
Why did all the 61 stone people in front of Wu Zetian's tomb have no heads? What are their identities?

"Wu Zetian" is the only "female emperor" in China, and her life is also quite controversial, so after her death, she erected a wordless monument for herself, good or bad are left to future generations. Although the throne was returned to Li after her death, she was buried in Qianling as emperor. Ancient imperial tombs have always been the first choice of tomb robbers, but Qianling has not been stolen for thousands of years, and Wu Zetian's wordless monument is also well preserved and is a hot topic in the archaeological community. ?????

Why did all the 61 stone people in front of Wu Zetian's tomb have no heads? What are their identities?

In ancient times, there will be stone people, and the more famous one is the Qin Terracotta Army. In front of Wu Zetian's tomb, there were also 61 stone people, but none of them had heads, which was very rare. Why did all the 61 stone people in front of Wu Zetian's tomb have no heads? What are their identities??????

Why did all the 61 stone people in front of Wu Zetian's tomb have no heads? What are their identities?

At that time, the Tang Dynasty, whether it was culture, diplomacy, economy, etc., was a heyday, and although Wu Zetian established the Zhou Dynasty, it was only the product of a coup d'état. Strictly speaking, the reign of "Wu Zetian" extended the rule of Zhenguan, and the Tang Dynasty at that time did not decline, but went up a higher level. At that time, the Tang Dynasty had a very large territory, with many vassals, most of whom were the leaders of some ethnic minorities. And these headless stone people were these foreigners, so they appeared in Wu Zetian's tomb to show the great strength of the Tang Dynasty at that time, and these vassals still had to rely on the Tang Dynasty, so they did not dare to say anything. ?????

Why did all the 61 stone people in front of Wu Zetian's tomb have no heads? What are their identities?

As for why the head will all disappear, there are different theories. Some people speculate that when the Eight-Nation Alliance attacked the Central Plains, these stone statues were seen in front of the tomb. They felt ashamed that their ancestors had bowed down and cut off their heads. But that's just a conjecture, and the traces suggest that things break earlier. ?????

Why did all the 61 stone people in front of Wu Zetian's tomb have no heads? What are their identities?

The time when these statues were broken was only destroyed in the late Ming Dynasty, because the people at that time were more superstitious and thought that there were monsters in it, and at night these stone statues became monsters and would waste crops. The local people, in order to protect their crops, cut off their heads. All kinds of claims are just speculations, and as for why there is no head, there is still no scientific explanation. In any case, sometimes we still have to have some reverence, and Wu Zetian's tomb is like a wordless monument, there is nothing. For Wu Zetian's life, whether it is merit or life, she has left it to posterity to judge for herself. ?????

Why did all the 61 stone people in front of Wu Zetian's tomb have no heads? What are their identities?

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