
Xu Xiangqian: A marshal of cloth who was once disliked by old Jiang, the great man even praised him as a "good man!" in his later years. ”

Looking at ordinary people from a distance, it is Xu Shuai who looks closely

General Xu Qianqian seems ordinary, calm and calm when encountering things, there is no official frame, if you are not deep with him, you may mistakenly think that he is an unarmed scholar, but he is a man with a poetic and bookish temperament, and he is proficient in marching and fighting.

Old Chiang was good at winning people's hearts and minds, and many generals from the Whampoa Military Academy would make friends with him, but he did not discover General Xu's outstanding talent. Later, he bluntly said that he had misread Xu Xiangqian and regretted it.

Xu Xiangqian: A marshal of cloth who was once disliked by old Jiang, the great man even praised him as a "good man!" in his later years. ”

In November 1931, the Fourth Front Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was formally formed, and General Xu Xiangqian was appointed as the supreme commander of the Fourth Army.

In 1934, under the circumstance that the Red First Army failed in its anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, the Fourth Army under the command of General Xu fought head-on with more than 200,000 nationalist troops on one side, and the morale of the soldiers was high, and they marched forward along the way.

Ending the battle with the destruction of the enemy army of up to 80,000 people was unbelievable at the time, but General Xu did it.

Xu Xiangqian: A marshal of cloth who was once disliked by old Jiang, the great man even praised him as a "good man!" in his later years. ”

After this incident, General Xu was well-known in the Red Army and even in the Nationalist Army, and his excellent military command ability was also one of the few in our army, although he showed his excellent military command ability in the year of his establishment, but he was not arrogant at all, and in his early years he also experienced a lot of wind and frost, it was easy not to succeed, and he always had to experience wind and frost, but the wind and frost experienced by General Xu was not a star.

In 1932, General Xu's wife was unfortunately caught by the Secret Service of the Nationalist Army, and the Nationalist Army wanted to beat him into a confession and let his wife expose him, but General Xu's wife preferred to die unyieldingly, and the torture was unbearable, and the Nationalist army had no choice but to kill him.

Matchmaking is a good marriage

In the film and television drama, there are many warm pictures, such as two soldiers have feelings for each other, to the chief to say their hearts in front of the chief, the chief will always be this matchmaker, for him to hold a military wedding, this is really a festive and warm thing in the army, in 1944 in the army also happened such a happy event, Wang Shusheng and Yang Ju were in Xu Xiangqian's lead to the happy marriage, Wang Shusheng is a well-known older man, thirty-nine years old He launched a crazy pursuit of twenty-two-year-old female doctor Yang Ju, and finally became a husband and wife.

Wang Shusheng and General Xu came from the same army, Wang Shusheng under the guidance of General Xu continued to become better, in the liberation war period, General Xu's body was not as good as before, but it did not affect him to show his skills, in the liberation of Shanxi, although he lay on a stretcher due to physical reasons, but still only fighting, and led the whole army to achieve the final victory, successfully liberated Shanxi, made countless merits.

Xu Xiangqian: A marshal of cloth who was once disliked by old Jiang, the great man even praised him as a "good man!" in his later years. ”

During the period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, General Liu once proposed that General Xu be made a commander and lead our fighters into the Korean region, which could protect the northeast region from enemy aggression and help the DPRK drive out enemies and establish friendly relations between China and the DPRK.

Good people among great people

At the end of 1973, the great man personally received Xu Xiangqian, held his hand tightly, and said with deep affection:

Good! Good!

"This shows the great character of the general and the deep friendship between the two!

Envoys to the Soviet Union showed the style of a general

General Xu's health was slightly better, the great man personally received him, he was arranged to go to the Soviet Union to represent the country's image and experts to go to the Soviet Union to ask for technology and weapons, General Xu's visit to the Soviet Union this time can be said to be China's first diplomatic event, appearing in the world with a perfect image, initially laying the initial foundation for the regularization and modernization of the Chinese army. It also made indelible contributions to the victory of the great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Xu Xiangqian: A marshal of cloth who was once disliked by old Jiang, the great man even praised him as a "good man!" in his later years. ”

General Xu is a flesh-and-blood figure, for the construction of the motherland to pay a lifetime of painstaking efforts, he did not scramble in this life, just do their own things, but everything is done brilliantly, from which it can be seen, we do not think too much, do a good job in the hands, when you do everything well, you want will naturally come.

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