
2021 Luxury Brand Insurance TOP Ranking Lexus is dominated by the red flag BBA occupies the top three

First, let's popularize a knowledge: the amount of insurance. A car from the manufacturer's production line down to the 4S shop, this is a performance but not the actual transaction number, only when ta completed at least the payment of compulsory traffic insurance, it is considered to be handed over to the owner, which is a risk volume. And this number has always been benchmarked against the amount of inventory, not the number of manufacturers pressed to 4S stores, but the number of real consumers willing to pay money, Lexus, the defending champion, actually failed!

2021 Luxury Brand Insurance TOP Ranking Lexus is dominated by the red flag BBA occupies the top three

Recently, there are also many professional institutions on the 2021 luxury brand insurance volume statistics, during this period we can see that in fact, consumers are most willing to buy the product or BBA, and BMW directly won the top position, Mercedes-Benz followed, Audi although not as good as the two "B-class" players, but also successfully won the last position of the top three.

The only brand in the top three that has achieved positive growth: BMW

Although the BBA still directly won the top three, it must be noted that this time BMW is obviously more competitive than other products. Because Ta is the only brand that has achieved positive growth among the top three, the latest motor vehicle insurance data shows that the BMW brand will sell 821,000 vehicles in 2021, an increase of 8.3% year-on-year.

2021 Luxury Brand Insurance TOP Ranking Lexus is dominated by the red flag BBA occupies the top three

Among them, the most popular with consumers is the BMW 5 Series, as the backbone of the C-class car, the amount of insurance reached 18.6W, the performance of the 3 Series was slightly worse, but it also reached 171,000 units, while the consumers in the SUV preferred the BMW X3, 14.7W insurance volume.

The car brand that did not win five consecutive championships: Mercedes-Benz

Before 2017, Mercedes-Benz and BMW could only look at Audi's rear lights and feel that they still had room to rise. But since Mercedes-Benz surpassed Audi for the first time in 2017 and won the championship, the championship position has always been Mercedes-Benz. However, by 2021, Mercedes-Benz is no longer the boss and has no chance to win the throne of five consecutive championships.

2021 Luxury Brand Insurance TOP Ranking Lexus is dominated by the red flag BBA occupies the top three

But in fact, Mercedes-Benz product consumers are still very satisfied, and the reason for not ascending the throne this year is likely to be caused by the lack of cores. From the perspective of the amount of insurance, Mercedes-Benz E-class has the most, 153,000 vehicles, and Mercedes-Benz C-class results are also good, 137,000 vehicles. Mercedes-Benz's GLC is obviously more popular, with a score of 144,000 units.

Imported brand surpassed by domestic red flags: Lexus

Although Lexus is known as a second-tier luxury brand in China, this sales volume is indeed going uphill, and it has a tendency to surpass the BBA. In 2021, Cadillac surpassed Lexus, with 233,000 vehicles up 2.6% year-on-year, ranking sixth. Lexus delivered 219,000 new vehicles in 2021, down 6.8% year-on-year, from fourth in 2020 to seventh.

2021 Luxury Brand Insurance TOP Ranking Lexus is dominated by the red flag BBA occupies the top three

Ghost Bucket Car View: Hongqi ranks fifth, and more data shows that the super expensive E-HS9 private purchase actually accounts for 13% of the data. No wonder, there are several big sisters in my community driving this car with double color, looking at it is called a full of confidence. What do you think of this list? Leave a message to talk about it!

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