
Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

author:Shangguan News

On October 25, 2021, sudanese transitional government prime minister Hamduk and other senior government officials were detained by the military after several days of demonstrations by two forces supporting the military and the civilian government, respectively, in Khartoum, Sudan's capital.

Burhan, the supreme head of the Sudanese army and former chairman of the Sovereign Commission, announced the dissolution of the Cabinet and the Sovereignty Council, the country entered a state of emergency and state affairs were taken over by the military. Khartoum International Airport is closed, networks are disrupted and traffic is blocked. The march continues.

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

In the early hours of October 25, several senior Sudanese cabinet officials were taken over by the military

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

In the early morning of October 25, some people poured into the streets to demand the release of government officials

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

On 25 October, Burhan, head of the Sudanese military and former chairman of the SovereignTy Committee, delivered a televised address

For this sudden upheaval, the Sudanese people, even the Chinese who have been living and working in the Sudan for a long time, have not shown much panic. At the end of the day, the reporter of the main station did not find that foreigners were eager to evacuate and residents were hoarding materials. People just remind each other to cut back on going out, be safe, and encourage "everything will be fine."

This "calmness" is because everything in front of you is not strange. More than two years ago, a sit-in demonstration that lasted for days finally led to a coup in Sudan on April 11, 2019, with the arrest of former President Al-Bashir, the dissolution of the government, the closure of airports, the disruption of networks and the entry of the country into a state of emergency. In two and a half years, the efforts on the road to democratic transition in the Sudan seem to have returned to the starting point overnight, and it is difficult to see the light. Who is behind today's chaos?

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

Former Sudanese President Al-Bashir was arrested and tried

The "livelihood problems" triggered by the economic crisis are the deep cause of the rebellion in Sudan

The livelihood problems caused by the economic crisis have always been the deepest cause of political turmoil in Sudan. In 2019, the people's livelihood crisis caused by the shortage of daily necessities such as "food shortage", "fuel shortage" and "cash shortage" directly led to people taking to the streets and crushed the Bashir regime. But to this day, most of the people's livelihood problems have not been solved.

The economy continues to deteriorate. Most Sudanese people said in interviews that after the 2019 coup, "life seems to be worse than before"! Some demonstrations will have financial support behind them, and participants can receive a small amount of "wages", and some locals have told reporters: "Idle is also idle, participating in the parade can at least earn a meal money." ”

"The people don't talk about life" How to be stable?

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

Sudanese people have been in a long line for the purchase of gasoline and liquefied gas

Since October 10, 2021, there have been several days of sit-ins in front of sudan's presidential palace, with demonstrators demanding the lifting of hamduk-led transitional government, and sudanese military and people have repeatedly denounced and complained that hamduk-led government reforms have not lifted Sudan out of its economic predicament.

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

On October 10, 2021, some protesters marched in front of Sudan's presidential palace to demand the dissolution of Hamduk's cabinet government

However, Sudan is located on the African continent, the natural environment is harsh, the economic development is backward, and the economic sanctions and blockades imposed by the United States and other Western countries on the Soviet Union for nearly 30 years have "stuck the neck of Sudan's economic development". In 2011, under the leadership of the United States, South Sudan became independent, taking away most of the oil resources, the Sudanese government lost its main fiscal revenue, the lifeblood of economic development was cut off, and the national economy suffered a fatal blow.

Affected by the above factors, the current Sudanese economy is seriously lacking in hematopoietic capacity and continues to deteriorate. To be fair, it is very difficult to change the status quo of the Sudanese economy in a short period of time, such as what kind of government, who will be in charge, how to reform. Inflation in Sudan was as high as 360% in September 2021, and the Sudanese pound has also depreciated significantly in recent years.

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

On October 25, Sudanese people demonstrated for the release of civilian government officials

The "Sultan's Rebellion" – the hand behind it

Just a day before the turmoil in Sudan on the 25th, Jeffrey Feltman, the US special envoy for the Horn of Africa, was still visiting Sudan and meeting with Sudanese military and civilian leaders to "resolve the dispute." The solution is mainly to "pull one, fight one": to win over support for the civilian government, threatening the military to say that any action to "change the transitional government by force" will "jeopardize U.S. aid to Sudan." It seems that the US envoy had long anticipated the current turmoil, but did not expect that this time, the Sudanese military was not threatened. Therefore, the US envoy withdrew first on the 25th.

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

On October 24, a U.S. envoy visited Sudan to meet with civilian government and military officials

Sudan's political situation is turbulent, the political situation is becoming more and more complicated, chaos and chaos, all the way there have been Western countries led by the United States under the guise of "freedom and democracy", under the pretext of "lifting sanctions" and "economic assistance" as a condition, roughly instigated interference in Sudan's internal affairs.

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

Prime Minister Hamduk of the Transitional Government of the Sudan and Bourhan, former Chairman of the Sudanese Sovereign Commission

In 2019, under the covert support and encouragement of the United States and the unremitting persistence of many years, the "eye nail" of the United States, former Sudanese President Bashir, was arrested and the Bashir regime was overthrown. But the Islamist forces represented by Al-Bashir are still not to be underestimated in Sudan. On September 21, 2021, the Sudanese military thwarted an attempted coup d'état by some officers and about 40 military personnel were arrested. It is reported that the main participants in this coup are from Islamic forces.

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

On September 23, 2021, Bulhan delivered a speech on the attempted coup

The Darfur issue is also an important handle for the United States to attack the Sudanese government's "human rights issue" for many years. In October 2020, under the auspices of the United States, the Transitional Government of Sudan reached a final peace agreement in Juba with the main opposition, the Justice and Equality Movement and the Sudan Liberation Movement.

Under pressure from the United States, the Sudanese government compromised and the Darfur issue was ostensibly resolved. But in fact, the former leaders of the opposition entered the Sudanese leadership and established the "National Charter Group", which further complicated the political struggle in Sudan, the establishment of the parliament was far away, the original political transition period was added by 14 months, and the general election was forced to postpone from 2023 to 2024. The increase in uncertainty about the political situation is there for all to see. But what everyone did not expect was that after the "national charter group" entered the civilian government, it caused serious divisions within the civilian government. Some of the supporters of the recent demonstrations in front of Sudan's presidential palace calling for the dissolution of Hamduk's civilian government are from "national charter groups."

Who is behind Sudan's chaos today?

In October 2020, the final peace agreement in Juba was signed

The Chinese Embassy in Sudan once again issued a safety reminder

On October 25, the spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sudan said in response to an inquiry that since the situation in Sudan has become tense, the Chinese Embassy in Sudan has repeatedly issued security warnings and safety reminders, requiring Chinese citizens and personnel of Chinese-funded institutions in the Sudan to take safety precautions and reduce going out.

On the 25th, after the Soviet military detained transitional government officials, the Chinese Embassy in Sudan issued an emergency safety reminder for the first time, requiring that the security emergency mechanism be activated in the Soviet-funded institutions, and the personnel of the institutions should be concentrated in the station and temporarily suspended work and production. Remind Chinese citizens in the Soviet Union to do a good job of safety precautions and emergency material reserves, avoid going out or going to public places, and maintain smooth contact with the embassy, in case of emergencies, the first time to call the police and report to the embassy. The Chinese Embassy in Sudan has activated the emergency response mechanism and stockpiled the necessary emergency supplies. At present, the embassy is functioning normally and the mood of the librarians is stable.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Li Linwei Title Image Source: Xinhua News Agency Photo Editor: Su Wei

Source: Author: CCTV

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