
The registration for the women's volleyball team has been closed! Lang Ping is out, is Cai Bin the only candidate for the new manager?

author:If you don't agree with each other, talk about a ball

According to the announcement of the selection of the new head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team released by the Volleyball Association, January 15 is the last day to accept the application, that is, the registration is no longer accepted.

The registration for the women's volleyball team has been closed! Lang Ping is out, is Cai Bin the only candidate for the new manager?

Announcement of the selection of the coach of the Volleyball Association

In the selection of the new coach, Lai Yawen served as the deputy leader of the expert group, and Lang Ping and Chen Zhonghe served as the members of the expert group, and they would review the candidates who applied, give opinions, etc., that is to say, it is equivalent to a disguised declaration: Lai Yawen, Lang Ping, Chen Zhonghe have been eliminated in advance and will not run for the position of new head coach.

The registration for the women's volleyball team has been closed! Lang Ping is out, is Cai Bin the only candidate for the new manager?

Chen Zhonghe and Lang Ping

Previously, many fans expected Lang Ping to continue to come back to coach, or Chen Zhonghe could go out of the mountain, of course, Lai Yawen, who has been with the team for many years, can choose to coach, but it is the wish of the fans. Today, all three are on the panel and are essentially not running for office.

So, who is most likely to be elected if those coaches sign up for selection?

According to known news, Zhang Jianzhang and Zhao Yong have signed up for the new manager's campaign, Zhang Jianzhang is the former Beijing women's volleyball coach, currently idle, he was Chen Zhonghe's assistant coach during the coaching period, and also led the Beijing team to defeat tianjin to win the league championship. Compared with him, Zhao Yong, who is currently the coach of the Liaoning team, has no experience and coaching achievements.

The registration for the women's volleyball team has been closed! Lang Ping is out, is Cai Bin the only candidate for the new manager?

Zhang Jianzhang

Foreign coaches can not be, then can only be selected from the provincial team, Tianjin team coach Wang Baoquan is old, has also refused the national team coach campaign, then there is only Cai Bin of the Jiangsu team, although there has been a not very brilliant national team coaching experience, but after so many years, Cai Bin's coaching ability can also be seen, at least looking at the domestic provincial teams, no one is more suitable than him.

The registration for the women's volleyball team has been closed! Lang Ping is out, is Cai Bin the only candidate for the new manager?

Cai Bin

It turned out that after Lang Ping left, the assistant coaches of the national team were also popular candidates, and so far Bao Zhuang has become the head coach of the Shenzhen Zhongsai team, and An Jiajie has just replaced Li Yanlong as the head coach of the Shandong team.

The registration for the women's volleyball team has been closed! Lang Ping is out, is Cai Bin the only candidate for the new manager?

An Jiajie

In the eyes of fans, it is also expected to elect a younger manager, such as Yang Hao and Feng Kun of the golden generation, or Shen Qiong of the Shanghai men's volleyball team, etc., but these people are too lacking in coaching experience, it is really difficult to shoulder the big responsibility of the national team manager, unless the old way is taken, there is an experienced and prestigious figure such as Chen Zhonghe who can take the young coach to coach.

However, I think that Shi Hairong, Shen Mang and others in the youth team can also enter the ranks of candidates for the new coach, in addition to Zhang Jianzhang and Cai Bin, the above two also have good experience in leading the youth team and have good results. Of course, it's all based on the fact that they signed up for the new manager by January 15, and if they didn't sign up, it would be difficult to get on the shortlist!

The registration for the women's volleyball team has been closed! Lang Ping is out, is Cai Bin the only candidate for the new manager?

Shi Hairong

Since the Tokyo Olympic Games, the majority of fans are quite concerned about the new head coach of the women's volleyball team, at present, Zhu Ting's wrist surgery, Zhang Changning's recovery after surgery, the 2022 Chinese women's volleyball team has the task of the Asian Games and the World Championships, the time is pressing, the new head coach's work is heavy, and it needs to be implemented and determined as soon as possible!

The registration for the women's volleyball team has been closed! Lang Ping is out, is Cai Bin the only candidate for the new manager?

According to what I see, Cai Bin is more likely, but it is not the only candidate for the new head coach, in addition to the above-mentioned Zhang Jianzhang, Shi Hairong, Shen Mang, women's volleyball coaches who are active overseas can enter the candidate list. Finally, I hope that the final candidates can be announced around the Spring Festival, and I hope that the majority of fans will not be disappointed!

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