into tears, recalled the smile on Sun Yat-sen's face and smiled, and confided in Du Yuming and others about his counter-revolutionary crimes.

There is reason to believe that Puyi's words are in his own sincere repentance, because as early as the Tokyo Trial, he made such remarks:

"Three years after I became emperor, in 1911, there was a revolution in our country, and a great revolutionary named Sun Yat-sen led the people to overthrow the corrupt Qing Dynasty, which was a progressive revolution."

When visiting Yuhuatai, I saw (listened) to so many heroic Heroes Haojie, who threw their heads and spilled their blood for New China, and witnessed the historical relics of Japan leaving a deep disaster on China.

But he used to be a puppet of Japan, ignoring the suffering of Chinese, and helping the Japanese to do some bad things, he cried bitterly and said: In the past, I was really guilty of a lot, and so many people died here. We should consider how to reform ourselves in the future, wash away our sins, and serve the people.

When Puyi heard that Guanyin, Buddha statues and other national treasures had been stolen by foreigners, he and his brother Pujie sighed all the way, recalling the past when the two stole the national treasures of the Forbidden City, Puyi could not help but shed tears of remorse.

After being pardoned, Puyi and Du Yuming went down to Jiangnan for the first time, why did they shed tears along the way?

Puyi visited Jinggangshan, the holy land of revolution, and when he visited Chairman Mao's "reading stone", Puyi was full of reverence and gently touched the stone over and over again. He felt the hardships of the Chinese revolution, sighed the Communist Party's tolerance for him, and had mixed feelings in his heart, and gradually tears moistened his eyes.

When he came to the Ming Tomb, the staff introduced him to him that Kangxi had also worshipped here in those years, and said that Kangxi and Qianlong toured the south, thinking of Kangxi who was full of pride at the beginning, counting his own deeds along the way - Ping San Fan, receiving Taiwan, western expedition to Jungar, northern expedition to Russia. When Qianlong went down to Jiangnan, he proudly took stock of his brilliant life, hated that he could not live for five hundred years to enjoy the splendid rivers and mountains of the Qing Dynasty, and the Jiangnan at this time was no longer the Jiangnan at that time, and Puyi's heart was full of vicissitudes and feelings of the impermanence of the world, or there was infinite regret of losing the Jiangshan.

During the tour, Puyi walked all the way, and the tears stayed all the way. Through the reflection of Puyi's diary, Puyi is repenting, but also has a lot of feelings, Puyi wrote in the diary: "In the past, when I was emperor, I did a lot of bad things, I said this to myself and to others. The past Puyi died, and now it is the newborn Puyi. ”

After being pardoned, Puyi and Du Yuming went down to Jiangnan for the first time, why did they shed tears along the way?

After returning to Beijing, Puyi was cared for by Premier Zhou and worked as a conductor in Shijingshan Park. Once the former prisoners were also the same batch of pardoned people Du Yuming and Shen Drunk came to play with him, wanted him to be a tour guide to visit the Forbidden City, when they walked to the door, they were stunned by the long queue, Puyi frowned, I have to buy tickets at my home this time, what is this all about, the three people looked at each other and smiled.

What pains Puyi is that the tickets are a bit expensive!

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