
Artistic Taste "Wonderful" painting environment

Author: Yin Chunfang

The Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is approaching, in order to enrich the lives of the citizens, while strictly doing a good job in epidemic prevention work, Guan Shanyue Art Museum has recently specially planned and launched two major exhibitions to bring the public a Spring Festival full of "artistic flavor". "Returning to See Your Own Mountain: Lin Feng Customs and the Exploration of the Language of Lingnan Landscape Painting" shows the unique depiction of lingnan landscapes by the famous Lingnan school artist Lin Feng customs; "Guan Shanyue Art Museum Collection 'Youth Heart Seal' Series Of Works Exhibition" The youthful vitality and diversified exploration of the main part-time pen art.

"Returning to See Your Own Mountain: Lin Feng Customs and the Exploration of lingnan landscape painting language exploration special exhibition" as a new topic of "Guan Shan Yue and 20th Century Art Research" in guanguan, based on the museum's newly collected Chinese paintings of Lin Feng customs, 85 fine works are exhibited, focusing on Lin Feng customs' exploration of the language of Lingnan landscape painting in the 1960s and 1980s.

Artistic Taste "Wonderful" painting environment

Lin Feng's folk work "The Rejuvenation of the Earth" Color on paper, 1979

Lin Fengfeng (1939-2017) was a Chinese painter and art educator with far-reaching influence in modern Lingnan. As one of the first batch of Chinese landscape painting painters trained by the education system of the New China Academy of Art, he was personally taught by Guan Shanyue and Li Xiongcai of the Lingnan School, and at the same time, he was able to absorb other genres of art under the college system and form his own independent thinking. While inheriting the realistic tradition and reform and innovation of the Lingnan School, it also integrates the new concepts and new forms of literati brush and ink and modern art language in modern times, forming a distinct personal style.

"Sunset herbs are ordinary things, and the solutions are all wonderful words" is a poem that resonates with Lin Feng's customs, expressing his interpretation of the "wonderful" painting environment, which is hidden in the most daily scenery around him. The exhibition revolves around Lin's exploration process, divided into four major sections: "From college to mountain village", "traveling thousands of miles", "between lakes and mountains" and "Where is the home mountain", through a large number of real photos and works, documents, manuscripts, especially the painter's tempering of the same theme and the change from real scene to painting to present the painter's creative process and exploration process.

Lin Fengfeng once said that "walking thousands of miles and half the world, returning to see his own mountain", based on his special feelings for "his own mountain", he used his own way, on the basis of the original emphasis on sketching in the Lingnan School, paying attention to the combination of pen and ink language and form, absorbing folk colors and integrating modern visual concepts, thus forming his own appearance.

Zhuang Chengheng, associate researcher of the Lingnan Art Education Research Institute of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and curator of the exhibition, told reporters that how to express Guangdong landscape has always been the direction of Lin Feng's traditional art exploration. Behind the ordinary and simple style of Lin Feng's folk landscape paintings is a concern for the ideal homeland and a profound southern complex. What he seeks to express is a different lingnan landscape modeled on the northern and southern landscapes, thus confirming his special feelings for this land with the theme of Lingnan region. How to transform the traditional landscape painting language into a landscape painting language expression that is compatible with the Lingnan landform in the practice of pen and ink - how Lingnan painters realize "the creation of foreign teachers and the source of the heart", Lin Feng's exploration process is the response and practice of this ancient proposition.

Zhuang Chengheng introduced that another highlight of the exhibition is the contrast between the works of lingnan masters on the same landscape depiction and Lin Feng's paintings, and the audience can more intuitively feel the reference of Lin Feng's customs and his promotion of the landscape through pen and ink. For example, this time, the GuanGuan museum also specially took out two of Guan Shanyue's works "Qilian Pastoral Residence" and "Yellow River Waterwheel" from the collection together with Lin Feng's traditional copying works, so that the audience could carefully taste them.

On one side is old and calm, and on the other side is youth jumping. "Celebrating Spring with Color- Shenzhen Guan Shanyue Art Museum Collection 'Youth Heart Seal' Series Of Works Exhibition", more than 40 pieces of gongbi paintings are selected from the collection of "Youth Heart Seal" in the collection of the museum, presenting the creation and exploration of contemporary Chinese gongbi painters in different spiritual dimensions, showing the era style of Chinese gongbi painting art in the new era.

Entering the exhibition hall, the audience can find that the exhibition display is also remarkable, which complements the exhibits. Chen Junyu, deputy director of Guan Shanyue Art Museum, told reporters that the exhibition of this exhibition mainly uses the two major colors of "Dan and Qing" to create two unit exhibition halls with different theme content. "Dan" is a red tone, which is the main tone of the "Urban Story" unit, which uses red tones to reflect the vibrant urban life of young artists. At the same time, it also renders the New Year's celebration through red tones; and "Qing" is a green tone, which is the main tone of the "Natural Style" unit, which shows the poetic green world of young workers' brush strokes with green tones, and the full green also fits the light and mysterious imaginary world of the younger generation of artists in the face of nature.

It is worth mentioning that the exhibition also specially exhibits the new media work "Guan He" created by local Gongbi painters with the support of the Digital Development Department of Guanguan, using modern new media interaction technology to interact with the audience, combining traditional Chinese Gongbi painting with modern space aesthetics, and exploring the possibility of creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Gongbi painting in the new era through digital technology empowerment. (Yin Chunfang)

Source: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone News

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