
Women have the idea of divorce, will release these 4 "signals", men don't care!

There is an old saying in China: "A hundred years of repair can be crossed by the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation can sleep together", two people can be together, both are repaired.

Love is very beautiful, everyone has the same vision for love, think "time is quiet and junyu, thin water and long flow and Juntong, prosperous and old." "But reality is always harsh, and time will disillusion good love."

When a person wants to turn around and leave, even if he tries to keep the other party in a thousand ways, it is futile. Especially women, in the world of love, once they are heartbroken, they will no longer believe in love when they are desperate for love, and they will not turn back when they turn away. Women have the idea of divorce, will release these 4 "signals", men don't care!

Women have the idea of divorce, will release these 4 "signals", men don't care!

1. The money is clearly divided

When two people live together, money is difficult to distinguish, who spends more and who spends less does not have to mind between the original husband and wife. However, you suddenly find that she has changed and begin to distinguish yours from hers. As big as household appliances, as small as going out to eat a meal, she seems to have the idea of saving and saving.

Although the topic of money is sensitive, it is not so serious between husband and wife, and it is usually spent together to make money together. Her changes may make you wonder, but in fact, she just has her own new plans. And this new plan, there is no you. The idea of divorce is already evident, it's just not spoken yet.

Women have the idea of divorce, will release these 4 "signals", men don't care!

2, she doesn't care about everything about you

In the past, when we were together, maybe she would pay special attention to your words and deeds, tell you to eat when you work overtime, and wait for you at home when you returned late. She watches over you when you're sick, she thinks about you when you're on a business trip, but all of a sudden it all seems to be gone. She doesn't ask you whereabouts anymore, even if your phone rings all night long.

Sometimes, love and non-love really don't need to be expressed in words, and behavior can already say it all. It's just that some people don't want to believe such a fact, so they will find a reason and an excuse to deceive themselves. If there is really one person who can deceive you for a lifetime, then it is also good and happy. It's just that most of the time it's a dream, and there's always a time to wake up.

Women have the idea of divorce, will release these 4 "signals", men don't care!

3. Pay special attention to your privacy

Her cell phone, her computer, her letters, etc., suddenly became her privacy overnight, and you had no right to touch it, not even the right to ask. I can only watch her change day by day, and I can't do anything about it. For a person who has decided to go on a long journey, it seems meaningless to say more.

You can't change her decision, so you can only bear the consequences and consequences of her decision. When two people are in a good relationship, there is no privacy to speak of, but once a person has an external heart, then everything about her seems to be her private property, except you. So, when a woman starts to focus on her privacy, maybe you need to be vigilant.

Women have the idea of divorce, will release these 4 "signals", men don't care!

4, no longer communicate with you

People like to talk, especially when they encounter unpleasant things, they will think of their closest people, hoping that in this way, they will find comfort and recognition in their lovers, and for women, they like to tell their hearts. But the object must be someone you trust.

But when a woman has the idea of divorce, she will gradually change her words less and less, rarely share her own things and feelings with her partner, no longer have all kinds of nagging about you, and she will appear exceptionally quiet or silent in front of you.

When you find a woman who starts to avoid you, she no longer actively cares about or asks about your work and life status, she can no longer be half interested in your things, and the things that used to care about you have become irrelevant in her heart, then it means that she wants to leave you.

Women have the idea of divorce, will release these 4 "signals", men don't care!

Marriage is originally bland, requiring the persistence of both parties, and joint management will be long-lasting.

If you can, naturally everyone wants to grow old and love only one person from beginning to end. However, marriage is a matter for two people, the other party has a veto, and all we can do is to do our part and be the best version of ourselves.

Marriage will always have a time of burnout, but do not forget the original intention, the marriage will be long-lasting. Men also need to pay attention to it at all times in their married life, if some signs appear, they must pay attention to it, and do not wait until they lose it to know how to cherish it.

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