
1 sugar friend for every 10 people? Diabetes loves the taste you eat on a daily basis more than high sugar

1 sugar friend for every 10 people? Diabetes loves the taste you eat on a daily basis more than high sugar

According to the data, the number of adult diabetes in China currently occupies the first place in the world, which has reached 114 million.

In other words, almost 1 in 10 people with diabetes.

In addition to genetic factors, the occurrence of diabetes is one of the important factors. Many people have the impression that diabetes is due to eating too many high-sugar foods.

But in fact, in addition to high sugar, there is another taste, which is also one of the "scourges" of diabetes, but many people choose to ignore, that is, ------

Eat too much salt for a long time!

1 sugar friend for every 10 people? Diabetes loves the taste you eat on a daily basis more than high sugar

Why does eating too much salt cause diabetes?

Salt is an essential seasoning in life, it can make food more delicious, but also can stimulate appetite.

At the same time, sodium chloride in salt is also an essential substance for the human body, which can maintain the normal metabolism of the body and the osmotic pressure inside and outside the cells, and also participate in the formation of gastric acid.

However, studies have analyzed that in other similar lifestyle situations, people who eat more salt will also have a 2-fold increase in the risk of diabetes.

Why does it cause diabetes? There are two main points:

On the one hand, too much salt will increase the "ghrelin" in the body, will inhibit the secretion of insulin, let the human body "resist" insulin, directly weaken the hypoglycemic ability of insulin, and at the same time increase appetite, eat more, natural obesity will also come up.

On the other hand, too much salt can raise blood pressure and destroy damage to blood vessels, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes.

1 sugar friend for every 10 people? Diabetes loves the taste you eat on a daily basis more than high sugar

In addition to diabetes, what health problems can eating too much salt cause?

First, reduce resistance and increase the burden on the kidneys

Long-term diet is too salty, high concentration of salt can inhibit respiratory cell activity, so that the respiratory tract resistance is weakened, too much salt can also reduce the secretion of saliva, so that the oral lysozyme content is reduced, so that the respiratory tract is more susceptible to infection by germs, induce colds and other diseases.

In addition, excessive salt intake can also increase the burden on the kidneys, promote the excretion of urine protein, cause kidney stones, body edema and other problems, and impair kidney function.

Second, it affects the body's absorption of calcium

The main component of salt is sodium chloride, sodium intake is too much, can increase the amount of urinary calcium excreted, the kidneys excrete 6 grams of salt each time, correspondingly, the body will lose 60 mg of calcium.

Therefore, the more salt intake, the faster the loss of calcium and the more likely it is to suffer from osteoporosis.

Third, induce cardiovascular disease and stomach cancer

Long-term high-salt diet, sodium intake is too much, can cause water and sodium retention, resulting in increased blood pressure, increased burden on the heart, long-term, can cause arteriosclerosis, heart failure and other problems.

In addition, high concentrations of salt can also stimulate the gastric mucosa, so that the gastric mucosa resistance is reduced, increasing the risk of stomach cancer.

1 sugar friend for every 10 people? Diabetes loves the taste you eat on a daily basis more than high sugar

In daily life, how to control salt intake?

Excessive salt intake is particularly harmful to health, so how to control salt intake in life?

1. Replace salt with some natural ingredients

In addition to salt, there are some other ingredients that can also be used for cooking and eating, which can also play a role in flavoring, such as ginger, lemon, star anise, chili pepper, garlic, green onion, pepper and so on.

In addition, vinegar is also a good choice, adding some vinegar when cooking and eating, can make the food more fragrant, so that the amount of salt used can be greatly reduced.

2. Learn reasonable cooking methods

Some cooking tips in life can also help reduce the amount of salt used, such as when cooking food, you can add salt when the food is about to come out of the pot, and you should put less salt in the stew.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to reducing the amount of sugar used, because sugar can mask the salty taste and make people unconsciously consume more salt.

3. Eat less high-salt foods

Although many foods do not taste too salty, they add a lot of salt to the process, such as noodles, biscuits, bread and so on.

It is recommended that when you buy food, you can first look at the sodium content in the ingredient list, if the sodium content is too high, you should try to eat less such food, so as not to affect your health.

Of course, preventing diabetes is not just something you can do with less salt.

1 sugar friend for every 10 people? Diabetes loves the taste you eat on a daily basis more than high sugar

In addition to controlling salt, at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, and swimming, at least 5 days a week. At the same time, in the diet, we also need to pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetarian food, and eat less high-fat and high-sugar foods.

In addition, it is also important to maintain normal and adequate sleep, and the regularity of work and rest is also very important!

1 sugar friend for every 10 people? Diabetes loves the taste you eat on a daily basis more than high sugar

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