
"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

author:Little Guan Ping

Text/Xiao Guanping

There are many classic movies with dogs as the protagonists, and my favorites are as follows:

1 the story of the loyal dog Hachiko (Beauty) Douban 9.4 points

2 Loyal Dog Hachiko Monogatari (Japanese) Douban 9.2 points

3 dogs with my ten agreements (day) Douban 8.1 points

4 guide dog small Q (day) Douban 8.5 points

5 A Dog's Mission (US) Douban 7.7 points

6 A dog's way home (US) Douban 6.9 points

"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

The Japanese version of "The Tale of Hachiko in the Faithful Dog" is an old film from 87 years ago, when it was still a film made on film, because the film is expensive, the shooting process is more rigorous, and the director and actors are more serious. Now with digital technology to make movies, the cost is reduced, the director's requirements for the quality of the film are not so high, and there are many bad films.

When I was a kid, I took pictures with Polaroid or an old-fashioned camera, and because film was expensive, I couldn't afford to take a picture without having to take pictures. Now with a SLR camera or mobile phone to take pictures, the cost is reduced a lot, you can also use filters and post-retouching, resulting in a random shooting process, and you can no longer find the precious, warm and exquisite feeling of the year.

There is a line in the film that is very interesting:

If a dog is kept for three days, it will be faithful to you for a lifetime; but if the cat is kept for three years, it will not care whether you live or die.

Cats and dogs do have different habits, the movie "Cat and Dog Wars" is the difference in the personality of cats and dogs, people who have had pets, will find a sense of substitution in such animal films, and will love their pets more after watching the movie.

"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

Although the overall tone of this film is tragic, the first half of the plot is very humorous. Even if we put the storyline aside, we can learn a lot about Japanese cultural customs from this film.

Because I just finished watching the original, I think that whether it is the American version or the Japanese version, the perception of the movie exceeds that of the novel, and the image is more vivid than the text, especially the performance of the dog is impressive.

The picture of people and dogs living in harmony makes me wonder a question, is the relationship between puppies and people better, or is it better to have a better relationship with the same kind?

I think the dog and the person are more intimate than their kind. Only when they want to play or mate, the dog goes to find the same kind, and most of the time, the dog still returns to the owner's side and accompanies the owner.

To this end, I specifically looked up some information on the Internet about the origin of some dog relationships:

Ever since humans established their homes on the planet more than 200,000 years ago, dogs have been with us all the time.

Co-evolution over thousands of years has allowed dogs to understand our feelings and body language, and when people interact with dogs, our bodies release oxytocin— a hormone associated with love and conservation.

This topic continues, you can write a book out, I will not discuss it here.

Little Eight often licks his master, and it seems that it is nothing to be licked by a puppy! It was only after watching this movie that I let my puppy Star Treasure lick me. Movies often teach us a lot of common sense of life, watching novels, movies, movies, and animations can help make life better, and we must learn to combine fantasy and reality.

"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

This is the movie of '87, when many actors should still be alive, but the puppy actors in the movie are probably no longer there, after all, it is 30 years later. Thinking of this, looking at the dogs in the play, I suddenly fell into sorrow.

The age of the dog and the human is not proportional to the length of the human, becoming an ancient Greek tragedy of the human dog's emotion. People can accompany many puppies throughout their lives, but puppies are difficult to accompany their owners to old age.

"A Dog's Mission" does the opposite, allowing dogs to be reincarnated, find their masters in different identities, and accompany him throughout his life, which is a challenge to this ancient Greek fate. This is the good and good wish of human beings.

"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

This kind of film with a specific era background and a history of years looks very comfortable. Originally a film from 30 years ago, it is a story from the 20s and 30s, and the whole film is full of retro tones and a strong sense of nostalgia.

Although I first watched "The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog" (American version), the Japanese version has a different flavor and has a tone that is more in line with the original.

The original book is a story written by the American Leslie Newman that takes place in Japan, so both versions can find their own cultural characteristics.

Whether it was the scorching sun or the wind and rain, Xiaoba has been going to the station to pick up the professor, after all year round, year after year. Both versions are moving from here and continue until the end.

The Japanese version takes care of Little Eight more subtlely than the American version of the professor, and there are many details of life:

Help Xiao Ba catch the lice on his body, causing his fingers to puncture;

Take a bath with Little Eight;

A fierce storm came, and the rain brought Xiao Ba into the house.

"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

These details reflect the simple and deep feelings between people and dogs, which can impress the audience. Even people who have never owned a pet can feel the sincerity and simplicity of this emotion when watching these clips. Emotions exist between all things and are not unique to human beings.

I also paid attention to the change in the mood of the professor's wife, who was initially opposed to dog ownership, because the couple had killed a dog, and she was afraid that the professor would repeat the same mistake and be sad again, so she strongly opposed her husband's dog. It was because her daughter insisted and the professor did not object that she was relieved.

When the professor brought the dog back and her daughter married again, she wanted her husband to give it away when she was eight young. But the professor gradually developed feelings for Xiao Ba, and he did not listen to his wife's words.

Immediately afterward, the professor's relationship with Xiaoba became better and better, and his concentration on the puppy even exceeded that of his grandson.

The daughter said to her mother, "Little Eight may take away the father's love for you." At that time, the wife only smiled and did not think much of it, but later when she saw her husband taking the puppy all day, bathing it and catching lice, taking the puppy into the room, and sleeping with the little eight in her arms, she gradually felt dissatisfied and sad.

The husband's love for himself is indeed occupied a lot by Xiao Ba.

Will the feelings between people and pets encroach on and hurt the feelings between husband and wife? This is also an interesting topic.

I think when couples or couples have pets (or children), they should pour out their love for dogs and children together, and this love can coexist. As long as you know that the feelings between husband and wife are the most important, other loves can be given to others together.

The idea of jealousy and rejection when you see other people sharing their partner's feelings, selfish enough to want all the love without thinking about passing it on to other people (whether children or pets), is the idea that hurts the lover's feelings.

Therefore, studying the state of mind of the professor's wife is a novel angle to watch this movie.

"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

The saddest moment has come. When the film reaches 2/3, the professor is dead, exactly the same as the plot structure of the American version.

At this time, what I am most concerned about is Xiao Ba's demeanor and psychology, does it know that the professor is dead? What exactly is the willpower that makes it so persistent, waiting for ten years to be taught?

The story progresses to the back, and the plot and the American version have some discrepancies. The American version rarely depicts the relationship between family members and neighbors, that is, it relies on a warm family support, and the later stage is basically tear-inducing, the sound effects, pictures and editing are more touching, and the rhythm is relatively bright.

The Japanese version continues the warm and delicate style of Japanese movies, and the second half of the plot is still a slow lyrical rhythm, describing the process of XiaoBa's downfall.

There is a detail that is very well performed, the hostess sells the house to someone else, the person is afraid of dogs, The little eight misses the old lord, misses the previous life, and when he returns to the old house, he is attacked by the man's stone. He couldn't even get in, let alone return to his puppy, and couldn't smell the familiar smell.

I am particularly sad to see this paragraph, and the contrast between this sequence is ironic and sad. Originally, people loved XiaoBa, but when he got old, he wanted to go home to see it, but he was driven away.

The treatment of dogs with owners and stray dogs is not the same, domestic dogs have the protection of the owner, how no one dares to bully, and the little eight who have lost their owners are wandering outside, have nowhere to stay, and are hurt by people.

Therefore, the owner of the dog must not lose the dog, and the stray dog that is lost or abandoned is really pitiful.

In the world where humans dominate the earth, puppies are still animals that depend on humans to survive, on the one hand, it can be said that dogs have been loyal to humans since ancient times, and on the other hand, dogs are not independent enough and rely too much on humans.

"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

Unexpectedly, the professor's wife, who has always opposed the ownership of dogs, took care of the new puppy after moving, which is really a sad fate.

In fact, people are influencing each other all the time, and the professor's wife is touched by her husband's love, becomes more loving, and also likes small animals. Loving someone will often become the person, which may be the highest state of love.

And those neighbors, including the owners of restaurants, have also been taking good care of Xiaoba under the inspiration of the professor.

Although we know the final ending, we will still be moved, the Japanese version is not like the American version with music and editing to stir up emotions, but it is more realistic and more cruel.

Seeing The last scene of Xiao Eight, no matter which version, will be extremely touched and painful.

"Film and Television Review" "The Tale of Hachiko the Loyal Dog": A dog will only fall in love with one owner in his lifetime

An old dog waits for its owner, I don't know how many years it has been waiting, at the end of his life, his mind constantly appears with various pictures of the owner and his previous life, or there are hallucinations, seeing the owner walk out of the station... Seeing Xiao Ba's excitement and excitement finally waiting for the master was really beautiful and tear-inducing.

Sure enough, a dog will only fall in love with one owner for a lifetime!

2020/5/14 First draft revised on 2021/10/14