
Yunnan version of "Death is coming two"

author:Hearty grapes

 There is a Luofu Expressway between Wenshan and Guangxi in Yunnan, and the Luofu Expressway in Yunnan, full name Luocunkou to Funing Expressway, is the first expressway from Yunnan to Guangxi. This section of the road is in the territory of Esang Township, Funing County, Yunnan, and there are two upper and lower lines, of which the K896 to K884 section from Funing to Guangxi Baise (downward line) has a continuous downhill slope of 12 kilometers, and the K898 to K904 road section from Baise to Funing (upward line) has a continuous downhill slope of 6 kilometers. There is a section of about 12 kilometers long called the Sang section, which many drivers dare not take, calling it the "Chinese Devil Highway". In the 1233 days after the opening of the road, there were 989 car accidents on this section.

Yunnan version of "Death is coming two"

Due to the frequent occurrence of accidents, Luofu Expressway has been closed for 1/3 of the time since its opening, and the unimpeded rate is only 65.9%.

 The Luofu Expressway people seem to have been under the spell of being hit by a spell, car accidents occur here at any time and anywhere, countless drivers and passengers die here, and the incidence of traffic accidents here far exceeds the domestic average. This highway is not the same as the ordinary highway section, its speed limit of 40 km compared to the normal high speed limit of 120 km is much lower, this high speed section has a total of 6 km downhill, in this road must be filled with water tank, and the braking system is good, but also with a gear has been slowing down.

Yunnan version of "Death is coming two"

 Even so, there are many vehicles that are overwhelmed with brakes and out of control, and from here it can be seen that the safety of the car is very important, and absolutely no one on that road dares to speed or overload. At present, the local traffic police department is also trying its best to prevent accidents, and has installed 37 mandatory speed bumps, 6 self-help lanes and 2 water filling stations in the Ersang road section, but the accident rate has not been alleviated, which makes many road experts very distressed.

Yunnan version of "Death is coming two"

It is understood that in the early morning of June 7, 2008, a tank truck full of chemicals drove on the San section of the Luofu Expressway, when the weather was good, the view was very clear, and there were not many cars on the road, but the car deviated from the main road and rushed straight to the side of the road.

  From the photos taken by the police at that time, it can be seen that the car accident was very tragic, all 3 people in the truck died on the spot, and what is worse, because the tank of the truck ruptured, more than 10 tons of toxic chemical phenol all flowed into the Ersang River under the road, seriously threatening the production and life of several 100,000 people downstream.

Yunnan version of "Death is coming two"

After the "6.07" accident, there were a number of dangerous chemical pollution incidents in the Ersang road, including at least 3 in 2011. On March 7, 2011, a Heavy Tank Semi-trailer of Jiangxi Nationality carrying 32 tons of pure benzene lost control in Ersangpo and drove into the self-help ramp, all the pure benzene loaded was leaked, and nearly 5 tons of pure benzene flowed into the Sang River, once again leading to serious environmental pollution incidents.

Yunnan version of "Death is coming two"

 According to the data of the traffic police, on the first day of the opening of the Luofu Expressway on October 24, 2007, there were 13 car accidents in the Ersang section, resulting in 3 deaths and more than 30 injuries, and in the 1233 days after the opening of the traffic, there were 989 car accidents in this section, an average of nearly one a day, and more than 120 drivers died in less than three years, and the economic loss reached 500 million yuan.

Yunnan version of "Death is coming two"

The strange thing is that in the future section of the highway, there are such car accidents every day, and there is another major car accident in the San section of the Luofu Expressway, a truck runs out of control over the central barrier of the road into the opposite lane, and after pushing a normal mini car for more than 10 meters, all 5 people in the mini car are killed, and two people on the large truck are injured to varying degrees. When the police of the Funing Fire Brigade arrived at the scene, the road section of the accident had been closed to the road, the highway was a mess, the cinder and rubble were scattered on the ground, and the smell of diesel and blood stains was pungent and strong. A large truck crossed the road, the front of the car facing the guardrail, the entire front of the car was deformed into a "concave" shape, the driver's right calf and knee were stuck by the steering wheel linkage, the right foot was squeezed and deformed by the brake, the body was bloodstained, and moaned from time to time! Next to the large truck, a van with the license plate of Cloud H58051 was lying on the side of the road, completely unrecognizable, and two victims were firmly stuck in the severely deformed cab. Firefighters quickly carried out on-site rescue, first using a cutting machine to demolish the unfathomable cab, and then carrying out the remains one by one. At the same time, emergency rescue was provided to the two injured who were trapped in the large truck. According to the traffic police handling the accident, the scene is just a downhill section, the big truck is driving from the direction of Guangxi to the direction of Wenshan, do not know what the reason, suddenly out of control after rushing through the isolation fence, just hit the opposite from Wenshan to Guangxi direction of the mini car, due to the huge inertia, out of control and then overturned the big truck has been knocked out of shape mini car has been knocked out of shape and pushed downhill for more than 10 meters. Coincidentally, after the overturning of this large truck, the length of the truck was just the same as the width of the road, so the entire mini-car was like being swept by a giant "King Kong", resulting in the 5 passengers on the mini-car not being spared. The horror of the scene was astounding, with the remains of the mini-car completely squeezed flattened together, and in addition to the blood and black ore mixed on the ground, there were long brake marks on the large truck.

Yunnan version of "Death is coming two"

In the face of a series of accidents, the police with questions to investigate, found that some of the Longitudinal Slope Ratio of the Sang Road Section is 6%, that is, every 100 meters down, the altitude drops by 6 meters, is there a problem with the road design? But experts reassured that doubt. After in-depth investigation, the police found that overloading and speeding are the direct cause of frequent accidents.

 Although car accidents are still occurring and there are still casualties, it has been noted that the incidence of car accidents has decreased under the attention and strong supervision of local governments and competent authorities. When will the hat of The Road of Death be completely removed, and the messenger Sangpo will change from a "black spot" to a "bright spot"?