
Saving children with leukemia needs you! Chengdu has launched online and offline fundraising activities

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Zhao Zixuan

In Chengdu, there is a doctor named Zhou Chenyan, and many parents regard her as the savior of their children. For more than 20 years, she has been sticking to the clinical job of treating children's hematological tumor diseases, and whenever she encounters poor children's families, Zhou Chenyan always gives generously and takes out her own salary to subsidize these families.

Saving children with leukemia needs you! Chengdu has launched online and offline fundraising activities

The doctor who pours money to the patient

Liu Junfeng (pseudonym), a leukemia child from Yonghe Village, Fushun County, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, whose family is economically poor, and whose parents worry about treatment expenses all day long. After Zhou Chenyan knew, she quietly came to the child's ward and gave the child's father, Liu Yike (pseudonym), a stack of money.

After getting the envelope, this simple peasant man felt that he was dreaming, and Liu Yike said: "The 1,000 yuan in the envelope has not moved a cent until now." When friends and family come, I show them, and they don't believe that there are such good people in this world. ”

For Zhou Chenyan, such acts of kindness have become a habit. She is kind to her patients, but she is very "stingy" with herself. In daily life, Zhou Chenyan lives frugally, and she is already the director of the department, and she has never spent money on luxury enjoyment.

Saving children with leukemia needs you! Chengdu has launched online and offline fundraising activities

Build a public cemetery for the children who have passed away

In the pediatric hematology/oncology ward, poor children die prematurely every year. In order to make a home for the deceased children, Zhou Chenyan and volunteers purchased a special "public welfare children's cemetery" in Jinsha Cemetery in Da'anqiao Village, Sansheng Township, Chengdu, by raising charitable donations.

In that special cemetery, there are children of poor families whose lives were prematurely killed by disease. On the top of the hill, there are 7 small tombstones standing side by side, and on the tombstones are the cute smiling faces of children.

Zhou Chenyan visits several children in the cemetery every year, bringing with her candy, balloons and flowers that the children like each time. She looked at the smiling faces of the children on the tombstone, and she would always sigh in her heart: If these children had not delayed treatment because of lack of money, now they should have grown up...

"We really hope that we will never have children buried here again." Zhou Chenyan said helplessly.

A bumpy road that you don't want to give up

"What else can I do besides what a doctor can do?" Since 2006, Zhou Chenyan has begun to use her spare time to organize and participate in the social assistance work for childhood leukemia. In 2012, Zhou Chenyan introduced volunteers into the ward, "love ward, sunshine classroom, rainbow bed, happy dreams", in addition to treating the children, she also wants to give them more love and sunshine.

In order to help poor families raise treatment costs, every day after work, Zhou Chenyan always kept calling, or asking the pharmaceutical company to donate a few more drugs, or begging the business owner she knew to donate some life-saving money. ”

Zhou Chenyan said: "The original idea was very simple, that is, I wanted to save one more child. Because I know that even a small amount of money can save a life. Over the years, Zhou Chenyan has known too well how important money is to the lives of children, and her greatest hope is to let those young children get as much treatment as possible, rather than leaving this world because they have no money."

In the children's blood/tumor ward of the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, there are many children with leukemia who are suffering from diseases, and their families cannot afford expensive treatment. In order to help these poor children with leukemia, at present, the Chengdu Charity Federation has planned a charity roadshow activity of "Life has love, cheer up Xiaobai", and issued a proposal, hoping to send love to children with leukemia through this activity.

It is understood that the fundraising activities are divided into two parts, online fundraising activities have been opened, in addition, on the afternoon of January 16 (Sunday), offline roadshow activities will be carried out in Chengdu Tianfu Square, a total of 33 programs and activities waiting for everyone to participate!

Saving children with leukemia needs you! Chengdu has launched online and offline fundraising activities
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