
Figuring out the cause of your baby's cold is more important than taking cold medicine! Parents come and see

The reason why children's colds are easy to occur in babies is because the baby's immune system is not yet mature, coupled with the hot and cold weather, the virus takes the opportunity to invade the baby's body, and the large number of reproduction leads to the baby's onset of illness.

Figuring out the cause of your baby's cold is more important than taking cold medicine! Parents come and see

1. The indoor environment is not good. If the room looks dark and humid, the air circulation is not smooth, or the indoor temperature is too high or too low, it will cause great harm to the baby's respiratory tract, which is easy to induce a cold in children.

2. Pathogen infection. Upper respiratory tract infections are mostly caused by viruses, but babies under 1 year of age have very narrow nasal passages and no nasal hairs. In addition, because the baby's nasal mucosa is also very soft, the mucosal glands are not secreted enough to resist viral infection.

3. Hot and cold environment. Hot and cold weather is always out of the reach of mothers. The temperature difference is too large, and if the mothers do not hurry to add clothes to the babies, the baby will be stimulated by the cold air and will be prone to colds.

Figuring out the cause of your baby's cold is more important than taking cold medicine! Parents come and see

4. Infant immune function is not developed enough. Studies have shown that infants under 1 year of age have the least immunoglobulin IgM and the lowest ability to fight infections. Reaching adult levels by the age of 3 is also one of the reasons why children's colds gradually decrease from the time they reach school age.

5. Related to the baby's diet. A survey shows that if the baby grows too fast, the mother's breast milk is insufficient, feeding milk powder, or not eating balanced nutrition because of partial eating, anorexia and other reasons, it is easy to have various degrees of trace element deficiency, and the probability of catching a cold is higher.

Colds in children are generally accompanied by fever, and the milder ones are 1-2 days or 5-6 days. The duration of fever in more severe cases may last for 1 to 2 weeks.

Figuring out the cause of your baby's cold is more important than taking cold medicine! Parents come and see

If the baby sneezes, nasal congestion, runny nose, only occasional cough a few times, the problem is not serious, the symptoms are mild, generally 3 to 4 days can be cured, appropriate can use (Baiyun Mountain) small chai hu granules, rush a few packs to give the baby to eat, relieve colds to enhance immunity, relieve the surface heat, if it is a loss of appetite can also be used.

Pediatric cold infections are generally throat infections, manifested by fever, sore throat, slightly larger lymph nodes, and tonsillitis hyperplasia. If your baby doesn't feed, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

When a child has a serious cold, the baby feels cold, general weakness, loss of appetite; fever can reach 39 ° C to 40 ° C, higher, headache, insomnia. When children have a serious cold, there may also be complications of acute abdominal pain and high fever convulsions, so mothers should pay special attention to the baby's situation at this time.

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