
"Has Uzi played a weak profession for so many years?" Ning angrily rebuked the black fans: Are you all so crazy?

Hello everyone, here is the dog, every day to bring you interesting game information, like remember to point a point of attention ~

As one of the most optimistic teams this season, the performance of the RNG German Cup and the spring tournament is actually more disappointing, the German Cup round trip aside, the first game of the spring tournament was tragically won by FFX 2:1, this result is actually not very acceptable for the RNG that has been strengthened this year. Fortunately, in the second game against JDG, RNG found a little bit of form, and finally won the game easily 2:1, and Xiaohu and Xiaoming also unlocked the achievement of a common 300 total win.

"Has Uzi played a weak profession for so many years?" Ning angrily rebuked the black fans: Are you all so crazy?

Tiger and Bin are in a sluggish state

However, although RNG defeated JDG with a score of 2:1, the performance of the BO3 Tiger and Bin was actually not very satisfactory, the first set was almost Wei opened the situation, so that RNG won so easily, and the second set bin and Tiger basically did not have much effect, the third set was Wei took the lead in driving the rhythm, and then Gala began to show personally, the three games came down, tigers, bin did not have much sense of existence, which is the biggest problem of RNG's current lineup.

"Has Uzi played a weak profession for so many years?" Ning angrily rebuked the black fans: Are you all so crazy?

Gala is the only stable Carry point

In fact, this new lineup of RNG, although it seems to be strengthened, but it is no longer able to use last year's set of playing styles, the style gap between Xiaohu and Crin is still relatively large, although Bin is stronger than Xiaohu in operation and single experience, it is also easier to get on the head and make mistakes, so if RNG wants to achieve good results in the new season, it must find a new set of playing styles.

"Has Uzi played a weak profession for so many years?" Ning angrily rebuked the black fans: Are you all so crazy?

The BLG is about to usher in its first game

It's been a few days since the start of the spring race, and just when the RNG results have reached 1:1, the BLG with the biggest transfer period is finally about to usher in its first game, and if nothing else, Uzi will also make its debut. However, this time Uzi's comeback has caused quite a stir, especially the emergence of "Lone Swimmer", which has set off a wave of "black Uzi wind", and everyone's doubts about Uzi have become louder and louder, especially the recent Uzi live broadcast room bullet screen is even more exaggerated.

"Has Uzi played a weak profession for so many years?" Ning angrily rebuked the black fans: Are you all so crazy?

Ning Live angrily rebuked Uzi black fans

However, in the recent live broadcast of Ning, there were people who all kinds of anti-string black Uzi, which also made Ning a little unable to watch it, and angrily rebuked on the spot: "What is Uzi, do you still use what you say?" Uzi played so many years in the profession he was weaker? You guys talk about results there, isn't the MSI champion the champion? Isn't the runner-up in the World Championship a result? So what do you want? Do you only see S Champion in your eyes? Did you give it to you? When I didn't even have a champion before, I didn't see you guys so crazy? ”

"Has Uzi played a weak profession for so many years?" Ning angrily rebuked the black fans: Are you all so crazy?

Ning's words really hit those trolls who often black Uzi, to know that in their view, Uzi's results are not achievements, then Uzi in addition to the S championship, all the other champions have taken, and S tournaments also have runners-up, if this is not counted as results, 99% of professional players may not even be professional players.

Now Uzi is finally returning to the field after two years, although almost everyone knows that the current Uzi can no longer have the state of the year, but as an old audience of LOL, in fact, it is very gratifying to see the old players appear on the field again.

"Has Uzi played a weak profession for so many years?" Ning angrily rebuked the black fans: Are you all so crazy?

What do you want to say about Ning's words? Feel free to interact with your dog below.~

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