
Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

1 year old, 2 years old, 3 years old....... Babies have one thing in common:

Throw to throw!

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

Throw toys, throw rice bowls, throw food, throw paper towels, only if you can't catch his hand, there is nothing he doesn't dare to throw out!

This is not a stress reduction artifact, how can it be so popular with babies?


Baby throws things

It's really learning and exploring

Throwing things, although this action is very simple, but it contains a lot of energy.

◆ This is the performance of the baby's growth

Don't underestimate this small action, it can require the child to have hand-eye coordination, grasping ability, and excellent upper arm strength and so on.

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

Generally speaking, babies around the age of 1 can master these skills.

The process of repeatedly throwing things is also a process of exercising the child's upper arm and arm muscles.

In addition, throwing things can also enable children to perceive the depth of the object and the distance of horizontal flight, and improve the logical analysis ability.

◆ This is the process of understanding the world

For children, throwing things is also a process of constantly understanding the world, such as:

Throw a ball and it will bounce.

Threw a toy pickup truck and it remained unscathed.


Wow, it's all really fun!

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

Immediately after, the child will also find:

Throwing different things, falling down is actually different.

Throw different things, and the sound of landing is also different.

The answer in the child's heart can also be verified in the repetition, and the child's exploration and cognition of the unknown world are also continuously realized in such a process.

◆ This is the way to express emotions

After 18 months of baby, the meaning of "throwing" as exploration is gradually weakening.

When children begin to have self-awareness, they want to express emotions, but the language is still a bit unable to keep up, so they can only take the "throwing things" approach.

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

There are two more common scenarios.

One is venting throwing.

It's very similar to some of our adult behaviors, I'm not happy anymore, I just need to look for an outlet.

The other is to ask for attention.

When your baby feels like he's been left out for a long time, he will throw things to attract the attention of his parents.

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

That's all for the benefits of throwing things around your baby, but... This does not mean letting the child throw and throw, or that rules need to be established to guide the child to "throw reasonably".


Kids like to throw and throw

It is most reasonable for parents to guide them in this way

Seeing this, I think parents have understood: although they are all throwing things, the reasons behind them are very different.

Therefore, our guidance method should also be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

◆ Exploratory type throw throw

If your child throws things to learn new skills and understand new things, let him throw them.

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

However, note the following:

Tell him what can and can't throw.

This is quite a critical point because you don't know what your child will throw out in the next second.

It could be the tableware you just handed him, or it could be the rice bowl you just served, full of soup dishes.

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

When a child throws something inappropriate, parents must tell him clearly why this thing cannot be thrown, what is the real use, and what things can be thrown.

Provide your child with something suitable for throwing.

Easy-to-grip balls, sponge frisbees, etc., are all good toys for babies to throw.

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

Parents can also play with their children, after the child throws it out, help him pick it up, which is a good game to promote parent-child relationship.

Something valuable, or something that will cause harm, don't give him a chance to throw it.

Valuables, such as expensive skin care products, mobile phones, etc., do not give your child access to them.

Your child has these performances, indicating that they are very smart, and parents steal the fun!

Fragile items such as glassware and dangerous goods such as scissors should be put away in advance to create a safe throwing environment for children.

◆ Cathartic type throwing and throwing

Emotional cathartic throwing, parents should pay attention to observe the child's reaction when stopping the child, and guide the child to say how he feels.

If the child is for attention, parents should accompany the child more and give him a sense of security.

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