
How should I be cared for 24 hours after a caesarean section? Doctor: Do these 4 points well, the body recovers quickly!

For couples, from the day a woman is confirmed to be pregnant, their hearts are filled with anticipation, worry, happiness and fear. Both look forward to and happy with the arrival and development of the baby, but also full of worries about the baby's health. For the average mother, they are not only worried about the health of the baby, but also a problem: production!

How should I be cared for 24 hours after a caesarean section? Doctor: Do these 4 points well, the body recovers quickly!

Going back a few decades, mainland medical technology is not mature enough and has not developed rapidly, so women giving birth to children are facing many unknowns, and the elderly often say that "having children is like a ghost door closing". Although today, the mainland medical technology has been very mature, but many expectant mothers are also worried about the pain of normal delivery, so they are more inclined to choose the way of birth by caesarean section.

In fact, in the clinical view, caesarean section is generally a surgical production method that is chosen only when it is forced to do so. For example, the fetus is overweight, the fetal position is not correct and cannot be delivered normally, the fetus is hypoxic, the umbilical cord is seriously wrapped around the neck, and so on. In order to ensure the safety of newborns and expectant mothers, doctors will recommend that couples choose cesarean section.

How should I be cared for 24 hours after a caesarean section? Doctor: Do these 4 points well, the body recovers quickly!

Although the caesarean section is in the process, there is anesthesia administered, and the pregnant woman does not feel pain. However, after all, this is a traumatic way of childbirth, and the mother will still feel pain after giving birth and the anesthesia is lifted. Moreover, caesarean section is actually a kind of surgery, and postoperative care is also very important, especially the need for close care 24 hours after surgery.

So the question is, 24 hours after the cesarean section, how to care for it?

How should I be cared for 24 hours after a caesarean section? Doctor: Do these 4 points well, the body recovers quickly!

1. Correct use of analgesic pump

Usually in about 3-6 hours after surgery, the effect of anesthesia will gradually disappear, and the pain in the wound will become more and more obvious. In order for new mothers to get enough rest, reduce pain, and promote physical recovery, doctors usually recommend that women use analgesic pumps or other pain medications.

However, you need to be careful not to take painkillers or press analgesic pumps frequently, because although they can temporarily relieve pain, they may prolong the time for gastrointestinal recovery;

How should I be cared for 24 hours after a caesarean section? Doctor: Do these 4 points well, the body recovers quickly!

2. Pay attention to hygiene

Although it is not through the birth canal, but after the cesarean section, women's private parts will also have lochia discharge, and the first two days of lochia discharge is larger, because women can not move freely, so it is necessary for family members to take care of health, it is best to lay a mattress pad under the body, pay attention to timely replacement, keep the lower body dry, avoid unnecessary pathogen infection and odor.

In addition, after the operation, with the permission of the doctor, it is also possible to use water to rinse the vulva to maintain local cleanliness and hygiene;

How should I be cared for 24 hours after a caesarean section? Doctor: Do these 4 points well, the body recovers quickly!

3. Turn over more

After the use of anesthetic drugs, the peristalsis function of the gastrointestinal tract is inhibited, resulting in bloating problems in the mother. Therefore, after the anesthetic has passed, the mother should do more turning over, so that the paralyzed intestine can be assisted by peristalsis, promote the recovery of intestinal function, and help the gas to be quickly excreted from the body.

Moreover, turning over more can also promote the discharge of lochia, avoid the strong luminal stasis of the uterus, reduce the chance of infection, and promote the accelerated recovery of the uterus;

How should I be cared for 24 hours after a caesarean section? Doctor: Do these 4 points well, the body recovers quickly!

4. Postpartum urination

Usually within 24 hours of caesarean section, women are unable to urinate spontaneously due to the effects of anesthetic drugs, so a urinary catheter is needed to assist in releasing urine from the bladder.

However, when the bladder muscles return to normal urination function, the catheter should be removed and discharged in time when there is a desire to urinate, so as to reduce the chance of urinary tract bacterial infection.

How should I be cared for 24 hours after a caesarean section? Doctor: Do these 4 points well, the body recovers quickly!

Written at the end: Whether it is a caesarean section or a vaginal birth option, it needs to follow the advice and arrangement of the doctor. After choosing caesarean section if necessary, the family should do a good job in all the nursing work of the mother, especially to do the health work in place, so as to avoid problems such as wounds and lower body infections, and once there is an abnormal situation, it is necessary to communicate with the doctor in time.

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