
I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

author:Silence becomes poetry

Three meals a day, I believe that everyone has a time to worry about what to eat. I'm a person who rarely orders takeout, and even if I'm hungry enough to protest, I'll go to the kitchen and make something for myself. Sometimes it is inevitable to worry about what to eat, and later I found that every time at this time, cooking a bowl of sour and appetizing fast noodles is really a very happy thing. The time is short: ten minutes to eat the mouth; eating is particularly painful: sour and delicious, a chopsticks under the stomach, the appetite is full, it can fill all your hungry cells in an instant, but also make these cells quite satisfied.

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat
This season, radish cabbage is the protagonist of my family. I'm a person who doesn't get tired of eating cabbage every day, and this, I think, is quite northern. Well, this sentence may be a little inappropriate, because not all northerners like to eat cabbage, in fact, this is what I only know, because I brushed a lot of friends who can't go out complained about the free cabbage that didn't know how to eat, and my family didn't like to eat it. I think, it's all this time, there are dishes to eat wrong, pick and choose is not appropriate, right? Besides, isn't there an old saying that a hundred vegetables are not as good as cabbage? There are many kinds of Cabbage recipes, two or three Cabbage, I can eat it for a week without repeating it, and I will enjoy it.
I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

Just like the bowl of kuaishou noodles to be shared today, you see its appearance, it is very simple, there are only a few leaves of cabbage in the bowl, but it does not affect its taste and nutrition in the slightest. Cabbage is the only vegetable in my family that is constantly stalled every day in winter. Whether it's eating pork

Cabbage stew noodles, or cut into strips of blanched water as a dish to beat the brine noodles, my family loves to eat young and old. Speaking of which, it seems to have some preachy meaning, stop here, I will share with you this bowl of fast appetizers, super simple!

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

Fatty beef sour soup quick noodles

【Ingredients】: 1 handful of noodles, 2 leaves of cabbage, 2 fat beef slices, 1/2 garlic, 1 tablespoon of cooked white sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of aged vinegar or rice vinegar, a little oil and salt.

【Specific method】:

1, make this bowl of noodles, if there are fat beef slices or lamb slices in the refrigerator, put a little, if not, it will be omitted, will not affect the taste of the noodles.

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

2: Cut the cabbage into strips and set aside. If you have coriander, wash and cut into small pieces for use, I don't put it in the refrigerator when there is no coriander.

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

3: Boil water and prepare the noodles. Meanwhile, chop the garlic into a large bowl and add a little cooked white sesame seeds. Friends who are not spicy can put some millet pepper rings or pepper noodles. Heat some oil and pour it on to bring out the flavor of the minced garlic.

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

4, then add salt, soy sauce and vinegar, wait for the noodles to cook well, then add the appropriate amount of noodle soup, and replace the noodle soup with boiling water.

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

5: When the noodles are cooked until they are eight minutes cooked, add the fatty beef slices and shredded cabbage, and after the fat beef slices change color, turn off the heat.

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

6: Fish the noodles, fatty beef slices and shredded cabbage into the mixed seasoning sauce, mix well and start.

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

7, its appearance is not proud, the taste is touching. The little guy and I took a bowl each, and after a while, the noodles were dry and clean, and we ate happily.

I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat
I don't know what to eat when it's cold, so I cook this bowl of fast noodles, which is sour and appetizing, and it is really painful to eat

[The poem has something to say]:

Friends who do not like to eat noodles and love to eat flour can change the noodles to rice noodles, the same method.

I am a silent poet, an original author in the field of gastronomy, who likes to make the simplest ingredients the best taste. If you love life and love the kitchen like me, you may wish to follow me. At the same time, this graphic work is a silent poem original, it is strictly forbidden for bad self-media authors to carry and steal pictures, and the author reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.

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