
There is no love in the world, it is dopamine that causes trouble

author:There is no beauty in the world

There is a substance in the human brain called dopamine, which can transmit information such as excitement and pleasure, so it is also called "happy substance". When we encounter happy things, dopamine will be produced in large quantities, occupying the opium receptors in the human brain, producing a feeling of happiness and happiness. Physiologically, the feeling of love is the result of a large amount of dopamine production.

Dopamine has long been thought to play a key role in the occurrence of hallucinations. Once a person feels a certain craving, he or she produces dopamine. In the eyes of the lover, xi shi is an illusion to the person he likes. When two people fall in love, there is only love in their eyes, no life, infinite tolerance of each other, and firm belief that love is eternal. Once they spend time with each other for a while, the mystery fades, dopamine is no longer secreted, no longer loves Wu and Wu, all they see are each other's shortcomings, the other party does not meet their expectations will be painful, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment, and begin to think that there is no love in the world.

Right-brain thinking people are more likely to have an intuition for love. Right-brain thinking people are usually more emotional and easily dominated by emotions. Love fantasy, full of imagination, rich in spiritual world. More inclined to intuition, thinking with subjectivity and sensibility. This way of thinking, under the action of dopamine, is more likely to produce a feeling of love.

There is no love in the world, even if there is, there can only exist for a short moment, love is a subjective fantasy of people, it is like the fog of the morning, sooner or later it will be evaporated by the sun; It is like a blooming flower, sooner or later it will wither, and sooner or later love will die.

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