
Beijing has a maximum temperature of 0°C today and a small breath of cold air next week

author:Beiqing Net

The latest forecast of the Beijing Meteorological Observatory shows that today's daytime Beijing is sunny and cloudy, the north turns to the south wind is two or three, the weather is sunny and cold, the temperature drops significantly, and the maximum temperature during the day is only 0 °C.

Affected by cold air, during the day yesterday, the north wind over Beijing gradually increased to about 4 levels, the gusts were six or seven, and the maximum wind was around noon, plus the maximum temperature during the day was only about 3 ° C, the wind chill effect was significant, and the citizens felt very cold.

Today, Beijing will be sunny to cloudy weather, the temperature drop is obvious, the maximum temperature during the day is about 0 °C, and the weather is sunny and cold. When the public is outdoors, they must strengthen their protection against cold and warmth, and beware of colds and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Next Monday will be "four nine", as the saying goes, "three nine four nine ice walk", now a morning and a night is indeed a very strong cold, the public early out of the evening must strengthen the warmth. Beijing is also expected to usher in small cold air activities next week, and the temperature will fluctuate slightly. The meteorological department advises the public to pay attention to the nearby forecast and add clothes in time to prevent the cold.

Text/Reporter Zhao Tingting


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