
Projector or TV? After reading this, you will understand

Projector or TV? After reading this, you will understand

A few days ago, controversy over the choice of projectors and televisions was on the hot search. As can be seen from the Weibo vote, the number of people who choose projectors and televisions is almost the same. So home movies, should you choose a projector or a TV? Let's tease out the difference between a projector and a TV.

Projector or TV? After reading this, you will understand

First, the clarity of the picture

When watching a movie, the sharpness of the picture directly affects the video presentation effect, and the resolution of the pixel is determined by the clarity. The higher the resolution, the higher the sharpness, and the resolution of most movies is 4k, and the lower one is 1080p. At present, the TV screen display technology has been very mature, the brightness and resolution of the LCD TV screen are very high, basically can reach 4K, the picture is clear, and the color display is realistic and delicate.

The projector is very sensitive to the light of the outside world, and it is basically no problem to watch at night when the lights are turned off, but in the scene of strong sunlight during the day, it is necessary to close the curtains. Of course, at present, the projector is gradually moving closer to the 4K picture quality, paying more attention to the performance of color and brightness, but the clarity is still not as good as the TV, and the price is much higher than the TV with the same picture quality.

Projector or TV? After reading this, you will understand

Second, the degree of damage to the human eye

Many TVs use "LED backlight", the light source directly stimulates the human eye, easy to cause retinal damage. The projector is LED illumination, projected onto the wall or curtain is diffuse imaging, no blue light damage, no screen flash damage, relatively speaking, the human eye damage is small. On the other hand, the large frame of the projector can extend the distance between the eyes and is also conducive to alleviating eye fatigue.

Projector or TV? After reading this, you will understand

Third, the size of the size

From the perspective of viewing experience, large-screen viewing gives people an immersive feeling, especially when watching 3D movies and high-definition events, large-screen can bring immersive experience and visual shock. Compared with televisions, projectors have absolute superiority in size. The screen of the projector can easily reach more than 100 inches, and can be freely adjusted according to their own needs, while the common TV screen size is between 55-85 inches, and the projector wins.

Fourth, space requirements

Space demand is a crucial factor, and the product itself has little to do with it, buy a large-screen TV basically must occupy a wall of fixed space, often adapted to a large living room. For today's young people, the large living room does not seem to be the mainstream of the house, and the placement of television sets is obviously a problem. And the projector because of its principle determines that it only needs a white wall, if you install the curtain, the position is more flexible, you want to place where you want to place, while the curtain can also be put away, and the machine itself does not occupy much space, the flexibility is very high.

Projector or TV? After reading this, you will understand

Fifth, the service life

The service life of a product greatly affects people's choices, and it can be said that durability is equivalent to saving money. Usually the service life of the TV is basically more than ten years, and the projector is not good, its life is basically about five years. Because the important part of the projector is the lamp, on the basis of the existing technology, the life of the projector bulb is calculated in hours, and the brightness of the lamp after one to two years is greatly attenuated and needs to be replaced, and it takes hundreds to thousands to replace it once. So TVs are more durable and after-sales are more economical.

Projector or TV? After reading this, you will understand

Of course, the one that suits you is the best, and the choice of TV or projector also takes into account the actual use.

1. Personal preference

If you are a movie lover, compared to the details and colors presented in the picture, you prefer the sense of immersion and impact brought by the large screen, then the projector is definitely the best choice. However, if it is a daily drama chase, simply pursuing the picture effect, it is recommended to choose a TV set.

2. Family Members

If you have small children at home, it is best to choose a projector. Because using a projector to show children cartoons or online lessons is a good choice, long-term use of the eye damage is less. If the family is mainly watched by the elderly, TV is recommended. Because most elderly people have poor vision, low color resolution, clear TV pictures, and simple operation, they will be more friendly.

3. Frequency of use

For busy office workers, the TV may not be turned on several times a year. Especially for renters, every time they move to the TV, it will be a big burden. In contrast, projectors are lighter, requiring only a power cord, a white wall (or curtain) to view, and it is easy to carry outside.

In summary, televisions and projectors have their own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing, you should first determine your own needs, and then choose the right product.

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