
She was the tenth daughter of Kangxi, and was posthumously honored as Princess Gulun 22 years later, and Qianlong also married her daughter to her grandson

In ancient dynasties, the princess who was the daughter of the emperor was extremely noble, and generally speaking, the donkey horse (e-donkey) would fly yellow and soar by the light of the princess, such as Feng Sheng Yinde, the son of Hezhen, who married the tenth daughter of Qianlong (Princess Gulun and Princess Xiaoxiao), and was saved from death because of the tenth princess. However, the princess I want to talk about today was stained with her husband's light and was posthumously awarded the title of Princess Gulun, and she was the tenth daughter of Kangxi, Princess Gulun Chunwu.

She was the tenth daughter of Kangxi, and was posthumously honored as Princess Gulun 22 years later, and Qianlong also married her daughter to her grandson

Princess Gulun Chunyi was born in the 24th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, and her mother was Concubine Nala, later a concubine.

Chun Wu's mother, Nala Clan, was born in the Yellow Banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, entered the imperial palace through the palace draft, and later became a concubine because of the kangxi linxing, and gave birth to the tenth daughter in the twenty-fourth year of Kangxi, with the sixth princess, that is, the princess of Gulun Chunyi.

It is said that in the year when Chun Yu was eight years old (the thirty-first year of Kangxi), a Mongol leader named Danlu led his people to submit to the Qing, and Kangxi was very happy, so he left Danlu's grandson Celing in the inner court to study, and awarded him the title of light knight, which shows that Kangxi attached great importance to this Mongol leader.

In fact, this had a lot to do with the situation in the northwest frontier of the Qing Dynasty, at that time, Kangxi was fighting against the Gardan of the Dzungars, and was in urgent need of the support of other Mongol tribes, and it was obvious that he was deliberately trying to bring Danlu's son Celing into the court for training. This proved to be very wise in Kangxi's move, and forty years later, the Dzungar army would see the talent and extraordinary ability of Celing

She was the tenth daughter of Kangxi, and was posthumously honored as Princess Gulun 22 years later, and Qianlong also married her daughter to her grandson

In addition, in order to tie the relationship between them more securely, Kangxi decided to marry his daughter to Celing, and after some careful consideration, the tenth daughter ChunWu was selected, so that Chun Wu and Celing's marriage was concluded.

In May of the 45th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, 22 years later Chun Wei was crowned Princess Heshuo and married to Celing, however, it is surprising that Celing and the princess of the Qing Dynasty were married for only a short period of four years. In the forty-ninth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, at the age of 26, Chun Wei died of illness, and she could not have imagined that twenty-two years later, she would still be able to obtain the title of Princess gulun, and all this was won by her husband Celing.

She was the tenth daughter of Kangxi, and was posthumously honored as Princess Gulun 22 years later, and Qianlong also married her daughter to her grandson

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, Chun's husband Celing was made the King of Dora County, and began to shine in the battle with the Dzungars, and in the ninth year of Yongzheng and the tenth year of Yongzheng, Celing led the Mongolian Iron Horse to defeat the Dzungars twice, and successively won the great victory of Eden Chule and the Great Victory of Guangxian Temple, and was given the title of Prince of Chaoyong by Yongzheng, and was awarded the title of Princess of Gulun because of her husband's merits.

In the fifteenth year of Qianlong, the super-courageous prince Celing, who had been glorious all his life, died of illness, and Qianlong gave him access to the Ancestral Hall of the Jingshi Xianliang. In addition, Qianlong also married the Celing family again.

She was the tenth daughter of Kangxi, and was posthumously honored as Princess Gulun 22 years later, and Qianlong also married her daughter to her grandson

It is said that Chun Wu and Ce Ling had a son named Cheng Gun Zabu, and Cheng Gun Zabu was also an excellent Mongol general.

In the twenty-first year of Qianlong, one of Chenggun zabu's sons was elected as an eunuch, that is, The seventh son of Chenggun Zabu, Lavan Dorji (that is, the grandson of Celing). In the thirty-fifth year of Qianlong, LavanDorji was ordered to marry a Princess of the Qing Dynasty, who was the seventh daughter of the Emperor Gulun and Princess Jing, born to Concubine Ling (Empress Xiaoyichun).

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Four Genealogies of the Qing Imperial Family, Records of the Ancestors of the Qing Dynasty

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