
In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

In court dramas, it is often seen that the male and female masters rest in the inner room, while the beards are guarded outside all night.

In this way, won't the beard feel embarrassed? These intimate things are not so bold now, how did they do it in ancient times?

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

What are the duties of the ancient mane

Ancient mane is mainly divided into three categories: one is the big mane, this kind of mane can always accompany the master's side, it can be said that it is very good with the master; one is to do fine work such as the female red mane, the child's clothes, the master's clothes are sewn by them; the last is the mane who cooks with rough work and firewood.

Some of the big ladies are married with the hostess, that is, the dowry.

Some have served the male master since childhood. The relationship with the hostess who marries the hostess is usually very good, and in addition to serving the lady from childhood, there is a clear difference between eating, dressing and accommodation with other subordinates. Therefore, the status of the big mane is very high among the mane.

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

Many of the men who have lived with the male master since childhood are through the room, and the male man has the consciousness of the difference between men and women, but has not experienced the affairs of men and women. The housemaid has the responsibility of guiding the man to learn these things.

They also have to "warm the bed" before the husband and wife come, as the name suggests, it is to make the bed not so cold, use their own body temperature will be warmed by the nest, and they cannot sleep too deeply before the man comes, and they must wake up immediately.

There can be no sloppiness such a look, the housemaid is a tool of the host.

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

Once pregnant, some housekeepers will have a higher status than the hostess, so although many hostesses can tolerate skin kisses with their husbands, they cannot allow her to conceive her husband's children.

The female red lady is responsible for the sewing of the clothes of the male host and the young master of the family, more is a delicate work; there is also a part responsible for boiling water for cooking, cleaning, this part of the film and television drama is also very small, which shows its low status.

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

In the film and television drama "The Biography of Zhen Huan", such a plot has been interpreted, Huanbi has repeatedly worn flowers and branches in front of the emperor to scratch her head, Zhen Huan is also able to see through at a glance, after many warnings, and even the design makes Huanbi realize the seriousness of the matter, Huanbi conscience found, painful change.

Huanbi here is zhen huan's dowry, in fact, it is zhen huan's sister, she herself may not be willing to be just a maid, always want to fly up the branches as a phoenix.

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

Ancient couples' pre-bed rituals

Ancient couples also had a lot of etiquette before going to bed, for example, the duties of wives, to wash and dress well in advance, and lie in bed early to wait for their husbands to come.

In the palace, after the concubines have packed everything up, the servants and servants wrap themselves in a quilt and carry them to the emperor's bedchamber, of course, this is when the concubines go to the emperor's bedchamber to sleep.

If the emperor is lucky, just prepare to serve the emperor in your own palace. It is worth mentioning that if there is a concubine who is inconvenient to serve, she will serve the emperor by her own personal servants, after all, in order to keep the emperor, it is not herself, at least she is still her own person, or she cannot cheapen the concubines in other palaces.

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

Of course, there are also historical records that husbands will euphemistically use the excuse of "extending heirs" to ask whether their wives can stay here. On the one hand, we can see the ancient form and superficial kung fu, but we can also see the respect for the wife. It's a kind of demeanor.

Some couples will also drink a cup of wine when they go to the cave, called jiao

get married.

This custom has been passed down to this day, the newlywed couple into the cave room to eat dumplings, to drink a cup of wine, a cup of wine not only means that the husband and wife are married, but also symbolizes that the husband and wife will share happiness and suffering in the future.

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

There must be a reason for the next person in the room

So why does the room have to be guarded? In fact, the houses in ancient times were very large and the inside was very deep, and the couple did not even know what was happening outside. So the role of these squirrels is to protect their masters in any situation of danger.

There is also a situation that if the owner is thirsty or needs to take something at night, this time reflects the role of the beards around them, they silently and seriously do things, and they are the object of the master's trust. Therefore, there is still some truth in having a servant and servant at the bedside.

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

The rules of the beard

Many people will feel that it will be very embarrassing for the lady to stay outside while the master is sleeping, after all, it is a private matter between husband and wife, and even those who are close to each other will not stand next to it. In short, this behavior is very incomprehensible.

Although I don't know how she feels psychologically, there is a clear traditional concept that a wife cannot make a sound during bedtime with her husband, and cannot make a big movement.

Moreover, the house was deep, and the sound heard by the beard was naturally not big. At this time, the sensible lady will not deliberately listen to the movements of the male and female masters.

So at this time, everyone tacitly agreed, the mane knew the situation in the room, and the husband and wife also understood that the sensible mane would not talk much, so that things were not very awkward.

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

The personal freedom of the beard

In fact, it can be seen that the mane is like a tool person, before the man has no wife, she is not only a mane who takes care of the living and keeps the bed, but also a tool for the man to vent.

Even if you are pregnant with the child of the Lord's family, you may not necessarily have your own name, and you may even be expelled because you are pregnant.

However, when a woman who has been through the house is difficult to find a man who is willing to marry herself, now men hope that their wives are yellow flower girls, not to mention that ancient ideas are very conservative, the theorist Zhu Xi once said, "starvation is small, loss of temperance is big" Even women who remarry such a thing will be condemned, who will marry a mane who is used as a tool by others?

In ancient times, when couples rested, let the beard stay next door, wouldn't the couple feel embarrassed?

Ya Gui is such a low-status character, guarding the bed such a chore, she feels more sadness than embarrassment. Who wants to give his whole body to his master without any dignity?

Fortunately, now that society is progressing, the people's thinking is progressing, no one is a slave to anyone,

No more poor families sell their daughters to the rich.

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