
As soon as these two countries invaded China, they encountered natural disasters at home, and China did not say a word, and one country was seventy million

Under the rule of the Qing court, modern China was increasingly decaying, gradually forming a situation in which the East was subordinate to the West, and at this time, the western invaders had long been interested in China, which had a large knowledge of the land and poor military strength. The two Opium Wars, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Eight-Power Alliance's invasion of China, one after another, left the Chinese people overwhelmed, followed by endless land cutting and endless indemnities.

As soon as these two countries invaded China, they encountered natural disasters at home, and China did not say a word, and one country was seventy million

Because of these wars, China is about to run out of its own family foundation, causing resentment among the people at home and almost destroying the country! Even so, Empress Dowager Cixi was as calm as ever, and she was really dashing! At that time, after the Sino-Japanese War, Japan and Italy successively sent envoys to China to request assistance in the name of natural disasters in china. They have just invaded China!

As soon as these two countries invaded China, they encountered natural disasters at home, and China did not say a word, and one country was seventy million

It is not that China is careful and unwilling to give money, if this is left in peacetime, let alone tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of China can afford to give, but China is now powerless! Having just been invaded, China not only cut off its land, but also paid huge amounts of indemnities, and the Qing court's finances were already overwhelmed, but now, these aggressors have come to ask for money again.

As soon as these two countries invaded China, they encountered natural disasters at home, and China did not say a word, and one country was seventy million

You have just invaded our country, and now there is a natural disaster, not only can we not be angry, but we must also greet each other with a smile, but also disregard our own mess to solve the problem for you, wipe your ass, why? However, Empress Dowager Cixi did not think so, she felt that China could lend a helping hand in times of natural disasters in other countries, other countries would remember this kindness, and they would help China when China was in need. So, Japan and Italy were given seventy million taels of silver each.

As soon as these two countries invaded China, they encountered natural disasters at home, and China did not say a word, and one country was seventy million

However, Cixi is a female streamer after all, and she thinks the problem is too simple! In the eyes of foreign invaders, her practice was taken for granted, and the Qing court's practice would also encourage the prestige of the invading country and make them more covetous of China. Sure enough, they did the same later. I have to say that Empress Dowager Cixi's wishful thinking was a mistake.

As soon as these two countries invaded China, they encountered natural disasters at home, and China did not say a word, and one country was seventy million

Cixi did not understand one thing, weak countries have no diplomacy. If a country does not have a strong comprehensive national strength, especially a strong military defense capability, it is impossible not to be bullied by other countries. In today's world, all countries rely on strength to speak, without strength, how to exchange for the respect of other countries? Cixi's intentions were good, but foreigners were not appreciative, and moreover, all the money paid by the Qing government for reparations came from the lower classes, who lived under the oppression of the Qing court and had a bad life.

As soon as these two countries invaded China, they encountered natural disasters at home, and China did not say a word, and one country was seventy million

And the wool came out of the sheep, and the huge reparations for China's defeat were all exchanged for the qing court fish and meat people. The oppression of the three great mountains of the emperor's seal was so heavy, how could the people bear it? Why should the mistakes made by the state be borne by the people? Why? Therefore, as long as you are strong, others will look at you differently, what do you think about this?

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