
The Tang Dynasty acted heroically and righteously, and after staying in the old woman's house for one night, he no longer dared to be nosy

As the saying goes, the things between heaven and earth are one thing and one thing. Centipedes are commonly known as "hundred feet", also known as worms with hundreds of feet. There are many large long snakes in Lingnan, the longest of which can reach 10 zhang, which is specialized in harming people. Residents living in Lingnan have centipedes in their homes, place them next to their pillows, and if a snake comes, the centipede makes a sound, and the residents there release the centipedes. When the centipede saw the snake coming, it arched its waist, and with a strong head and tail, it jumped up to a height of one foot. Falling to the seven inches of the big snake, using iron hook-type pliers to clamp the snake at once, sucking the blood of the snake, and torturing the snake to death. These dozens of snakes died at the hands of centipedes with only the size of their fingers, so the ancients said "Qing Maggot Sweet Belt", which is the truth.

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Moon Kingdom of the Western Regions paid tribute to a beast, shaped like a puppy that had just been born for fifty or sixty days, with a yellow tail and held by the emissaries of the Moon Kingdom in his hands. When Emperor Wudi of Han saw the appearance of the Hu people, he smiled and said to him, "How can such a small beast be called a beast?" The Prophet replied, "The beast has its own principle of being a beast, do not look at its size." The giant elephant recognizes the unicorn as the king, and the roc recognizes the phoenix as the king, and the two of them can become kings, not because they grow up. Emperor Wu of Han did not believe it, and said to the emissary, "Let him call out and listen." The messenger pointed his hand, and the beast shook its head and screamed violently, like a thunderbolt rising from the ground, and two eyes emitted two electric rays. Emperor Wudi of Han suddenly jumped up from his chair and hurriedly covered his ears. The weapons in the hands of the soldiers standing on both sides were shaken down.

Emperor Wu of Han was not happy, so he ordered this beast to be placed in the Shanglin Garden and let the tigers eat it. Shanglin Yuan took the beast to the side of the tiger and put it down, and when the tiger saw the beast, they all shrunk into a pile and fell to their knees. Shanglin Yuan reported this news to Emperor Wu of Han, who was still unhappy after hearing this and still wanted to kill this beast. By the next day, the messenger and the beast were gone. Tigers and leopards are very strong, but they are still afraid of such small animals, so it is difficult to determine how much human strength is. It is: the strong have their own strong hands, do not exaggerate in front of people.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a man who was born with divine power, a life of heroic warriors and righteousness, and the road was uneven and drew his sword to help. He never brought an entourage to the Beijing examination, and he rode a good horse with a bent bow and a short sword around his waist, and he walked alone with a whip. Hunt some hares along the way, and when you get to the shop to rest, you need some wine and roast some hares to eat.

The Tang Dynasty acted heroically and righteously, and after staying in the old woman's house for one night, he no longer dared to be nosy

One day on the road, the horse ran fast, directly past the hotel's shop, to a village. At this time, it was already dark, and the scholar felt that he could not rush forward any longer, and when he saw a family with its door open, the lights shone out, and the people got off their horses and entered the family's house. I saw that at the door was a large open space, and there were three or four Taihu stones stacked on the open space. In the middle there are three main rooms, two compartments, and an old woman is sitting in the middle weaving cloth. The old woman heard the sound of horses in the middle of the yard and got up to ask what was going on. The man replied in a loud voice, "I came lost to spend the night." The old woman said, "Official, it is really inconvenient, I cannot be the Lord." ”

When the people heard her words, with some miserable voices, they asked with some suspicion: "Where are the men in your family?" How can a person live here? The old woman replied, "I am an old widow." The husband died many years ago, and only one son went out to do business. Then he asked, "Do you have a daughter-in-law?" The old woman frowned and replied: "There is a daughter-in-law, who is worthy of a man, who can earn some money for the family, but the daughter-in-law has a lot of strength, is very tough, and is impatient, and she does not deal with her in a word, she can push people down with one finger." I'm getting weaker and weaker now, and I'm often bullied by her, so I don't dare to make the decision if you come to spend the night. After saying two tears like rain.

When the people heard this, their eyebrows stood upside down, and their eyes were rounded, and they said, "There is still such an unfair thing under the heavens, where is the evil woman?" I'm going to get rid of her for you today!" With that, he tied his horse to the Taihu stone in the middle of the courtyard and drew his sword. The old woman said: "You don't want to be too old to move the soil, my daughter-in-law is not easy to mess with, she does not learn to knit women's knitting, every day after eating, she goes to the mountains empty-handed, beats some wild beasts and rabbits to go home, makes bacon to sell to customers, makes a few money, often comes back in the middle of the night, our family's life, we have to rely on her, so I dare not argue with her." When the people heard this, they sheathed their swords and said, "I am a person who is afraid of being hard and soft, and I am a man who contributes to others, and since if you live on her, I will spare her life and not kill her, then beat her up and teach her a lesson." Let her personality change as well. The old woman said to the lifter, "She is back this time, don't be nosy, don't cause trouble." The lifter could only wait for her in the courtyard.

The Tang Dynasty acted heroically and righteously, and after staying in the old woman's house for one night, he no longer dared to be nosy

After a while, I saw a big black shadow outside the door, and a man walked in, threw an object on his shoulder under the courtyard, and said, "Mother-in-law quickly bring some fire to clean up this pile of things." The old woman said tremblingly, "What is a good thing?" "I was surprised by the light, and it turned out to be a dead tiger. Saying that it was too late and fast, the horse that lifted the man also saw this dead tiger in the light of the fire, and was suddenly startled and stomped his feet. When the man saw this, he said, "Whose horse is this?" "The man saw in the shadows that it was just a dark-looking woman. Seeing her appearance, he carried a dead tiger in, and said to himself, "This woman also has some skills." "My heart was already a little afraid of her. The men hurriedly took the horses away.

After tying up the horse, the lifter stepped forward and said, "I was a lost lifter, I missed the inn, I happened to pass by your house, and when I saw that the door was not closed, I dared to come in and spend the night." The woman smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, you really don't understand things, since you met a noble man, it is late, why do you still ask him to stand in the courtyard?" Then he pointed at the dead tiger and said, "Today I met this tiger in the mountains and fought with it for a while before I got it in my hands." Come back a little late, there is a loss of the master's gift, please do not blame the nobles. ”

When he saw that he was elegant and polite, he secretly thought that this woman was not unteachable. He quickly replied, "Don't dare not dare." The woman walked to the front of the hall, took out a chair and said to the person, "We only have two mothers-in-law and daughter-in-law here, both are women, there is a difference between men and women, or please sit in the courtyard." He took out another table, put it in front of him and lit the lamp, then went to the courtyard again, lifted the dead tiger with both hands, and went to the kitchen. The woman blanched a pot of hot wine and brought out a large plate, including a steaming plate of tiger meat, a plate of deer breasts, and some cured rabbit meat, a total of five or six plates. The woman said: "Noble people, please feel free, do not abandon our peasant family." When the people saw this woman's courtesy, they arched their hands and said, "Thank you very much for your kindness." So he poured himself a drink. The woman also said, "You're welcome." ”

The Tang Dynasty acted heroically and righteously, and after staying in the old woman's house for one night, he no longer dared to be nosy

When people eat meat, they inadvertently said: "Look at the lady, you are a hero, how to respect the old and love the young is still almost the same." The woman moved the plate and said angrily, "What did my dead mother-in-law say to you?" The person quickly replied: "I didn't say anything, just look at the mother-in-law, you call the mother-in-law, not like the normal relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, but you are very polite to the guests, and you are not like an unreasonable person, so I am kind enough to ask." When the woman saw the lifter and said that she was, she pulled the corner of the person's clothes with one hand and the lamp in the other hand, walked to the Taihu Stone in the middle of the courtyard and said, "Today I just told you about our family." ”

The lifter couldn't break free, so he secretly thought to himself, "Wait until what she said is unreasonable, and beat her up when she doesn't pay attention." I saw the woman leaning next to Taihu Shi and said, "There was an incident the other day, how it was, it was my fault, and it was also her fault." After saying this, he pointed his index finger at the stone, and saw the skin on the stone, which immediately fell off. The woman counted three pieces in succession, and drew three strokes, and the surface of the Taihu stone was like an awl chiseled, looking like a "three" word, and the depth was more than an inch, like a carving. The person was so frightened that he was sweating, and he said with a flushed face: "Or lady, you are right." "I have forgotten all the hearts that I just wanted to part with her, and now I dare not argue with this woman anymore."

When the woman had finished speaking, she took out a bed from the house and let the people sleep. He fed the horses for the lifters again, went inside the house and slept with his mother-in-law closed the door. The man had not slept all night, and said with a sigh: "There is such a powerful woman under the heavens." Fortunately, I didn't fight her, otherwise my life would have been over long ago. "When dawn was ready, the horse was prepared, and after thanking the woman and the mother-in-law, he didn't say a word else, got on the horse and left." Since then, the people have also put away their previous prestige, and will no longer cause trouble and be nosy. Maybe it was the fear of meeting someone as strong as this woman and making him suffer a loss.

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